Don't you feel like politics is usually very emotionally driven and kinda childish at times?

Don't you feel like politics is usually very emotionally driven and kinda childish at times?
Why aren't more people pragmatic about their politics?

Attached: 1555289370008.png (500x500, 149K)

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>Don't you feel like politics is usually very emotionally driven and kinda childish at times?
Leftists generally are like that. Right-wingers, ehh, not so much.

>Why aren't more people pragmatic about their politics?
being a smug cunt and not arguing in good faith feels better than having your beliefs challenged.
Also the fact that the US sets the tone for political discourse and the american political system will always converge into a two party system which is inherently polarising and the fact that people can make a lot of money from outrage culture

we're not doing great norway. the scandinavian countries are not doing good at all. I'd rather be in a society with freedoms than a shitty welfare society that we have

Because it is easier to remain ignorant and disregard facts. You shouldn't trust politicians. They rely on people and most of what they care about is to save their popularity. Many become corrupt and end up doing nothing. Politic revolves around humans and because of that it can never be objective.

No i feel that they are puppets controled by capitalists and bankers who only want more profits for thier masters.

For most people politics is a venue to perform social identities, not a tool to achieve goals.

Pic is silly though, the people who accept that the Nordic model isn't socialism aren't the people who claim that adopting the Nordic model would somehow be socialism.

> only 5 million people
> big oil reserve
socialism works

>Don't you feel like politics is usually very emotionally driven and kinda childish at times?
He asked while posting memes on the asshole of the internet

Most people are idiots and don't see how they are being played to vote against their own interests.

This is what's happening to the rest of the Western world.

Attached: elephant-graph-post-fig1.png (842x584, 221K)


How much does a glass of water cost in Norway?

Tap water is clean enough to drink, so nothing.

>then let's adopt those policies
yeah just cut military spening half and implement a 25 % sales tax

Attached: Unbenannt.png (1784x2276, 606K)

yeah it is.
and infortunaly internet is getting like that even if it's a writing type while writing needs logical reasoning and facts if you want to be serious in the debate
but now its mostly just fighting and not debating wich is pretty sad.

/thread MPAI, and Wizard's First Rule.

Ask a retired person when was the last time they read a book and most of them will pridefully say that it was in high school.

>> let's adopt those policies

Those policies already exist here and are exactly why I cheat on my taxes. Im not giving you faggots 30% off the top of $125k.

I actually tax returns! Lmao

The true trick is not to have any taxable income, but the second best trick is to have more deductibles than taxes so you return taxes instead of paying.

You still live with your parents

No nigger the trick is to fuck the numbers up. They just send you a check.

>Wizard's First Rule
I am not a nigger. Brazil is a white majority country, but you can't fuck the numbers up here. Everything is cross-checked.
It is like Al Capone. It's easier getting caught here by doing your taxes wrong than by defrauding a multibillion dollar company.
(It's by design.)

this is why i dont give a fuck about politics
its the same as giving a fuck about a soap opera really
"omg this week so and so waaaat lyk no waaay"
talking about the activities of people who don't give a fuck about you or even know you exist
so fucking lame
practice genuine apathy friends
none of that "everything is shit = apathy" because thats thinking something matters
everything is like water off the ducks back when you are genuinely apathetic
its joyous

>thinking that you can adopt a policy used by a homogenous high trust society in a multi culti country

you dont realise how good youve got it dan

OP pic shows you're wrong.

Yes. 10 years ago no one cared about politics, now everyone cares. It's exhausting and not interesting at all.

I think it's just cope for having no life or unique interests, which is more common now than ever. Mostly due to social media or web 2.0 in general killing the idea of the subculture.

I have a leftist friend whom I've been friends with with childhood.

He's solid and he agrees with me on no corporate wars but he's centrist on Israel and believes in mass migration. I told him that universal healthcare etc only works in a society that is able to work together and increasing the numbers through mass migration only makes it worse.

that's called a strawman, lad.

Britain is not white


Tap water cost money.

Prices for Oslo:

10,26 NOK per m3 for water + 15,39 NOK per m3 for drain. + tax 25% + Yearly fee 323 NOK.(+ 25% tax=403,75NOK.)

>25 % sales tax
holy shit thats jew level

Muh, nordic model.

Attached: Purchasingpower.jpg (1260x1260, 342K)

this. bassed

> Wizard's First Rule
Love that series

Wrong. You give the enemy too much credit. All governments are administrative nightmares and people are lazy. Governments run on belief. Nothing else

people are driven by emotion and are bad at being pragmatic

Government is inherently evil.
Everything the government over-extends into turns to shit.
All taxes are theft.
Shrink the government, end the welfare state, end property tax / income tax / sales tax on food & drinks, end government involvement entirely in healthcare etc etc - this literally fixes all of the problems.

Dude, you're not from Brazil. You're not wrong on your side, but here on Brazil they make it VERY hard to cheat on your taxes. You can't fudge the numbers. Everything is cross-checked. It is not like the government has to do it. Everything is digital.
Let me give you a simple example; when you do your taxes, you have to list your income by company, for each company, using what would be like the company's SSN (I don't know if USA has a SSN for companies).
When a company does its taxes, it has to list all of the expenses with personnel, for each person, using that person's SSN.
Both informations are software cross-checked, and if they don't match, the same software flags your SSN (and the company's) in a database that is automatically checked in a number of things you might want to do, like taking a loan at the bank.
You cannot fudge the numbers here.

Coming from the alt incels, that used their last 5 years to scream about pink haired tumblerina "MUHSJW" .

Facts over feelings indeed, kikey meme-flag.

Americans are very pragmatic.
They can kill a communist and not feel a thing.

You sound like a 12 year old.

Libtards: "Why is our country so divided, we need to come together. ;_;"
Also libtards: "Shut up and agree with me."