If you don't live in the blue you are not White/Caucasoid

That's just how it is.

Attached: Caucasoids_Mongoloids_Negroids_Races_World_Map_White_Yellow_Black_Europe_Eurasia_America_Africa_Anta (2752x1550, 139K)

If you don't come from those countries*
I lived in Africa for 3 years, I didn't turn into a nig afaik

That's kinda negro of you, Op.

Attached: Not even bait.jpg (625x626, 33K)


Wew jamal, thankfully im from antarctica

>t. Mohamed

Attached: sweden.png (500x587, 153K)


Attached: 1542953574194.png (824x928, 18K)

oh no no no no

jup, pinguins are based

> Northern Italy and Rome is not White Apparently...

It must feel good to be a basement dweller who only goes to the movies with their grandmother as a movie date.

You will never get your white ethnostate. It's too late. Enjoy your peak presence on earth.

>inb4 this obvious bait of a thread gets +100 posts

oh no no no no

Actually negroids represent 15% of our population here in Brazil.



the US isnt white and you need to face this new reality

Oh look, another divide, and conquer thread, how delightful.

t. Alberto Barbosa

Attached: 052.png (265x258, 174K)

But anyways another divide and conquer thread. SAGE.

Rip Balkans

How many times will this shitskin achmed in Sweden create this D&C absurd map

Attached: 0-00a0adbsbs00agAPMSa9IMg93.jpg (3800x1904, 2.96M)


Yeah, nice try mutt on vacation. Shit thread.

Attached: 1540220987023.png (486x494, 92K)

If you dont look like this, you are not white either.
Change my mind.
PS: You can't

Attached: white.jpg (600x600, 69K)