I will never feel bad about journalists getting shot

I will never feel bad about journalists getting shot

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Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times.

learn to code in hell, faggot

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i really REALLY wish they will use a huge rubber BBC to replace the old sphire i would really like that i do

This is just gonna make people hate whoever the "alt right" hates, because most people are against giving it a globo homo roof.
It's like that meme that I can't find that is like,
>is your son taking care of his appearance?
>is he exercising regularly?
>has he taken in interest in studying history?
>does he help the old lady next door carry her groceries inside?

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based and redpilled
same article

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>I will never feel bad about progandist getting shot
real journalist getting shot is tremendous lost.


>the jews were literally banned from france by the time they started building it

journalist, propagandist
learn the difference you faggot.

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>anybody that doesn't like the new design is a racist

>cutting off the nose to spite the face

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somebody find me this fucking meme

What’s the alt-right?

anybody white and right of center

the kikes are always trying to take credit for our civilizations

No it hasnt. There was no investigation of it.


This one?

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>When you're trying hard not to see Jooz behind everything but there are Jooz behind everything

Everything they want it to be.

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>Hyphenated name
Der ist schuld...

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>>the jews were literally banned from france by the time they started building it
construction started in 1163
jews were expelled in 1182


Jow Forums's cousin

Why the fuck are you respoding to yourself kike?
first day at the job?

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>Progressive metal

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Notice how they separate Judeo-christian values and Western Civilization?

Give Notre Dame a Statue the Left Will Hate.

here here


meh, it took hundreds of years to build. The kikes were expelled for most of it.

>let’s define a centuries old church just to spite white people
>gee where’s all this antisemitism coming from
Jews really believe white culture is inherently white supremacy but don’t think Jewish supremacists even exist

You shouldn't. The mass media is nothing but a dis-info tool.

Are you retarded? How are you this fucking new? What are your wages?

Judeo-Facism is a real thing.

Old oak doesn't burn naturally.

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five feet four inches

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They were expelled twice during that time.

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I think the author is trying to get one of her judeo-islamic architect cousins hired for the job.


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Ok worldstar white guy.


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Meaning it will be a homo flag roof?

A muslim burned down Norte dame, will get away with it and globohomo will redesign it.

Honk honk we are in hell.

>Give the alt right millions more recruits
Thanks Jew!

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This term literally originates with the end of WW2, and the Jew's use of TV and film to spread the white guilt narrative, exploiting the technology to shift all accountability for the war onto the people who granted them asylum.
>Western values and civilization began in 1945
Fuck boomers, they're the original NPCs.

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Dude looks like Danny DeVito as the penguin

going out on a limb here and assuming a jew wrote this

I only feel bad that their deaths are too quick when they are shot. All journalists deserve to be tortured.

>Medieval Europe was a crossroads of global influence, not a mythical all-white past. The new Notre Dame should reflect that.
Literal historical gaslighting.

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how bout accerating the fuck of it?

jews : killed christ
christian : love christ

yea i dont think these values are aligned

the "alt-right" lives in the heads of journalists, completely rent-free! fitting of a fascist communist ideology!


me either user. the first mad lad who pulls off a mass journalist shooting, im naming my first son after him.

>le we don't even have a basement

yes, piss off people not involved to piss off an inflated ideology that was created by lefties.

Dumb stupid cunt
I hate these people

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Why is a Jewish woman writing about Notre Dame in the first place?