He. Won.
He. Won
he won by exposing his opponent as retarded not by defending the merits of socialism applied in practice
Petersen wants the goyim to settle down while Zizek wants to redirect them for his purposes.
a literal who thread
ecelebs could all die in a fire and i wouldnt bat an eye.
>a literal who
you're either 12 or very uneducated
Gelden Peterstein’s rhetoric was taken from the 1940s and is detached from reality. I don’t think he really cares about anything. He’s just in it for the money.
He is American after all.
Of course he won, marxism is based af
Was there anything in the media that made these faggots want to slide it?
>Tons of promotion of shitty gay e-celeb drama between old retards
>Tons of “BASED (Insert minority here) LEFTIE” threads
>Lots of “Why doesn’t Jow Forums support (insert left-wing position here)” or “Jow Forums BTFO” threads
>Huge amounts of bait threads and circlejerking threads as well
I really want to know if something happened that scared these people.
I called him out from almost day 1 as a money grubber. He's an entrepreneur and a social climber.
Weird flex but okay
he isnt an e-celeb
fuck off with this eceleb shit already. no one cares
>that shower hasn't been used for at least a few weeks
imagine the smell
This, he pulled a Destiny in the sense that he didn't actually win, but rather avoided efeat by dodging the issues. He literally said nothing to defend Marxism, in fact he trashed it and conceded to all of Petersons criticisms of it.
>a literal who
Mark Hamil is looking rough
who cares?juden peterstein is fraud and zizek can't even speak in english, not to mention he is famous for being versed in philosophy - can't see the world because of muh words, it's a mindtrick for mediocre.
>new zealand
The literal who of the british empire
yeah but he never defended the merits of socialism, he was perhaps the only socialist to criticize socialism itself
Who gives a fuck? Peterson is a shekel grubber and Zizek is an expert in shit literally no one cares about.
No one gives a shit. Zizek is a literal nobody who is an anti-white communist, and he had a conversation with a more famous person who is an anti-white communist and zionist.
These two people have nothing to disagree on, it's just Zizek getting butthurt that Peterstein is more famous than him.
>“Why should the Left automatically accept this idea that patriotism is bad? Patriotism means for me that you have great trust in the greatness of your nation, for example what Angela Merkel did: accepting one million refugees, this is true patriotism: trusting in the greatness, tolerance, productivity of Germany.”
Fuck off braindead zoomer
You have to be over the age of 18 to come to this board
When the person you're debating understands so little about an issue, you have to spend the entire debate holding their hand and walking them through it. It leaves no time for making an argument and defending it. This is exactly what happened here, and it's exactly what happens when retards debate Destiny.
99% of people here are un-educated retards, and many are young and stupid.
I went to a debate once here with Zizek, he never answered any questions just kept blabbing shit