WHat does he want out of this??

This is going to seem like a joke but its really not.. my sugar daddy cut my allowance off, & desu he's a rich egotistical asshole that I probably wouldn't talk to without the money, I thought I would've but without the allowance I realized he's obnoxious & so far up himself. He continues to message me & has a shit personality & is rude to me so I cant help but be rude back. I don't want to stop talking to him because I'm grateful for all that hes done for me but theres just always so much unnecessary tention & at this point he's not exactly being clear on what he wants? I'm guessing he wants to continue using my service for free. which is weird I explained to him, I get nothing out of that because I could just message the +300 dm's I get from guys wanting the time out of my day. He expressed in the past hes just using me, so I dont really want any sort of relationship outside of what we had because if hes using me why should I not be getting something out of it too? What is wrong with this guy? What does he want from me? Why does he always message me if hes going to be rude? I try to be friendly and talk about interests & things and hes just rude about it & not making it easy for me to be nice in this situation. I dont want to be mean and just cut him off since hes not giving me money anymore.

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can't say, be careful to not end up dead and take many precaution.

>He expressed in the past hes just using me
>What does he want from me?
Hm, I don't know. You've got a real tough one on your hands here!
Tell him how you really feel and don't be afraid to walk away.

unironically the dumbest thread I've seen on this board

LOL sorry@!

Forget about him and let me be your sugar daddy.


cut him off. a hustler is stupid for giving anything away and you were also stupid for relying on this one guy.

I know but I try to keep it as genuine as possible, I knew it would come back to bite me.

Is this a troll thread?

If not, which is unlikely ... what the fuck, just fucking stop talking to him. No allowance = no attention. Show some fucking self respect.

Before even determining if we are on the same continent? It would be irl meetings only, none of this internet-only stuff.

Baby, you gotta insert some coin to continue the ride... think of me, flirt flirt


sure thing, u.s here.

LOL ily

Too bad, wrong continent. Although I do travel to the US occasionally for work. Well, if it were to be, we would find each other on SeekingArrangement.

Makes me sad you think its ok to use your sexual organs in exchange for money and favors, sugger daddy is just another term for I'm an actual real life whore. Was law school to demanding? Is uber too taxing? Did your dad not hit you hard enough or too hard? Fucking plebs not playing the same game as everyone else thinking they're getting ahead in life but they're actually playing operation on their own deflating sense of self worth. I would try less pot and shopping and more meditation you waste of carbon

Amazing how much butthurt one post can contain. Maybe give therapy a try?

Ok, But if a man is only using a female to benefit his own needs, which men often do..
An example that proves my point all I see on here are posts about men wanting "sex" etc. w/o the complications of having a girlfriend dealing with problems, drama, or maybe they are to busy to have time into putting effort into what they desire etc. Then why is it so wrong if I want something out of it too, to better my life or get something for my benefit same as them?

You sound like you base your views around a religious standpoint, which I'm not. Just bc im a sugar baby doesn't mean I smoke pot too? WHAt?? Kind of accusation is that. lol.

Also remember men hold the power 2 what I do, I wouldn't able to do this if they desired me so strongly to the point of paying me for a little attention. Ooops.

I like what I do.

What is your price

we work out the price together

But really, about how much?

Usually with my sugar babies, we fly out somewhere for a weekend together, stay in 5star hotels and eat at fancy restaurants and so on. I pay for everything. And give her 500-1000eur in allowance. Comparable to what you have been getting?

It depends, i kinda want to get into selling content like I can get content out easily for cheap maybe $15-$20 for a shoot. Which includes videos/photos. But a genuine sugar daddy relationship would cost more because I spend a lot of time and energy putting into actually building a relationship with you. I like to select a price together!


Too bad you're in the US, because I would have time for another sugar baby. Unless you're on the east coast because that's where I fly for work sometimes.

I'm near the east coast, how often do you fly out?

im suprised nobody called her a whore yet

did the-bar really go down this far

About 1-2 times a year. NYC or BOS.

I live near Pennsylvania

Oops I meant 2 laugh @ you.

Well too bad. Anyway, just goes to show you, sugar daddies do exist all around the world and show up in all sorts of places so you should have no trouble finding some.

thanks x

You don't want to cut him off because then the full reality of the fact that you really are just a pay-to-play whore will be unavoidable. You're still doing the """mutually beneficial relationship""" mental gymnastics, and have written yourself into a corner.

Advice? Stop being a whore. Upstanding people don't have these problems.

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That is one bitter virgin.


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Virgins are the only people who coddle whores. Everybody else either pays to play or shakes their head and walks. Cope harder.

he secretly has feelings and wants something more which is why he's not paying you and putting up a wall over his feelings.

And just remember when you take a girl out on a date next time & pay for the bill hoping you get laid you're doing the same exact thing. You're doing it in more of a socially accepted manner but its the same.

I am open minded & would rather be more direct about it then delusional lol

>He expressed in the past hes just using me, so I dont really want any sort of relationship outside of what we had because if hes using me why should I not be getting something out of it too? What is wrong with this guy? What does he want from me? Why does he always message me if hes going to be rude? I try to be friendly and talk about interests & things and hes just rude about it & not making it easy for me to be nice in this situation. I dont want to be mean and just cut him off since hes not giving me money anymore.
This is what my peers did to me for years except they didn't give me money, I couldn't avoid them and I'm not female

Basado y redpilledo

Yeah that sucks I relate to you, hope now you have better friends than that?

Cute girl. Got any more pictures of her?

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>the same exact thing.
This is delusional cope for hookers and johns. A real date is about figuring out if you want her to stick around, not whether she'll put out for the right fee. It becomes perfectly obvious just how different it is when you stop thinking like a virgin who just takes it for granted that *you'll* always call *her* back after.

Turn a woman down for once instead of just thinking like a thirsty john and you'll get it.

unironically true, the only people that are incels are the ones who never get laid and find ways to justify giving dumb whores money for doing literally nothing

wait so a suger daddy is just fwb but paying for it? lmao how can someone get more cucked

Accurate. There's a crude sort of wisdom in the old adage,
>You don't pay a hooker to fuck. You pay her to leave after.
Sugar-daddies are just emotionally stunted cucks who didn't get the fucking memo.

>>cutting him off

Um, no sweetie, he's cutting you off. Should have done anal, now you're gonna have to get a job.

This thread was dead ages ago btw.

Just no, The point of this post was bc he cut me off but keeps messaging me. I feel obligated to talk to him because I feel bad leaving him on read after helping me so much. That's the problem. Idk what he wants from me. It wasn't a fucking thread abt how I was taking the high road to cut off my sugar daddy that already cut me off. It was being curious as to what he wants, I wanted a some opinions. So 10/10 at understanding the question. That was sarcasm btw in case you're to stupid to understand that too.

>This thread was dead ages ago
>Proceeds to type out a rambling paragraph trying to explain herself.
Toastie roastie.

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Dump him sis

The bigger question is, why do you care? He’s probably lonely and thinks you and he share some sort of attachment. Just leave him on read, you don’t owe him anything.

>It wasn't a fucking thread abt how I was taking the high road to cut off my sugar daddy that already cut me off. It was being curious as to what he wants, I wanted a some opinions

You mean you wanted us to tell u how he's a creep for still texting u and praising u for being friendly and responsive? You only want to hear how you are an angel for not blocking him after selling your dignity and want us to tell you there's nothing wrong with not answering, because you don't know how to think for yourself. Maybe if you didn't let other people buy you and become their property you would have an individual mind and feel no need to please others by being responsive.


>you don't owe him anything.
True. If anything, it's the other way around. Whatever he paid her was definitely not enough, considering no sane man on Earth will ever love her now. The least he could do is throw in a little extra, right?

>don't hate women, they said

>hate women
Nothing says "I hate women" like pretending that horrible decisions like whoring yourself out are okay. That's the whole reason bad behavior is derided and discouraged, so that other people can learn things the easy way instead of doing things they regret.

This thread is great advice for the lurkers out there. Don't be a dirty john, and don't be a whore.

Did, got told im religious and need therapy because i have morals on not selling a body lol

I'd rather be a female whore than a homosexual

>paying the whole bill on a first date
imagine being this fucking stupid

To be fair, I was.
It was my first ever date, so I was bound to fuck up. Thank God the meal was cheap or I would really regret it.

what if the girl pays the whole bill before i can even try to pay for it, also shes receptive to my touching so its not like shes doing it because if id pay for it then shed be obligated to have sex with me ?

He's an asshole who is using you. You don't even get along. He wants free sex. He might even be giving someone else money right now for sex.

You went into this with a simple premise: sex for money and goods. He isn't paying, so he doesn't get the goods.

Go after the DMs. You are worth at least a guy you get along with, with or without money. It's not being mean. It's deciding not to be a doormat.