>“Not only does she not have credibility, she lied,” Ryan said on a CNN panel Thursday night, during a discussion about Sanders’ 2017 usage of the word “countless” when referring to FBI agents who had lost confidence in their former boss, James Comey.
>“She out and out lied, and the people, the American people can’t trust her. They can’t trust what’s said from the president’s mouthpiece-spokesperson from the people’s house. Therefore, she should be let go. She should be fired, end of story,” she said. “When there was a lack of credibility there, you have to start and start lopping the heads off. It’s fire me Thursday or fire me Good Friday. She needs to go.”
I think it is just an expression. Granted if Trump ever said that they would run with it for a week or two.
Austin Gonzalez
Then pretending it was just a joke.
Cameron Hernandez
>dear Fucking nigger retard.
Jeremiah Butler
Dawwww, mad that your best black friend is a chimping timebomb waiting to happen? I’m from Houston, they’re everywhere here, they all behave like this, jump headfirst into a wood chipper