How can we fight with Islamisation of Europe?

How can we fight with Islamisation of Europe?

Attached: No mosque.png (100x100, 5K)

Burn them out. Simple really.

Stay based

I'm scared cause some muslim colleague told me that London and New York will be a new muslim capitals. He also told that muslims would gladly start a war inside EU.
Shit. We need to burn this motherfuckers.

Russia has always had a large Muslim population. How do you deal with them?

This is fucked up. We have terrorists in the goverment. google about Ramzan Kadyrov and LGBT killing in Checnya.

>I'm scared
Hold my dick while I hold your hand.

Converst to judaism
Use holocaust card

We built a system of keeps round their lands.

Seems to me Europe needs another Vlad the Impaler to ethnically cleanse itself of all the niggers & shitskins

Attached: vlad-tepes-impaler-dracula.jpg (700x863, 312K)

Russia has a genius system, they gave muslims place to breathe but if there is war (with Turkey for example) the Russian muslims are going to the front lines against Turkey muslims.

By not being a liberal democracy.

Doesn't work.

-a lot of jews are leaving western EU countries/towns (most of them flee to Israel) because of the antisemitism of inmemegrants. Authorities won't do shit.
-those who stay live in constant fear, they cannot even go to a synagogue without getting insulted at least. Again, authorities won't do shit.
-Viktor Orbán is a big friend of jews and Israel... labelled antisemite by immigration supporting fagheaps
-Israel is with us and with Orbán in terms of protecting out borders. Result: arab """"""""journalist""""""""""" on twitter called out Israel to support antisemitism.

An arab.
Called out Israel.
On supporting antisemitism.

Jesus Christ learn English Sergei

Step 1: Don't do like Sweden.

Attached: Cucktail.jpg (700x690, 115K)

>posts a literal shitskin
>Europe needs another Vlad the Impaler
>to ethnically cleanse shitskins
Can you be MORE retarded than this, mutt?

Come on Magyarbro, don't tell me you didn't know that the biggest allies of Zionists are antisemites.

Form a nationalist party to represent politically the majority of the British public, who are anti Islam. They will deport criminal Muslims and bring in new laws to make them not want to live here

End welfare for foreign born residents, ban circumcision, ban halal- generally provoke Muslims into rioting so even more Brits get red pilled

Congrats you're halfway there

fight the faggots and jews first.

You can't. Even Jow Forums loves Islam. Just look at how many "embrace Islam infidel" threads are on the catalog. Not to mention the daily ilhan Omar cuck sucking cucks.
Europe is doomed, by 2050 it will be a Muslim infested shithole.

>da j00s did it
You can thank Christcucks for being the weak miserable faggots that they are for it.


the kike want to save the west.
no one will save your ass though

Fuck off lefty CIAnigger shills

But why are you anti-wifi routers?

I'm going to get shit on for this but I don't care. The white man is more than capable of controlling his anger but even the white man has a breaking point. History usually repeats itself and we have seen that when pushed too far the white man has no issue with violence. I truly believe they are going to push to the point where there won't be any choice but to fight or die. It may not happen in our lifetime though.

Wait for our leader

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Muslims are so diluted here what even is the problem? Most muslim women want white Chads anyway, even their parents in their pathetic self-hatred wouldn't mind a tall blue-eyed faggot as a husbando, as long as he is or becomes a muslim. And being muslim doesn't even mean that much anyway: just don't eat pork or drink alcohol. You don't even need to go to the mosque. If anything, the trend is that muslims are becoming more lax overtime, they frequent mosques less and less and eat/drink more and more.

There are greater struggles like (((class))) struggles, but your hatred for muslim/brown ppl is blinding you for the true cause of your misery.

t. redpilled (white) muslim

Fire has historically worked.

>so diluted here

And when they are the majority, they impose sharia law.

Start raiding their Minecraft mosques and killing them in your servers until they leave.

You're digging your own grave because if Europe becomes Muslim they'll never let Jews live in peace.

Follow in the footsteps of the holy warrior St. Tarrant of Christchurch

Start burning mosques