Not sexually attracted to my bf of 4 years anymore

I have this issue where I am not sexually attracted to my boyfriend anymore. And I don't know what to do, should we break up or try to fix it? Of course I love him, but I don't feel like I'm in love sexually with him anymore. He just feels like he is my best friend, who I am forcing my self to have sex and kiss with. But I am also afraid of breaking up with him. If that makes sense.

We are each other's first everything, and it all started as a long distance relationship. We were only 19 and 23 at the time.

I just don't really know what to do or feel anymore...

I really need some advice.

Attached: 573CCF26-DF8C-401D-9083-4491DE38AF95.jpg (1200x854, 95K)

do activities together. The social kind

Does sex really mean that much to you? You're never going to find anyone who you're keen to fuck regularly for over 4 years - we're wired that way.

Just have a wank if you're horny. If you actually love this guy, trust him and enjoy his company then don't throw away a potential life long relationship over feeling horny. That's what pornography exists for.

Has he gained weight or something that can possibly be fixed?

If not, I say end it. You should be attracted to your partner and not feel like you're settling or forcing things. That sounds uncomfortable as fuck.

youre typical NEET

Just cheat on him and get it over with. Ending the relationship that way would actually hurt him less than, "I'm leaving you because I'm not attracted to you and have been forcing myself to stay"

You know what to do :smirk:

Women these days ain’t loyal.

Figure out if it matters.
People stop being in love with each other after a while and suddenly you just love each other.
It isn't a bad thing. Talk with him. Figure out how to improve. Don't get lazy or grow to resend each other.

Are you a woman? Losing attraction happens to everyone but women more than other people. Bear in mind a sexless relationship is basically how every non male on male relation ends because women libido works like that, so if you truly love him consider staying with him and just reducing the amount of sex.