>India Threatens Pakistan With ‘Mother of Nuclear Bombs’
>India Threatens Pakistan With ‘Mother of Nuclear Bombs’
So it's fucking nothing. Just like the past 30 years every week.
>The threatening speech came, ironically, on India’s national day of peace, known as Mahavir Jayanti. Speaking in front of packed crowds, Modi said:
>“We have the mother of nuclear bombs. I decided to tell [Pakistan], do whatever you want to do but we will retaliate.”
Hes just hyping himself up because of the upcoming election.
This. The somewhat intense skirmishes last month or whenever we're kind of exciting, but this is a nothing burger. India does this shit ever year.
Put up or shut up.
it's time.
At least it's not the mother of poos
Very good, full support.
>general election are coming up
wow im suprised
who would've guessed the satellite states of civilization would acquire the technology of its mentor and end up destroying the world with it? what a brilliant way for the world to end. some shitholes no one cares about end up fucking it all because of bad blood between nobodies. great.
we never deserved to colonize space. whites never took the liberty to destroy competing cultures. and now they'll destroy us, and themselves, in one fell swoop.
I'll take this L gracefully. hopefully i suffocate in my sleep from meme overdose, it'd be better than sandniggers killing me out of sheer retardation.
>11:11:11 on 4/20
ok. I've had enough.
If both sides nuked each other it would be the best outcome for humanity, less Parjeets and Paki’s can only be a good thing.
They’ll end up setting off a nuke on themselves by accident, setting off all their warheads in a chain reaction, blowing themselves to dust, and leaving a gigantic cloud of poo radiation that causes worldwide cancer rates to skyrocket.
says the guy who dropped a nuke on its own land, abandoned on traing aircraft
India don't have nukes. India don't even have toilets
They spent their toilet money on nukes
Aka not happening
One? Try several hundred. There's a neat visualization of all atomic detonations on Earth in a time lapse, go check it out. The fifties were fucking nuts, nukes going off all over like fucking popcorn.
Also we accidentally killed John Wayne with fallout while he was filming his Ghengis Khan movie, most of the crew as well. Oops.
>letting brown people have nukes
where did we go wrong
I used to think India had a chance of being bro-tier, but now I perceive them us untrustworthy, like the Chinese.
And nothing actually happens....
god I'd hate it if India really nuked pakistan. Literally all he pakistanis would fucking come here, and literally our entire country would be a red carpet for them even more than it already it
Holy fuck this. More grooming gangs yay!
God Blesses Those That support Israel. These are times where our Ally needs us most and it won't go unrecognized. We need a blessing now more than ever that we turned out back on God and have to help in order to be blessed. THink about it. The world is in Chaos and its ever since the rise degenerate catholicism who promote immigration while protestant, and judeo christianity is trying to stop it
Surely the British people would say no to hoardes of pakis right?
So what? Everyone wants to nuke pakistan.
fuuuck dude imagine what that would smell like lol. I went to Seattle the other day for the first time in a long time (its a big city) and it smelled like indian men everywhere i had to leave the ball game early lol
As long as shitskins die.
And people would let the grooming slide more and cuck harder than they do now.
>all the grooming and man-rape is forgiven, infact please rape us Chitti's even harder now let's all mourn the 6 gorillion together
Its election season. In other words, not happening.
Noone wants war with Pakistan. It will just be a giant shitshow of immigrants everywhere. Both the west and India will be flooded. Indias economic growth will slump and this would affect the entire world.
What better way to invoke peace than obliterating your enemies?
Can imagine how dirty that bomb's going to be
Such a predicament. I want them killed but this makes us even more cucks. What a clown world this is.
Get back to me when they stop pooing and start nuking
>jai jai jhonny baba
Atleast all the jihadis are in pakistan once we blew them up they will get decentralised and spread everywhere, it would get even harder for us
>middle eastern countries start nuking eachother
>quality of earth increases
You guys better stock up on brown bobs and vagene pics while you have the chance.
>some nukes
>ending the world
Nope it will just purge urban filth issuing a new age of prosperity. I would welcome some nukes aimed at Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Montreal and Ottawa. Leave Calgary alone though, they aite.
Someone have the print of the guy who said india was gona get nuked by april ?
>middle east
The poos is never going to be all pushed back in to the loo
What about Winnipeg? It's ungodly cold and full of drunken injuns.
>india paki nuke exchange
>no one can tell the difference
End the muslim cancer
>india drops poo bomb on paki
>all pakis flee to london
Yet another part of the prophecy coming to life
Why is this guy a meme in indian zoomer culture?
This cover doesn't predict it
im pretty sure they wont beat tsar bomb
I pet goat 2 did predict that either a muslim country will get nuked or it will nuke somewhere. That video predicted everything happening now, from communism dying out in south america, the mud dams breaking and even Notre Dame burning.
Its not happening retard.
>Both the west and India will be flooded.
exactly what the globalists want, remember??
We will push your shit in with our doomsday Mother Poo bomb, yes yes. Thank you, comeagain.
CNN fake news
RT fake news
Haha reminds me of civ III, I thought you were peaceful Ghandi xD
Imagine the smell.
>Imagine the smell.
>mfw the fallout danger is poo instead of radiation