I lived in the UK for 3 years and it made me wanna blow my head off. I didn't live in London (was close by) but it's very expensive and stressful to live there. I'm from the Mediterranean too and these kind of countries just make me feel miserable
Jaxson Sanchez
(OP here) where were you born? have you ever considered going back to your native land?
Levi Ramirez
So whats the difference to the US? If you want to see skyscrapers go to Frankfurt. If you want to see something similar to compton or harlem go to Duisburg-Marxloh. If you want a suburb type of feeling there are smaller towns outside of large cities like Cologne that look the same as in the US. In terms of nature Germany also has a lot more to offer than Trumptown. The only thing Trumptown might be better in is pharmaceuticals, where some are OTC there and here you have to get it prescribed. And gas prices obviously. Public transportation here is well developed though.
Josiah Cook
You can't just move someplace. They have to let you in. See the US immigration website for restrictions and requirements