tl;dr a girl wants me to beat the shit out of her. Wat do?
I've been friends with this girl for a while now. She's super cool, asian, getting her PHD in some niche type of therapy for tards, already a college professor, big weeb, does slutty cosplays at cons, does Muy Thai, rides motorcycles - she's great. Both of us had significant others for a long time, but we're both recently single and we've been talking a ton and bonding over our mutual sadness.
She's coming over this weekend and I'm hoping to finally sleep with her, ideally make a FWB situation out of it. I'm kind of apprehensive about being able to please her sexually because she's told me in significant detail that she's very into being dominated and her biggest kink is literally having the shit beaten out of her. "I just want someone to hit me until I'm bloody and then cuddle me tenderly and tell me I did a good job" and "I've never found a sweet boy that's willing to be rough enough with me".
I'm not a naturally dominant person. I'm far from a sub or a cuck, but I'm not used to asserting my will onto other people, and the thought of it doesn't really get me going sexually. I've also basically never hit another person, besides one or two 5 second 'fights' in grade school and occasionally spanking my ex's when my roommates weren't home.
Any advice on how I should make an effort to please this girl if I get her into bed this weekend?
There are two sellers of it on eBay. I ordered both in case one was higher quality. This one was noticably less pixelated than the other.
Mason Long
Buy a white tanktop, some malt liquor and get to work then. Start with some light slapping and work you way up. Spit on her face and grab her hair by force. Check out catalog. Im sure theres an abuse thread there for inspiration
Blake Powell
You bought repackaged redbubble stickers congratulations Don't neglect getting written or, even better, video consent. Its what all the porn studios who specialize in this do because bitches WILL be crazy and the law WILL side with them. Then just imagine she's someone you hate.
John Perez
The scariest part would be finding out you like it. Are you prepared for that? Cause if it awakens a thirsty kink in you and it doesn't work out between you two, then what?
Leo Lee
Is she a bit nuts? I would never do this because the backfire can be HUGE. (Imagine that you go too far and she changes her mind? Or worse, imagine that it was a trap from the beginning)
Ayden Anderson
Okay this piece of wisdom I am about to bestow upon you may seem out of left field but....
Jose Bailey
get the consent on video / writing.
William Bailey
you found a unicorn! go for it, and make sure you force her to drink your piss.