Why do yuros build their churches out of shitty dry sticks and not bricks and steel like God-fearing Americans do? Is our Christian God simply better than their silly Catholic God with the pointy hat in Rome? Rhetorical question and pic related.
Why do yuros build churches out of sticks?
Because that church is older than your country, Sage
>build church out of kindling
>burns down
yuros literally didn't see this coming
I tell people all the time. The reason the government build all its building from steel and concrete is because you cant burn them down.
Dumb fucking nigger.
how do we fix americans?
Maybe the guy who built it wasn't a dumb nigger, just a poor nigger who couldn't afford quality building materials?
The real question is "why do asians call poop 'buttmeat'?"
I mean it is like you try to explain to them they are not supposed to eat it.. but they just tell you "what? it's buttmeat!". Then they continue to eat it while looking at you like you're the idiot in the conversation.
Well whatever you do please don't build us any churches, and if you do, spend the extra hundred bucks on a sprinkler system please.
holy fucking lol
Catholics don’t worship the pope dumbass, the pope has no official stated power. He’s literally nothing but the president of the Vatican and the “leader” of the Church of Rome. He is nothing more than an elected official and he isn’t infallible.
Protestants have no reason to hate Catholics and your religion is just a watered-down imitation created by a kike named (((Martin Luther))) who didn’t like the Catholic Church because he he realized his hooked nose would never smell Christ’s feet.
Fuck Protestants lmao
Youve literally been obeying his edicts for 1000+ years. As well as committing biblical sacrilege for him.
>what is the law of presumption
Don't be silly, nobody hates Catholics more than Catholics, because they really get to know how bad the Church is.
Hows having no foreskin protecuck? Feels good to not be an amerigoy.
lol cope harder you idol worshipping mackerel snapper
can't tell the difference between bait and reality anymore.
the pope is a satanist
we are in clown world
Most boys born in London these days are getting circumcised too, aren't they? Why not just ask them and their parents?
1163 was an expensive year for titanium.
He looks like a Jew.
Wait, Americans even go to church?
You'd think a church that took 200 years to build - almost as long as America has even been a country - would have been built well enough not to burn in one afternoon.
Christians dont. Only amerigoys are stupid enough to do that. As stupid as literal thirld worlders in africa and ME which is fitting as youll be a third world country in a generation.
You conveniently forget the 800 years where it didn't burn.
You'd think modern leaders would have learned how to protect our historical heritage.
so you're saying most boys born in London aren't getting circumcised, or you're avoiding the question? why? ashamed? scared?
So if I spend a year building a house it's an accomplishment if it lasts 4 years? Wew frog
>the chad cathedral
burn for hours without any serious structural damages
>the virgin twin towers
collapse after a one-hour fire
Kek this is good payback for those faggot Euro trash threads taking about American houses
>spend 6 months building wooden house
>lasts 60 years
yuros say: lol dumb americans
>spend 200 years building wooden church
> lasts 800 years
yuros say: but muh culture
Amerifats on suicide watch
Top kek
based john pierre
Have you ever been in a church, moron?
quasimodo predicted all of this
More like, the wooden house lasts till the next hurricane season
Did a 767 fly into it at 500 mph?
God damn europhags are stupid....
>the virgin capital gazette
5 dead 2 injured
>the chad charlie hebdo
17 dead 22 injured
>the virgin orlando nightclub
50 dead 53 injured
>the chad bataclan nightclub
130 dead 413 injured
What did they all have in common? They were all faggots but they still weren't as gay as the faggots who made the pope's shitty wooden church.
lol each hurricane season fewer than 0.1% of houses in america get destroyed, probably vastly fewer than that. no wonder yuros are poor, hell even the slavs are bad at math and they're half chink
Some of you frenchies are alrights. Don't start your Peugeot in the morning.
I mean, you can hardly call those pile of toothpics a house.
Fuck your generation is so stupid. That cathedral has been standing for centuries you moron, if it was made of sticks you think it would've survived all those wars ?