Using duolingo and noticed this interesting fact.
What the fuck Sweds?
Using duolingo and noticed this interesting fact.
What the fuck Sweds?
In Finland the most popular language to learn is Finnish, because Finns realize they may need to communicate with each other in the event Sweden collapses.
you are learning spanish, aren't you OP?
If the refugees were smart they'd learn English instead
>What the fuck Sweds?
How else are Mohammed and Mbuntu going to tell a Swedish girl: "If you scream while I'm raping you, I will slit your throat"
I'm learning Portuguese and Italian.
damn I should learn italian
also lol at uruguay and portuguese
looks like they got macaco'd during the war
>If the refugees were smart
Isn't Argentine Spanish heavily Italic influenced already?
I'm learning Japanese hiragana I don't mess with the lessers of the Latin family of languages.
sweden has been barbara lerner spectre'd to the core.
allegedly yeah, I can almost understand them but they cannot understand me.
>English is being learned in the USA
Duolingo is shit, though. Just pirate Rosetta Stone or something similar.
Both are free user, and I can use this to learn my hiragana because Rosetta is complete shit at that.
Is factual falcon making a comeback?
Rosetta Stone is the same shit as duolingo, just with a fancy meme and expensive
Fluenz teacher is super hot.
Because some many people come here from somewhere else. I am willing to bet the number of Americans learning another language is quite low. Most Americans don't have a passport and don't travel outside the US.
It's because the US is pretty big and "diverse" in terms of locations already, there's plenty of vacation spots here with no added hassle of a foreign language or overseas flights. The US is so heavily regionalized it's basically like 5 countries crammed together.
>Mexico learning french
>USA learning english
>Canada learning Spanish