What if I told you, you had no rights and rights are a complete meme

What if I told you, you had no rights and rights are a complete meme.

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I'm a cat, what the fuck do I care. Meow.

I'd tell you to fuck off nigel, my family came over on the Mayflower to get away from people like you

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cute cat though

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That's a big cat

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No shit.
Now repeat after me, buy/consume, go to work, pay your taxes. You are free. You are free.

What if I told you that you're preaching to the choir?

I'd think you were a smart man

If you’re talking to your own country I’d completely agree

Puss never missed a climb-day

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This cat is an absolute UNIT

More rights then you ahmed.

What if I told you I myself could begin securing my rights today by making a little trip three locations, before brutally and horrifically ending the lives of three major power-playing families while making my intent clear?

I'm one man. Imagine if thousands of us began hunting them. They do not want to die, user. They do not want their loved ones killed. The line is drawn with a sword, not a pen. And they respect what is drawn in blood. All of nature does.

>What if I told you, you had no rights and rights are a complete meme.
If you don't have rights, then why does the government exist?

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says the cuck with no constitution

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>You have no rights
>I have the right to question the government

Come back when you spend some time in China, as I have, and realize in some places you can’t even question your government without the secret police coming to talk to you.

So far the illusion of me having rights that I live with has not been so bad give I do exactly what I want when I want to! Why change it if it Ain't, lol, broken!

And if anyone thinks I don't have rights heck, so far so good you do you I will do my thing!

You're right. Everything's a "right" now.

for mew

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Even Shepherds stay clear of him.

the only thing keeping people in line is the threat of being sent to a cage where they would be raped by "totally not gay" niggers

We have an expression in Dutch that goes like you have a no and you can receive a yes. Rights only exist as long as they are given. I would think most people understand that.


>And because the condition of Man, (as hath been declared in the precedent Chapter) is a condition of Warre of every one against everyone; in which case every one is governed by his own Reason; and there is nothing he can make use of, that may not be a help unto him, in preserving his life against his enemyes; It followeth, that in such a condition, every man has a Right to every thing; even to one anothers body.
Imagine getting btfo by someone who has been dead for 350 years

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What if I told you that kittez go meowz :3

I could say the same to the government and royal family.

I'd kill you because you wouldn't have the right to exist.

Absolute unit

i'd say you're doing a roman confessional.