Don't make too many posts though, Saturday is almost over here and I'm back to the daily grind from tomorrow. I will answer as many as I can, as detailed as I can
Hoping to improve my debate and reasoning and research skills as well as educate you (and me)
Please try your best not to swear. I won't and I prefer if you didn't.
Gave you a bump, you'd be lucky to get some actual non-10iq-screeching debate here
James Morales
Thanks for the bump
I just wanted to see whether the infamous Jow Forums could pull any dirt on the GOAT religion
Other than the whole Rohingya debacle which I fully condemn
Christian Powell
The thing with Buddhism is that it's too pacifistic and it's nihilistic too. Hinduism is better to follow as it provides answers to things Buddhism can't
Austin Brown
Siddhartha's teachings are utterly lacking with respect to the question of God, and that's not to mention his erroneous belief in reincarnation, which is foundational to his religion.
Brayden Gray
Hinduism is theistic and polytheistic at that Which is not fully bad, it just doesn't allow for flexibility. I'm agonistic myself and think that there is no definite proof that God exists or doesn't and there never will be As for the pacifism, there are sects that do war and there is such a thing as Buddhist self defense. But the fact that the religion has survived 2500 years with such pacifism just shows that humans actually are a force of good overall
Landon Stewart
It's just a counterfeit of Hindu
Isaiah Howard
>Other than the whole Rohingya debacle which I fully condemn >which I fully condemn This pacifist bullshit right here is the problem with Buddhism
Jason Watson
I personally think the fact that Buddhism lacking a God is one of the best things about it
Nihilism goes hand in hand with theism I think. If god exists, then humans are special and that's all well and good. If god doesn't exist, then we are an accident alone in a practically infinite uncaring universe
Maybe either way, we're better off not knowing
Daniel Smith
Buddhism survived for that long time because they didn't have much external threats like Islam. Hinduism is really flexible and many Hindus I know worship different God and there are few who practice things from other religions and are still Hindu. The flexibility was always there.
Luis Carter
There are a lot of fundamental differences
I know there are a bunch of Hindus who believe Buddha was an incarnation of Vishnu, but again, the differences between the two religions are vast enough that 'counterfeit' is just wrong
Unless I'm missing something, Rohingyas were a peaceful group in Myanmar. There was no insinuation from the Rohingya side afaik and therefore, I condemn it
Julian Parker
At least if you get yourself a tattoo of their holy symbol but grow out of the religion later, you can always just tell people you're into sailing.
Benjamin Smith
The law based on logic, mutual prosperity and individual rights. Self control in terms of not imposing anything on anyone, except the basic law to a t without Exception!
Noah Lewis
While it is true that Buddhism didn't have to contend with any Abrahamic religion, 2500 years is a long time and the fact that's it's still growing strong is a thing of utmost pride In Hinduism, (at least the Hinduism that I've seen), you worship the same Gods your parents did and your children worship the same Gods that you do. For example, multiple generations worshipping Krishna is not uncommon. That's the definition of rigid
I'm born Buddhist and after a lot of reading, i've decided that I will die one. I'm also not into tattoos but I got the joke
The law is not 'imposing' anything on anyone, you follow it by choice. They're guidelines to being a decent person if anything. I'm willing to follow all the laws, not because someone told me to but of my own accord
Isaiah Kelly
Nope the Rohingya started it like always. They go to Buddhist villages and rape and murder Buddhists. They carry out attacks on army checkpoints. It’s the same as everywhere else in the world that Muslims infest. They start shit with any nearby non Muslim then cry out “help me I’m a poor victim!” when they face retaliation.
this. these people are not indigenous to myanmar, they are relatively recent arrivals who have been causing trouble ever since they got there. and now they feel empowered to cause even more trouble because they know that if they cry about being oppressed, western countries will put pressure on myanmar.
Ian Howard
When we retake the church from the faggots it'll be Lutheranism
Years ago, for about a full year, I went twice a week to a local dharma center I went mainly to mediate. 50 minutes sitting in silence is no joke. I became very good towards the end of my time there. I'm sure I could catch up pretty quick if I started again. I was much calmer and focused in daily life because of it. The 7 minutes of chanting irritated me for months. Though I eventually embraced that as well. The translation seemed pretty harmless. > peace to all > love for all sentient beings Blah, blah Overall, I enjoyed it greatly. Being on this shithole, actually is what made me embrace Christ, however. I was an empty militant atheist for decades. Christianity is what built the West And not accepting that is what actively destroys it. DEGENERACY, transfuckery, hedonism, homoclownworld, and pretty much everything awful about our culture right now is because of atheism and rejection of truth, beauty and anything good.
Jonathan Phillips
Central Happenings Network or CHN Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason. No strikes were given or warnings >then his backup Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!! They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel. We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!
This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!! >stream from Saturday morning FUCK YOUTUBE AND JEWGLE >This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.
Samuel Diaz
Biddhism isn't pacifist. Self defense is considered valid, as is a country protecting itself or maintaining an army for defense.
The idea that Buddhism is pacifist is a misunderstanding, which originated from western progressives.
Brayden Edwards
satans fun, divide, pit each division against each other, sit back watch cock fights.
No, because it challenged Hinduism. Sikhism is also based, because it challenged Hinduism. So is Jainism.
Oliver Taylor
What the fak even is Hinduism
Eli Bell
Nothing originating from Poos is “based.”
James Gomez
If there is no God, who is the arbiter of karma and determines one's rebirth?
Alexander Hill
Cringe and nerdpilled
Ayden Davis
Good tier religions: Buddhism Christianity Daosim
Bad tier religions: Islam Atheism Judaism
Cameron Bailey
Then stop using MATH You cucked leaf
Nathaniel Hall
Alright, believe everything you read on the internet Pajeet. It's not any worse than it is anywhere, and it's hard to be everywhere at once. If you took a moment to think further than your nose went you would be able to figure this one out yourself. G'day retard.
Christian King
How do even know bibe is correct It was written years after jesus
Leo Moore
And messages change within a day if you pass it verbally
Christopher Walker
sure or should I write it as: >>MCXXXIC.. nvm cant even quote your post with your numbers