Flag Acquisition General /FAG/

Welcome to /FAG/ (original: boards.Jow Forums.org/pol/thread/210259240)

The goal is simple: Make trannies and normies belive that the Rainbow flag linked to the alt-right somehow thought the help of the mass-media.

The ideology we are trying to link to the rainbow flag is RACIAL SEGREGATION

Motto: ”A separate race for every race”

The Battle Plan: Make memes and propaganda for our ideology and spread them throughout the internet and IRL if you are in an english speaking country , hope that MSM picks them up and spreads them further.

DO NOT USE SWASTIKAS as that whould make it a dead giveaway that this is not legitimate. USE HONKLER INSTEAD as the medie knows he is alt-right but not what he stands for precisely , we can make him stand for this.

See last thread: Pastebin: pastebin.com/knr0SBjY

Attached: agree.png (1280x808, 250K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The real question is "why do asians call poop 'buttmeat'?"

I mean it is like you try to explain to them they are not supposed to eat it.. but they just tell you "what? it's buttmeat!". Then they continue to eat it while looking at you like you're the idiot in the conversation.

this pride flag thing is not picking on at all
are you fags even sharing it on twitter or do you just post oc in these threads?

Attached: Rainbow2.png (1079x2005, 1022K)

Now it goes around the sausage
There you are on the woodway
My hair stands up to the mountain
I understand only train station
I think I spider
The Devil I will do!
Come on, jump over your shadow
You walk me animally on the cookie
Holla the wood fairy
You are such a fear-rabbit
You might tick incorrectly
You are missing cups in your cupboard
She had a circleruntogetherbreak


Way to go, Germany.

hurry up and meme yourselves gay! i want a burly Hun invader to force his way into my synagogue!

free transgender gfs for all Jow Forums boys!
it's so sweet to see our boards working together for once!

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Based Romanian Bro

>Do you want Trannies? Because this is how you get Trannies

We Have Trannies!!!! Let them bump us, ignore them.

Attached: 1555745995462m.jpg (1024x639, 52K)

The Pride Flag Is Our Flag!!!
Fly Our Pride!!!
Fly Our Flag!!!!

Let's Bring Peace to the Middle East! Send it's People Home!!!!

Attached: 1555646406411.jpg (500x308, 24K)

Attached: 1555745422115m.jpg (1024x724, 50K)