Why are Trump's women always so ugly?

Why are Trump's women always so ugly?

Hope Hicks appears to be a hottie but closer inspection reveals not so much.

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Melanie is a tranny granny that should tell you all you need to know

My hatred for obama is much greater than my hatred for trump

Trump fucks trannies bro. Melania is a tranny.

Not attractive

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Jesus... is she the hotest?

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>appears to be a hottie but closer inspection reveals not so much
Applies to ALL attractive women. There's always a flaw

>Why are Trump's women always so ugly
Because they men with plastic surgery and aren't women at all.

>is she the hotest
Oh, yeah ... she's hot alright.

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Keepin' the heat on.

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Trump's women are ug-

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I'm a liberal and not a Trump supporter but c'mon dude. She's hot.

More sizzlin' men in women's clothes.

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MmmmMugh! So hot!

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Maybe because he's not an incel who chooses women based purely on how they look?

If she were to lose 50 pounds it would be a good start

>She's hot.
Finally, something that both sides can agree on. Damn dude, I would invite you over for grilling and we could go to the range and shoot some ARs!

More Trump Trannyfest parade.

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MTF/FTM Trumpy Freak Show

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hicks is hot. sage gay threads.

Trump is a Chad

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because he keeps groping them

i wouldn't kick her out of bed
then again i don't pull 10s like the rest of Jow Forums

>hicks is hot. sage gay threads
Wanna suck his cock, faggot?

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You can kinda see the thin person buried under the bblubber.

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You think that is a man? user??

if you think Hope is ugly, you're probably a fag. Any questions, fag?

Meanwhile the lone democrat in Washington DC that has any risk of being raped wants a stronger border.

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You're obviously a hopeless queer who thinks men dressed as women are attractive. The brow ridge alone is enough to tell it's a dude under the hair and makeup.

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because theyre trannys
theyre laughing in your face. perpetually

>You think that is a man?
You think it's not? You're in a world of hurt.

Embrace degeneracy

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>Obama got to be president
Holy shit! In america even niggers get to be better than you. The absolute state of ameritards!

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Hicks is such a lewd trap! With his big peen and naughty ways. No wonder he got picked for the white house. Trump loves him.

>these women don't look like the 18 year olds in my pornos!!

have sex.

Unironically this

Come on, user!

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