Houses will get cheap as boomers die off!

>houses will get cheap as boomers die off!

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With basic supply & demand yes, they should. Due to mass immigration that isn't happening.

Deporting 30 million illegals will have a much larger influence.


Keep dreaming.
Cheap homes only exist in depressed areas with no economy.
In demand neighborhoods will have bidding wars for boomer homes

That would only free up 12 houses

Good thing i'm European.

need to save them. When Yellowstone pops off they will be the best source or Protein.

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i don't understand how they get away with it, renting so many houses, when i was a kid our landlord used to come by once a week and just walk around the yard making sure we were following all of his rules. how do they not notice that there are 25 people living in one half of a two bedroom duplex?

Rich Asians will by them.

No the FED won't allow prices to come down until the next financial crisis, by then you'll be more concerned about not starving than affording a house.

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looks like shit tbqh user I hope that's a random search pic.

>what is mass immigration and why does it increase demand for goods and services
only labor will keep getting cheaper

Shit food mate, learn to grill, or grill something better.

why is there a spiderman knife in your food?

is that mould?

funny how trump forgot about that promise

No they wont retard the kike gubbment will replace them with spics


Houses shouldn't be monetary investments, boomers were a mistake.

fucking this

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OP is right... Which is shocking to find on this board
>Real estate will go up forever

No OP is right... as the Boomers start to die off in the next 5 - 20 years you are going to have a glut of mcmansions no one wants on the market. Millenials tend to not live in McMansions, and Immigrants tend to keep families together...
You have investment firms that basically park money in condos. If you go to Hong Kong or even Manhattan - a large % of those high rise condos are empty.
>What happens?
Real estate does not produce anything... It is basically a dead end investment (Unless it is Farm or Mining real estate). People don't understand it but.... There will be another 2008 crisis, and it will be far far worse - and last decades. Pic related.

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People have been renting their dwellings from other people for millennia. Ironically millennials will never own homes because theyre all retarded

It's so laughably easy to destroy an in demand neighborhood these days. One presidential decree and "social housing" is built right next to your boomer mansion as a horde of niggers moves in

Tying property tax to appraised value was also a huge mistake. Politicians don't want housing to go down as it lowers their paycheck and pensions. They have an active interest in keeping it artificially inflated.

tell that to the Chinese in my country.

jesus christ, I'm getting flashbacks of 10 cars parked in the yard and beaner music blasting all day

>Millenials tend to not live in McMansions, and Immigrants tend to keep families together...
And they will do it in McMansions.

This Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece was a 7-apartment tenemant by the 1960s.

They'll do the same with mass-produced McMansions

Attached: MeyerMay.jpg (1520x680, 1.58M)

Rot from water damage. I see no window there, so a water pipe leak most likely occurred for more than a stunning 48 hours and rotted the disgusting OSB board which is a pine chips glued together. Being sarcastic about the 48 hours thing, but that shit cannot get wet for very long regardless. Modern homes are cheap disgusting cardboard toys that our ancestors would be appalled by.

You mean multinational corporations & chink landlords will buy up all the housing stock to keep rents astronomical?

it was just siding without an air gap

Wow Canada finally has something of some substance to add.


>Comparing a fucking Frank Lloyd Wright masterpeice to a cookie cutter mcmansion

Kill yourself.

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>cardboard houses

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We need an empty property tax

I got lucky with my house. It needs work but I'll probably be shooting trespassers for how in demand it will be in the next 10 years.

Seeing stupid shitbox plywood houses fall apart gets me off. If you're house isn't made from brick or stone you're a fucking cultureless nigger.

fucking JOKES

>>Comparing a fucking Frank Lloyd Wright masterpeice to a cookie cutter mcmansion

So it'll be even easier to slice up McMansions than a FLW house?

It's like you're getting the point of my post.

I know it's painful for you being slow but I'll let it sink in.

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That is an interesting idea for a place like Manhattan maybe... But I don't see that flying in most cities.
While it sounds good in theory - you are dealing with 1%ers who will be able to loop hole the shit out of any law, and redefine "empty"... Like maybe they are there for a week out of the year, and they got their buddy who wrote the fucking law to give it a pass as long as you are there for a week etc.... This is a systemic problem.

this is a great idea

>tfw live in one of these
>has survived over 120 years of wind,rain,snow, and black inhabitants
Seriously these things are nearly indestructable

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The last apartment I lived at, I was neighbor to a family of beans. They lived in a studio with 6 people, 3 generations.

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Stupid fucking Millennials.

No you are missing the point of the demographic chart I posted. Amerifat is hitting a point where the population will stagnate to decline - because the boomers will die off, and we are not statistically having the population to replace them.
>Muh Immigrants will save all of the real estate in the country with McMansion apartments

You know - maybe this will work in a southern boarder city ... but honestly man - the math is playing out so that the rest of the country is going to look a lot more like Detroit than anything - with rotting houses everywhere.
On top of the mess of real estate - we are about to have a brutal currency crisis when the Dollar loses reserve currency... There are a lot more metrics and factors at play here, and to think McMansions are going to prop up real estate prices is basically insane.

If your house doesn't have a hand-carved cornice you might as well get cornrows and start calling yourself tyrone

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based ndp are doing this in BC

Jesus christ.
I grew up in an 1850s farm house, we were really broke for a period after my father was badly injured. We had a roof leak, and it was like the movies, during rain we stuck a bucket under the leak and it collected the water. That leak wasn't found and repaired for like 2 years and nothing was permanently damaged enough to make a difference.
Fast forward to current day, I live in a modern cardboard pos. I bought a roll up window blind, it was sticking to a glass window allowing sweat to build up. Rotted the wall underneath the windows after a few years.
Absolutely disgusting.

Land value tax, fixes most of this shit overnight.
Economists have known this for 100 years.
Problem is that the people who own the land will never let it happen.

So would your domicile be all the red brick? If so thats decent square footage.


Cause the housing market in Scandinavia isn't a complete shitshow.
Venezuela would put white males aged 22-35 on the news for being poor, if only they knew how bad things are.

Not sure about danes, but Norway is in a very combustible state and no one talks about it, but everyone knows something is about to go down. It's very eerie

take the double wide pill

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Rent seeking is a sin and should be punishable by death. If you are a landlord, you are officially no longer white.

Would make the inner cities safer too

>spider-co knife

Definite boomer

yeah, it's not the same house but similar square footage. Another benefit of brick rowhomes is, if you renovate and seal them properly, you get a lot fewer bug problems than even new plywood housing.

Just means we won't inherit shit from them.

That chart is for change in housing demand. You’re either dishonest or stupid.

And surrender all bragging rights?

The population is growing. As any realtor will tell you, they keep making more people but not more land.

Remember that when all is said and done, Trump is a Real Estate mogul. Most politicians are heavily invested in Real Estate. Let that sink in and shit will start making sense.

Based immigrants will keep the prices up.

Wonder what's gonna happen when all the doctors quit due to insane work expectations and the entitled fuckheads who clog up the health sector with the most minor issues can't get their prescription cocktails without an even longer wait time.

But mass immigration is happening.

This guy knows too much

what bragging rights? keeping up with the Jones isn't as much of a thing with millenials at least from my experience

They won't quit, they're too greedy

>Rising supply of cheap houses
>Falling demand for housing

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>keeping up with the anglos
it just moved from competitive buying to competitive facebook virtue signaling and Instagram vacation pic posting ime

people living in the house should automatically be granted ownership of the house

It’s charting change in demand, not the level of demand you mongoloid.

That may be, but chances are they grew up in a conventional house and will want the same in turn.
The switch to double wides being totally accepted will take another generation or two. When millennials that are forced to buy one - raise their kids in one

Somalis and spics can't afford McMansions. Maybe their kids or grandkids could.

W what's in the sheds user?

I love how zoomed socialists call any house they can’t afford a “McMansion”

Yes it is, it's called Instagram. It's worse than it has ever been in human history.

They won't quit, just those fucking boomers who imported arabs to work for them since they wanted to relax and be medicated instead of working are going to need to quit bitching or just got to go.

They made our bed so they could sleep on it while we work it out

>You know - maybe this will work in a southern boarder city ... but honestly man - the math is playing out so that the rest of the country is going to look a lot more like Detroit than anything - with rotting houses everywhere.
It's happening in my town and I'm in a north tier state.

You seem smart but you're overconfident in your erroneous conclusions.

Generally RE will lower in value and in order to keep the money rolling the property will be divided.

This is why those magnificent Detroit homes were turned into du- and tri-plexes.

Like I said the Meyer May house in Grand Rapids MI was turned into 7, count them, 7 apartments.

This is even better than one big $5 million home because the value goes down, so does the property tax... but you have SEVEN tenants generating income.

You need to stew in your theories and do some more research user, this is an old game. I say again:

>McMansions will continue to be built and those neighborhoods are turning into ghettos.

It's a fait accompli at this point user.

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They are already quitting though. You don't know the conditions of the medical sector over here. It has one of the highest sick leave stats in the entire country. More than half of General Practitioners admit in a survey that they are considering quitting due to the high stress work environment.

I don't know about somalis but.. hispanics got the construction game in a headlock. Mucho dinero, comprende

>It's so laughably easy to destroy an in demand neighborhood these days. One presidential decree and "social housing" is built right next to your boomer mansion as a horde of niggers moves in

FUCKING THIS! I had a diversity shipment dropped into a hideous 200 unit purpose built monstrosity in my mostly white neighborhood. Niggers, niggers everywhere...

Property tax on a non-primary residence should be 10%

But professional arsonists will enter the golden age!

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based Obama lowering housing prices for everybody

retard detected


Hispanics are better neighbors than poor whites

t. never had a hispanic neighbor.

I find that hard to believe and I'm - ..lurking this thread

They don't actually get to live in the buildings they build. Those buildings don't get built without rich whites/kikes and their startup capital.

Uh, McMansions, found in BS suburbs are cheaper. They're pretty much cheaply built project housing for working class debt slaves that have been convinced they're middle class.

>based Obama lowering housing prices for everybody
Every house gets bought up by investors & immediately put up for rent.