I keep getting dreams where i fall for a woman and we do nice things like cooking together or cuddling. What do...

I keep getting dreams where i fall for a woman and we do nice things like cooking together or cuddling. What do? They're really annoying when you wake up, you wake up and it's all gone

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stop sleeping indefinitely

Do squats, pushups and crunches until failure before bed.

just be glad you weren't like this and then turned gay at 20
It'll make you doubt your entire reality and wish for these feelings and dreams to come back

Yo you can turn gay ?¿! .
Shit so its like an illness that you can caught .
Shit man I just got the gay I dunno makes no sense

I used to have dreams like that. I cured them by actually making an effort and now I have a girlfriend. I don't have to dream anymore because it is now my reality.

explain how I had no homoerotic or homoromantic urges or thoughts or attraction until aged 20 after I had been self inserting as the girl for 2 years and finally the trap/tranny and finally watching forced bi/gay encouragement/repeat after me/pain&reward conditioning femdom after having watched femdom to get off to all my insecurities before since the age of 11 and only ever feeling crazy for girls

You sound like a huge faggot

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please help how do i stop dreaming about this`ä??

seePut some effort into getting a real life gf.

i cant, i have autism



I guess all this stuff changed your mindset and seems like you forced yourself into that situation or maybe you where gay the whole time . I'm not one to judge do what makes YOU happy

We all have autisim . But thats easy to say have you ever tried hard enough or is it even something you actually want ?

why did i laugh so hard?

>I'm not one to judge do what makes YOU happy
How do you stop internalizing others opinions even though you know they aren't true? How do I not fixate on the traumatic memories and play them repeatedly over and over again until they become a part of my identity i.e. make me a homosexual? How do you stop incorporating and agreeing with other peoples judgements on yourself despite knowing they're wrong?

How do people become strong or weak willed? Do they get broken?

Oh Lord .
Listen first of this is something above my level of knowledge but I guess your over thinking the whole thing a bit to much . Just chill out and think about what you want or don't want and life by that . Sorry for the shit advice.
Your not the pain from your past and the pain doesn't define who you are .
Just stop caring about other opinions its your life not someone else's.
I hate to say it but man you should maybe talk to someone better than Jow Forums no harm ment go seek a therapist that could maybe open your eyes a bit if you can't do it on your own

Maybe it's telepathic vibes from your future person that you're going to meet? Something to look forward to soon, OP!

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i do not know how to try i do not know how to flirt


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Well just talk to a woman .

>I don't know how to ride a bicycle
>Just enter the Tour de France

>trap porn
You deserve being gay. How did you not see this coming, fagboy?

I self inserted as cis girls for almost 2 years and traps/trannies always looked too mannish and off to me but over time I was just desensitized to the lack of every subtlety

Yes, and? If you finish the tour de france then you definitely learned how to ride a bicycle. You just watch and learn, get some make friends first. Open up to em a bit, ask for some tips. Put em to use. The practice by establishing friends will cement a base of initial socialization. Then by the time you move onto girls youll be cool as a cucumber because you will realise that a happy life secured on your omn with good friends is pretty good. A woman would add to it, but definitely wouldnt complete it. Then it just comes naturally. Unless youre gay.

>Then it just comes naturally. Unless youre gay.
I was crazy for women aged 10-20 and now the attraction has disappeared and now its just objective attraction. Now I'm gay, what happened?
