That's just how it is.
If you don't live in the blue you are not White/Caucasoid
If you don't come from those countries*
I lived in Africa for 3 years, I didn't turn into a nig afaik
That's kinda negro of you, Op.
Wew jamal, thankfully im from antarctica
>t. Mohamed
oh no no no no
jup, pinguins are based
> Northern Italy and Rome is not White Apparently...
It must feel good to be a basement dweller who only goes to the movies with their grandmother as a movie date.
You will never get your white ethnostate. It's too late. Enjoy your peak presence on earth.
>inb4 this obvious bait of a thread gets +100 posts
oh no no no no
Actually negroids represent 15% of our population here in Brazil.
the US isnt white and you need to face this new reality
Oh look, another divide, and conquer thread, how delightful.
t. Alberto Barbosa
But anyways another divide and conquer thread. SAGE.
Rip Balkans
How many times will this shitskin achmed in Sweden create this D&C absurd map
Yeah, nice try mutt on vacation. Shit thread.
If you dont look like this, you are not white either.
Change my mind.
PS: You can't