Be me 6' 3", 8.5/10, fit, engineering grad student, white, dark hair, dark eyes, chadlite

>be me 6' 3", 8.5/10, fit, engineering grad student, white, dark hair, dark eyes, chadlite
>wakeup early for early date in morning
>go on date at large beautiful park near house with 9/10, conservative, fit, medical student, white, blonde, blue eyes
>first date, seccond time meeting
>hear her voice on the phone get goosebumps and almost jizz
>great conversation, excellent personality within five minutes. were into each other
>we both agree this date should be all day, since we are free all day,
>it was orginally planned to be two hours
>after 10 minutes were holding hands
>later were hugging, she kissed my cheek, i kissed her hand
>said i was very smooth and romantic
>its my first girlfriend outside of highschool
>halfway though, she starts talking about exes
>try to steer conversation
>starts showing pictures of all exes
>2 out of 3 exes are short and fat philipino dudes (all unemployed)
>other ex is white but catastrophic acne and ugly as shit, athletic, (((business))) major
>still tring to steer conversation
>start talking about sex (good topic, unsarcastically)
>asks how big my dick is
>she is actually quite conservative and not slutty at all, only had 3 boyfriend in her entire life, all of which long term
>compare with iPhone size, answer truthfully
>takes my phone and compares dick size of exes, juxexposing my dick size
>try steering conversation
>realize she dated asians
>she starts talking about how she can squirt and if guys like that, also says its annoying to clean up but sometimes can hold it in
>i like squirting, ish
>says she likes my biceps, show off semi abs
>she says she wished i had a dab bod
>she likes being a bit kinky
>she likes getting choked, i find choking women repulsive
>starts talking about how she still has feelings for last boyfriend

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Other urls found in this thread:


>says her dad divrored her mom at age in elementary or middle school
>ask if she has romantic interest in me
>"i see you more as a friend"
>i was fucking holding hands and shit, hugging and kissing on cheek with her, wtf
>she showered me in romantic compilments when i first saw her on text afterwards
>date ends, not abruptly, but smoothly
>i was walking non-stop for like 6 hours for the date


>raining, 8PM, live close to same park, go back
>empty park
>go back to same park bench
>pretend that date is there and hug her and wrap my arm around her
>nothing beats that feeling of being hugged and kissed by a woman
>relaize she is not there

i was outplayed by an unemployed, philipino, that weighs 350lbs, that does not know how to shave, with ridcious glasses, i wasted 6 hrs on this woman

i know no one cares about my dating life on the internet but it feels so much better

>not raw dogging the bitch after date
the flip didn't cuck you, you did moron.

>dated a couple fugly dudes
>talks about squirting on the first date and asks you about your dick
>won’t stop talking about exes

You dodged a bullet OP, she sounds like a lowkey trash bag.

>talks about exes dicks
>'tee hee i can squirt'
>talks about her kinks on the first date

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You went to a park, sat on a bench and pretended to hug an imaginary girl you knew form one date. Then you proceeded to cry. You sound very boring/desperate/shallow. I think both of you dodged a bullet.

Crying over someone that has not sufferred a great tragedy or injustice, worst crying over a romantic interest u spent A DAY with. A DAY!

I’d avoid sharing this story with anyone. Its fucked from beginning to end without a single redeeming or normal moment in between. Its a rare thing for both parties to be so fucked. It’s like you both were trying to one up each other on shit you shouldn’t do or say on a date. Add in your little quips and that fucking ending, it’s just too much to be made up. If you’re here to ask what went wrong you read your posts outloud to yourself. If you still have to ask then you’re fucked user. Just holding onto the hope that it’s just a shitpost.

>asks how big my dick is
>she is actually quite conservative
Just let us burn, already. If this is what counts as "conservative", I want off this ride

Something tells me you're a fat seanigger

It’s OP’s opinion which if you read the entire post you’d already know is that of an autist.

you are not as good looking as you think.

"conservative" see thats the first red flag. Any conservative girl is brainwashed to believe their underlings to men.

>later were hugging, she kissed my cheek, i kissed her hand
>said i was very smooth and romantic
Yeah OP you’re a real panty dropper. No idea why she wouldn’t fuck you right then and there.

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Wonder how he came up with the figure of 8.5/10. Too humble to give himself a 9 but confident enough to know he’s better than an 8?

Don't be so sad

I have been told by male friends.

That's what I would call people delusional enough to think that it's somehow desirable to be a disposable drone.
But hey, we all know the line--"work makes you free". So stick it to the 'patriarchy' and work 9 to 5 for Mr. Noseberg.
>"measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men."

She thought you were chad thundercock but you kissed her hand like a beta cuck instead of tongueing her right then and there. Just know that her hand has touched that fat bastard's cock.
>inb4 later virgins

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>kiss hand
should have had your tongue down that bitch throat

Okay this was some nice bait OP, thanks for the entertainment and good night.

Exactly, that's far from fucking conservative, she's probably an undercover whore who wants to pretend she's not.

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I dont believe hardly any of that story

The moment she started talking about exes the whole thing was over

OP here.

Thank you so much for making fun of me. This is a great coping mechanism. I will never be this retarded in my life.