Becoming a LegenD

I wanted so many things from life. None of them happened and now I'm just a balding, exhausted, stressed out 30-year-old.
Never got the dream girl, never made any difference. And most of all, never had any fun.

There's still one thing I haven't given up on. I want to be remarkable. I want to be a legend in some field. A celeb. But I have no particular skills in anything and I don't even know what I would set out to do.
My current idea is to make an anime studio or something. I could hire art students and such to do all the hard work for me. Since they're students a few hundred bucks a month would probably suffice.
Then I'm Miyazaki or something, a living god.

Tell me what kind of project I should dedicate all my time, money and soul on.
I will not go gently into the night and waste my life wondering. I want to use every ounce of life I have left in me, even if it means I'll crash and burn.

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Basically I want a project.

Should I hire people and make my own anime studio and become Miyazaki?
Should I become a pro boxer?
Should I invent a machine that lets me fly like a bird?
Or maybe I should hide in an abandoned mansion, stay there for the rest of my life, and play the role of a ghost or something.

making an anime studio is easy, that's why there are so many successful ones.

Cringy as hell

Do something nice, however trivial, for someone today.
Do something nice, however trivial, for someone tomorrow.
Repeat daily.
Soon being a celebrity won't matter all that much to you anymore

Have you cleaned your room today?

I don't get kicks out of regular things. 30 KHV's like me have no actual life and that's why. If you have never had any friends, love or anything, you don't get dopamine from helping others.

Bullshit, follow the advice.

Everyone has a calling.
Go through your skill set, life experience and network of friends. Is there a path that could be chosen based on those?

>Everyone has a calling.

That's the thing. Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to dedicate my life to some goal, but I never know what it is or it keeps changing.
>Go through your skill set, life experience and network of friends
I succeed in things that I like. I don't have much life experience though, or friends.
What do I like, then? Nothing, as of right now.

Jus' wanna have my own wikipedia article

>Should I become a pro boxer?
Too late at 30. You have to start in your teens.
>Since they're students a few hundred bucks a month would probably suffice.
You don't get great work, good workers and great results for minimal bucks and minimal effort on your side

What can I start at 30 and become world famous doing?


The Runner by Zack Hemsey

He was living his life in a fog
Oblivion's welcoming arms
His view of society marred
No perception of forces at large
Quite the misfit and always on guard
In his mind rang a silent alarm
And so lays the ground of a future that waits
When you feel like you ain't where you are
Out of control his compulsion to flee
Absent of value as best he could see
As from within so without unto thee
Knew he'd strike out on his own eventually
And so it would be
Patience no virtue amid certainty

The freedom was like an addiction he soared on a glorious high
Living to him was a mission devoid of objective in mind
He'd move at the drop of a dime with no thinking or questioning why
Never developed attachment to things all would get left behind
This was the method that patterned his ways
Perpetual motion without any reins
No repercussions, no piper to pay
No obligation to come into play
Nothing to weigh
No one to sway
No inhibition or stress to allay
"No benefit to the bonded" he'd say
"So die on the morrow but live for this day"
Lone as the wolf strays he remained one in kind
A habit of force made as he wade far and wide
Now onwards and upwards, no grind
If you don't seek you can't find
Devil-may-care, well no devil compared
He was onto one hell of a ride
He was gone

Brick by brick, stone by stone
Block by block, home by home
Bridge by bridge, zone by zone
Piece by piece, forged his own path
Years come and gone
Sites come upon
Miles drifted on
Wounds licked and gnawed
Fate hemmed and hawed
Yet this single flaw
Fulfillment he never saw
Running from guilt and from sorrow disguised and from things insecurity hides
Running from doubt and the pressure to cope with no semblance of hope on the rise
Running from heartbreak and love
Running from who he had failed to become
Running from fear he soon came to realize
He was left all alone with but words of the wise
He said "friend, go yonder, but bear this in mind
In this world, know one truth: you can't run from time"

Not funny bruh.

Even Jesus started his career at 30 or so and he's the most famous dude ever.

something that doesn't depend on youth and physicality for success. business, technology, or art, for example.

It's a weird feeling being physically 30 but mentally still 15 like always.

Take it easy. Nobody need to make difference. You just got to live your life the way you desire.

OP you're not a savant genius that'll wow the world in any given field just by doing it & wanting to be magically rich & famous is a shallow fantasy.

if you want to be remarkable it needs to be on a personal level, for the people you meet & care about.
you know, the people that actually exist.

work to better yourself as a person & make a habit out of it.
find a hobby you enjoy & are proud of, then keep doing it.
try to be a positive presence in the lives of those around you.

you wont live a fufilling life stuck in a fantasy, build your foundations first.

the thing that makes aging scary is the fact that this will never change. you'll always think young & feel old, until you can't think.

the hobby doesn't matter btw, try flintknapping.
you can pick up rocks while hiking, whatever.

Focus on doing good and fighting the good fight, user.
Learn how to treat the wounded, fix the broken, feed the poor.
Take as little as one subject that you can massively do good for others in, and go all in.
You will bask in glory and for those you saved, your name will never be forgotten.

>There's still one thing I haven't given up on. I want to be remarkable. I want to be a legend in some field. A celeb. But I have no particular skills in anything and I don't even know what I would set out to do.
You want to be a "remarkable" person or some "legend," but there is nothing remarkable about you. You just want attention for your ego. People worth remembering dont seek to be remembered.

>there is nothing remarkable about you. You just want attention for your ego. People worth remembering dont seek to be remembered.

Excuse me but the entire Youtube and social media works this way and no matter how boring and shit content people put out it gets 70 million hits today and Patreon dollars.

Source on this movie anyone??

Omae no namae