Why do girls use this if they don't want to talk?

Why do girls use this if they don't want to talk?

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Attention and retardation


Tinder sucks anyhow. If you want a date just go to a random girl and ask her out. Not that hard really.

A lot are just looking for validation/attention

Also, a 5/10 chick will match about 10 times as many people as a 5/10 dude. They have no reason to respond to your "hi what's up" message more than they do to the other 50 "hi what's up" messages in their inbox

I'm even creative in messages different from most, but no use.

I know man, don't overthink it. You just have to get used to the fact that most women aren't going to give you the time of day, even after they match you

She doesn't want to talk... to you. To others, she talks.

Find girls actually interested in you.

If I remember there is a closed group in facebook where Liberal and feminist shat on guys who message them constantly or share how their conversation went down. Some were good. There was a fatty gothic chick there who used to make fun of guys hitting her on tinder and she denying them.

Search "Is this how you flirt" on Facebook.

And? I've regularly been in chats where guys (who aren't attractive themselves) post and make fun of hamplanets they see

Tinder is total garbage. If you don't get enough likes often enough you actually get removed from the pool girls see entirely. Ugly people are bad for the app's image.

Dude you’re actually ranting about how tinder is pure garbage, but let’s think this through, it’s a hookup app, that bases itself on the looks, so you may pull attention but if you’re not interesting, well you loose the girls as easy as that, ugly people wont match that often or a lot, and it’s not the app, it’s you, boring people will be ignored and guess what... it’s not the app, it’s you, sadly enough no one will fall in love for your feelings in a hookup app so to those who keep blaming girls or the apps just get down your high horse...

are dating apps even worth it? I look okay but I'm not a top 10% Chad so it feels like I have no chance

Apps like tinder only really work for Chad's because they fuck with the dating pool. You can be a good looking charismatic guy and still get no attention on them. Every girl wants a chad, obviously, but in real life he's not a click away. It's a lot easier for then to swipe left then to tell the guy approaching them to go away.

Ever excitedly opened the app cause you got a "new match" notification, only to find that it's just some below average uggo?
That's you.
That's you on the other end.

Maybe chat a bit first but yeah.

>be dude
>search only for girls
>no matches
>search for everyone
>men match with me every 2 minutes.

I just talked to some guys and started the conversation with “wat up dude” and we had a cool chat about philosophy and politics. I told the guy I wasn’t gay and he said fine. Why can’t females be like that?

They are like that, we just get nervous

This. I'm not even a girl and I use it for the exact same reasons.

The fuck do you have to be nervous about? Just say hi how are you and go from there. Do I really need to say a pickup line to break the ice? Fuck man I just don’t understand.

>match with good looking older woman
>msg her with hi you look good wanna take you out, etc
>msg back with hi thanks but u r too young for me
Why did she match me in the first place? Age difference is obvious

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Because they don't need to. Every female needs to reproduce but not every male. This means that the males are the jesters to try and get a mate. Females do not have to do this.

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This is not how it works.

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They do want to talk, just not to you

Cuz they are hoes that want attention

gl being alone forever


Worst dating app ever. In the early 2000s when I was a teenager, dating apps actually got me hot dates, now the market is flooded. Girls that are 5 out of 10s have 30k Instagram followers. You can't compete. So fuck the dating apps and fuck meeting on the internet in general. They fucked it up. I live in a big city too, Los Angeles most of the tinder girls are ads!!!! Just chicks wanting u to go to their Snapchat or Instagram! Huge scam. Stay away from online dating. It used to be good during the infancy stages of it.

I what universe a rondom girl does not have a bf?

They just want to know that people find them attractive, ie. getting a shitton of matches.

WHEN IN REALITY experiments show that the most hideous 40 year old landwhale can still get 100 likes in 15 minutes.

>Nervous about talking to a total stranger who you can unmatch from with a single click and never talk to again if you want
Women are such a meme

I don't have facebook, and the girl in tinder asks me to know if I'm not fake, fuck this

>They are like that
No, they're not, lmao. The pussy dries up faster than Sahara if you mention philosophy, sports or politics.

I've met a few girls off tinder and okc. They were all great personality wise, some were really cute and I haven't had a single bad experience. Sure there's a lot of ghostibg but that's what women are. I'm 5'10, athletic body that I don't show in my pics and otherwise not really a looker. Been to uni but don't have a promising career or anything.

Talking about politics is just usually unpleasant in general, especially with people who insist on talking about it.
I chatted with this girl on tinder once and she immediately went into her socialist convictions and I was immediately turned off.
Why would you want to talk about politics in the early stages of dating, let alone within the first few written words?
Only an entirely unpleasant person would insist on it.
Other than that, many people are not into sports, or philosophy (which is a nice way of saying your schizoid bullshit), learn to be able to converse like a human being.
If you can't talk about anything but these two and a half things, you are the problem, not them.

>Talking about politics is usually unpleasant
If it's a chill person political talk can be the best, some of my funniest convos with strangers have been politics. Especially nowadays with our clownworld

Women get messages from hundreds of different guys every day. What makes you so special that they would choose you over all your competitors?

When you're as slight after as some girls on Tinder, it sort of goes to your head. Youre talking to one person who seems really nice and great and you're excited about, but suddenly you realize that every person like them is also interested in you. Over time you become more and more selective until you won't settle for any more than the top percent. Places you were excited for suddenly seem less interesting.

t. Not a girl but in a highly competitive job market.

they do want to talk, just not with you because you're not attractive enough
men ghost too

>be me
>bisexual degenerate
>I actually want to bottom for chads, but they scare me
>don't want people thinking I'm a slut for flirting with gay dudes, even though I fantasize about being forced by them
>I just tease them on grindr but never actually go through with it
Women are just like faggots. They don't want to take responsibility, they want you to be confident enough to make them yours and take all the blame

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Found the fatty goth chick

girls are retarded, all of them. they don't know what they want and they are just looking to be manipulated in a way they are comfortable with

They just want you to plow them retard

>girls do blah blah
>guys also do blah blsh

fucking incels man I swear.


Oh yeah, you seem like a chill and fun conversationalist.
well most people aren't very chill about politics these days.
No matter how you put it, it's just not appropriate for chatting with someone you just met, or rather never even met.
Learn to converse about a plethora of topics, or really, just start off with small talk, as you should with people you don't know.
You don't start building a house with furnishing the bathroom.

They like to talk. They may not like talking to you.

then why swipe on me or just unmatch?

Seeth Heretic

It's a waste of time

Doesn't work unless they are repulsive or you're a fucking god.

> men ghost too

Can confirm that I have ghosted girls before I even got a chance to fuck.

Try Bumble senpai

>go on three dates with nursing chick
>says lets just be friends
>adds me on faceberg invite me to a group called Tinder Blunders about all the girls making fun of boys on tinder

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Women on average earn less than men. But the bigger a city gets, the more woman earn in comparison to men. In small cities, sluts are shamed. But in bigger cities sluts can move totally anonymously. In small cities, men approach women they like. On Tinder a girl approaches men, since you can do that easily even if you are shy.

The higher the social hierarchies and the lower the fertility rates, the more likely that girls try to use men to get to the next man in the hierarchy latter.

In a big city, women do not need men to build a house or to fix things or to earn money to raise kids. Male labor is cheap there anyway. Women earn their own money by giving lectures on women studies that cucks will gladly visit and pay money for. Also e-thottery is a viable option. Girls can even just ask guys on Tinder to pay their bills.

When the girl is the one who approaches guys, it is evolution adapted to big cities. With tinder exactly that happens.

Look at the dating scene in London or New York. 80% of the people do not have the money to afford a territory to raise kids. Women have to either become single mothers or to go for a chad. Marriage with a "loser" doesn't make sense. Many women go to over 50 dates a year and are often not satisfied. Some males live in living communities until age 35 to safe money.

Look at Hong Kong. Here, women earn more than men in average. Some even are CEOs. The fertility rate is super low. Hong Kong business women buy male prostitutes for their fun.
In general you can say:
>Enough living space ->pussy is cheap
>Limited living space ->pussy is expensive

On Tinder only 4% of women are looking for a relationship. Some use the men there to get money and most of the women (46%) use the men there to get a confidence boost. They use men as emotional tampons they can just switch whenever they are soaked.

only 4% are looking for a relationship.

using tinder to get a gf is like going to a wine shop to buy meat.

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kys jock faggot

fuck off you stupid thot