>Sitting in rocking chair in nursery
>Holding my blonde haired and blue eyed baby boy as he sleeps
>Look at his peaceful face and see my eyes and my wife's nose.
Feels good man.
Have some white babies, anons. You won't regret it.
>Sitting in rocking chair in nursery
>Holding my blonde haired and blue eyed baby boy as he sleeps
>Look at his peaceful face and see my eyes and my wife's nose.
Feels good man.
Have some white babies, anons. You won't regret it.
So can suffer at the hands of minority rule?
Fuck off disgusting kike.
Life IS struggle.
This retardness is like saying that you shouldn't have kids because one they the sun will explode and the universe will cool down to the point that time stops.
lmao ok.
how are you going to bring kids in the world when your currency is collapsing Argentina?
>the meaning of life is to reproduce like an animal because your animal instincts told you to
God bless you user
What a nice self-portrait.
50% German, 50% Welsh. Whiter than you, dicklips. Stop coping because you will never procreate.
Thanks for the witty comment boomer faggot
>Impending white minority
>Don't have white kids
Makes sense
I'm not a boomer you peon.
A man has two paths to eternal life: one is through his son. The other is through Jesus Christ. I hope you find both.
Give the meaning of life or fuck off faggot.
Same to you user. He is Risen.
>Have some white babies, anons. You won't regret it.
Should two mentally ill people procreate? Is this your attempt at humor? I'd beat the living shit out of you right now if we were in the same room.
Cope. You don’t live through your kids. When your dead your spirit doesn’t magically live on in them.
Advancing humanity so that we get closer to the creator of the universe.
A black hole would crush you into stardust if it were in the same room.
Quiet nigger. The humans are speaking.
And how do you plan to do that without reproducing Einstein.
Half of your genetic code literally lives on in them, it's not magic retard.
Cope? I prefer Kodiak but thanks. I am already at peace with death knowing that a part of me will live on.
>how are you going to bring kids in the world when your currency is collapsing Argentina?
because argies are a bunch of moolies and essentially breed like rats
Wintergreen forever
>Quiet nigger. The humans are speaking.
you wouldn't be saying this hogtied to the back of my pickup truck, faggot
>A black hole would crush you into stardust if it were in the same room.
you wouldn't say that if you were unconscious now would you?
this kek
Are you threatening me?
rape is in your kids future btw
Poke the grizzly
I don't need these things, I don't need it, I dom't need it, I don't need it, life is not meamt to be lived like this, it's natural, it can happen, but I shall stop myself, my inexistent self, I shall stop it, convulsion, compulsion, self-destruction for the sake of it, breathe, breathe, endure the cravings crawl like a worm until you are reborn as a butterfly, free from bonds.
Why so angry and why do white kids scare you?
Cope. Either nigger, sterile, faggot, or all three
it's not a threat if your face accidentally lands on my knee ya clumsy fuck
poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop
Pic related
That’s not you living through them. You’re dead. None of the actions they make are going to be because of you “living on through them”. When they make decisions they won’t be thinking about you. You’ll be dead.
Look at all the hatred, mockery and divisiveness this simple post garnered from the sour kikes of the world. It's hilarious.
Have a bump.
I used better online tough guy tactics as a kid on AOL. You sound miserable, user. IDK what's going on but I hope you can heal.
>Why so angry and why do white kids scare you?
fuck you I hope you and your family gets eaten by feral niggers :)
It's a bit of a metaphor but the fact that 50% of you lives on through them is literally true.
Typical cuck completely satisfied and complacent with his life even though the world is currently fucked and is going to get fucked harder.
That's not really an answer to the question. I'm guessing you have some sort of severe mental illness?
>Not a part of son's life
>Zero influence on their decisions.
Must be black
It's not even bait! Just sharing muh feels.
>That’s not you living through them. You’re dead. None of the actions they make are going to be because of you “living on through them”. When they make decisions they won’t be thinking about you. You’ll be dead.
This. Christkikery and the failure of tradcuckery is dying, a new age of genetically engineered aryan men and women are underway, fuck these christkikes they'll all be eaten by feral niggers.
But user, if I have kids how can I afford that new car loan? Mr. Noseberg will be very disheartened to hear that I'm spending my money on such frivelous things. I can just go on a nice soul-searching trip to Asia.
It was probably an accident you didn't wind up in jail yet. Or maybe you're just a larper.
How many people in the world believe their parents live on through them even after they die?
Cheers mate
who doesnt love babbies
>How dare you be happy, goy
>That's not really an answer to the question. I'm guessing you have some sort of severe mental illness?
you christkikes are the reason why jews and niggers still exist, you're so far gone and brain dead from your programming you fail to see this
>implying he’s gonna take your advice when he can learn about the world on his own from his own experiences
This idea that *as long as Ive bred, Ive done my job* is exactly what got us into the situation were in now in the first place. Thats what the boomers did after all, and its obvious where this leads: first slavery then extermination.
Finding the nearest white roastie to fuck without a condom is the easiest way to kid yourself into thinking youre doing something if youre the typical high 90s IQ brainlet.
Crazy neurotic NEETs are at least a little more respectable than the average pencil pushing betacuck provider, because at least they are forced to face that theyre doing nothing, even if thats not their motivation.
Who do you think will engineer those white babies? Your fucking cat?
>This idea that *as long as Ive bred, Ive done my job* is exactly what got us into the situation were in now in the first place. Thats what the boomers did after all, and its obvious where this leads: first slavery then extermination.
>Finding the nearest white roastie to fuck without a condom is the easiest way to kid yourself into thinking youre doing something if youre the typical high 90s IQ brainlet.
>Crazy neurotic NEETs are at least a little more respectable than the average pencil pushing betacuck provider, because at least they are forced to face that theyre doing nothing, even if thats not their motivation.
tradcucks are on their way out, most of them are probably still very young and stupid, little do they realize their whore wives will assrape them in divorce court within 10 years from now
Don't try and paint yourself as some pro-west anti-religious white person. If you were you would be in favor of white kids and white people reproducing which you obviously are not.
lol your kids are going to breed with niggers
Idk how many grains of sand are in the Sahara desert? The answer to that question is irrelevant.
>Yes goy, you’ve completed your mission in life now. You’ve finally achieved your one goal. We’ll take the reins now. No need for you to bother with anything else now
>Thinks having children and not being a betacuck are mutually exclusive
No one here is satisfied of complacent.
>Don't try and paint yourself as some pro-west anti-religious white person. If you were you would be in favor of white kids and white people reproducing which you obviously are not.
your wife is going to assfuck you in divorce court within the next 10 years and you'll only see your kids every other weekend lmao
screencap this
>looking at my baby's eyes while his eyes are closed
>thinking I'm OP
not gona screencap the ramblings of some schizo
This but unironically
Being a father is the greatest blessing, good job OP, today you weren't a fag
>I'm gonna bitch online all day about globohomo and whit genocide but I won't do the one thing that will actually help to secure our existence.
then don't lol
you'll be paying alimony hahahahahahaha
I'm not married you dumb shit.
>Being a father is the greatest blessing, good job OP, today you weren't a fag
the next one will end in a miscarriage :)
How much do they pay you to come here or does your daddy make you do it for free?
>I'm not married you dumb shit.
even better she'll just take the kids and leave lmao
I don't have kids either
what saying your next one she shits out will be a miscarriage? I post this for free nigger
Bless you and your family as well user
digits btw
What an evil looking baby. Of course it's evil, it's white.
doubles get!
doubles get nao!
doubles naaao!
No grown man talks like this about having children. Just have as many kids as you want, but for the love of God, just shut up about having children.
No, thanks.
I don't want to pass on my shitty genetics.
>having kids in this god-forsaken world
you should be jailed
>child stays with mother
>spend next 25 years wagecucking to pay child support
I'm trying to inspire and give hope to fellow anons. Having kids and being relatively happy is not a meme. Yes, the world is still globohomo. But we can't just give up.
If life is so bad then why don't you kys?
If life is so bad then why haven't you kys?
Been married ten years Shlomo. Statistically, if we were going to divorce it would've happened by now.
>No grown man talks like this about having children
Women talk like this, all of my workmates who have kids say they're happy but you can tell they're miserable, not a single one of them ever talks about how they love their wife, their women call to hassle them at work about finances and my workmates look at me with envy.
I'm with you on this. Other anons are kike shills, or retards.
I have a new little red haired blue eyed (so far) daughter. It's great.
>If life is so bad then why haven't you kys?
Anders-Bjorn was just implying retards like you should be sterilized.
They wont have to after minorities are banned from the United States after the race war.
>.t mexican beaner
Definitely not the next generation of natural humans
The answer is little to none. Do you honestly think about your parents every time you make a decision and you think the choices you’re making are because of them? Or do you make choices based off of your own experiences?
How is having kids magically gonna make the entire 3rd world moving into white countries and Jews controlling every aspect of society go away?
>real men bitch constantly
Liar. One faggot who thinks it's fun to bitch does that, and you extrapolated the world from it. I work in a machine shop and everyone there who has kids is happy as a pig in shit about it.
God bless your child user.
>I have a new little red haired blue eyed (so far) daughter. It's great.
lol guess whos coming over for dinner?