Korean qt is a victim of racism in Germany:

Korean qt is a victim of racism in Germany:

>be german boomer
>let hundreds of thousands of african males into the country
>welcome these adult men with teddy bears at the central station like retards
>make sure that no foreign women come to the country
>if you find a cute asian girl be openly racist against her

Day of the pillow cant come soon enough, I cant wait for German boomers to get mass murdered in the retirement homes.

Attached: blondeDubu03.jpg (1200x1800, 251K)

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This shows how pathetic and cucked we Europeans have become. He'd put his head down walking past a bunch of muslims but when a sweet little young asian girl comes to his country looking to see his culture he insults her.

> attack the asian and not the jew sitting next to her.
Fucking germany

>be german boomer
>let hundreds of thousands of african males into the country
>welcome these adult men with teddy bears at the central station like retards
>make sure that no foreign women come to the country
>if you find a cute asian girl be openly racist against her

Bro, this is on point, would like to slap these boomers right now

I am just letting this sink in, the same boomers that cry racism if you actually oppose niggers, killing people. make fun of this innocent Korean girl. What the fuck, dude. This country is so fucked, i feel bad for her

So find him. He probably drinks there every day the fat prick

White knight faggot. Fuck all niggers, including rice niggers


I havent felt this ashamed for germany since i found out the holocaust was a lie.

Same thing happened to a Japanese girl I knew who lived in Italy, she said she faced lots of racism towards her from Italian boomers. Bet they welcome rapefugees with open arms though

This reminds me of going to Ikea 3 years back with my mother. There were lots of loud and obnoxious somalis in the Ikea and my mother said nothing about it.
Then there was a couple of polish people walking buy, talking to each other in a normal voice.
And my mother said "God damn, polish people need to go back to their country. they are probably trying to steal from us."
I hate boomers so fucking much.
German boomers love all brown people and hate all white people.
Also my boomer dad laughed about me because I invested in blockchain projects, while he wastes his money at the casino - the only reason he got wealthy in the first place is because he inherited a lot of money from my grandparents and now he wastes it on roulette and cruise vacations.
German boomers are as bad as jews, unironically. The difference is that German boomers are dumb as bricks while they think they are the smartest people to ever walk the earth

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them fat kraut niggers sure prove European culture is superior

>inherited a lot of money from my grandparents
how much did them melted down jew's gold teeth bring in, in total?

He's a fucking pussy. He's scared of men, and especially African men, so he picks on a skittish little Asian girl.

This. Our country is fucking dead.

Sounds like my family, my dad is quite the Gutmensch, he ALWAYS protects the poor niggers from racism and thinks the biggest threat is right wing violence, while at the same time making fun of anyone not a nigger. Eastern Euroes, Asians, Americans, you name it. But never ever dare to be racist towards those poor little niggers

t. chingchong

fucking cowards lol
applaud when the shitskin fucks and murders your people in broad daylight
openly mock and ridicule some gook broad trying to enjoy her meal kek

You don't belong in europe, chink

God forbid we got millions of Ukrainian women as refugees or migrants, no, instead we had to get millions of african and muslim males of military age, this is how smart we have become, this is our peak civilizational progress.

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what if we just killed them both?
or do you have yellow fever?

who cares chang, go back to your country

Lol @ you fucking white knight incels. Anyone who would do this is obviously on the right and against all immigration . these are your people

You krauts are half way there, its good that no chinks are allowed but now start purging the niggers too

where in my statement did you surmise that I have "yellow fever"?


Based boomer. Gooks are the enemy, Japs are the good ones.

Changs are no better than nogs. Their parallel economy has destroyed a lot of italians jobs

Sad. Asian women are amazing friends.

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it also reminds me of this now infamous german ad:

this ad was probably also done by a boomer
"lets make all ads politically correct and show all white women with black boyfriends! but also lets shit on asian women!!"
seriously, only asian women receiving the hatred pretty clearly shows that faggot boomers fear the conflict with a grown man, so they lash out against the most vulnerable and smallest people in the country

Attached: dahyun_eating.webm (334x530, 292K)

Any Asian living in a failing white nation deserve everything they get.

She was really tame about it. She didnt throw some nigger fit like "bisch whachu doin lookin at me nigguh my nigguh gonna fuck u up nigga imma stab u nigga"

Are whites natural race mixers? everyone on pol wants to bang chinks or niggers

Boomers exist in a state of rivalry with younger men. They want to destroy young men and their future, not women. Any Asian qt is a threat to this as it is a chance for a young German male to have a wife and children, when boomers quite literally want every white Gen xyz male to be a genetic dead end. Narcissism 101

This is pathetic.

this is so damn accurate it hurts my stomach

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I've only had sex with white girls;and the two girls interested in me currently are white, and one of them is mormon to boot.

the only reason germans insult asian people is because they know the asians can't possibly retaliate. what is an asian going to do, honestly? speak ching-chong shit at you while flailing their tiny little body?

brown people, on the other hand, are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING to the average german, because the german knows he will be raped the instant he causes offense.

LMAO thanks for the laugh user

YouTube The Narcissistic Resistance channel > search 'Boomers'

>Anyone who would do this is obviously on the right and against all immigration
But he prefers to harass young girl instead obvious gibs. Most of boomers are cowards and degenerates.

Exactly, better pick on those smaller than you, instead of the violent apes they voted to come in. Disgusting beta pussies, all of them. You better believe they are the first to look down when they have eyecontact with someone their own size.

It's because boomers hate people better than them.

Can we have an immigration policy where we only let in cute foreign women as comfort women?

Fuck it. I wish I could have been there and beat the shit out of the racist boomers. She didn't do anything to deserve that bullshit.


calm your titts lu. and remeber Canada is not ur country

You all just say that because you want to fuck her. If that was a Korean guy you wouldnt care. Female privilege. Lets be real here, Asians discriminate as well, in fact Korea is one of the most racist nations on earth much "worse" than Germany according to international ratings (I actually like that but in this context its bad, right?)

Y'all a bunch of yellowfeverfags

And another thing: those people at the train station are overwhelmingly Antifas. They get unironically paid for their demonstration shit. At the same time the current "centrist" goverment which in reality is a left-wing dictatorship bullies people into voting it by making Nazi accusations. Very likely the manipulate the voting results as well, at this point it wouldnt surprise me anymore.

And the best part is: I am not even German.

get your eyes checked Hans

I think they had a bad taste of humor

The Boomer is probably more redpilled than you Civnat cuck faggot.

from the fact that you are a defending a chink

>This reminds me of going to Ikea 3 years back with my mother. There were lots of loud and obnoxious somalis in the Ikea and my mother said nothing about it.
>Then there was a couple of polish people walking buy, talking to each other in a normal voice.
>And my mother said "God damn, polish people need to go back to their country. they are probably trying to steal from us."
Reminds me of Brits who rag on Poles while Pakis gangrape their daughters and niggers cause crimerates to soar.

They still deserve it.
Every shitskin deserves it.

>Korean qt is a victim of racism in Germany:

A woman's fertility is more valuable than sperm.

That add is a joke on german sex tourism bruh not solely asian infatuation with white people.

Germans are such pieces of fucking shit. You bastards deserve the Sharia Law you will soon be living under.

Germany already as too many foreigners and the last thing those Germans need is more of them in form of weird hapa kids

>racism is okay as long as it not my qt asian queeennzzz
Get fucked hypocrite, you're getting everything you deserve.

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Sure Paco

At least the Pakis speak English. Poles must be eradicated wherever you find them.

LMAOOO all you yellow fever freaks getting triggered

Kill all jews.
Let all boomers die in a shitty nursery in the worst niggerified part of Baltimore, close to the kind they love so much.

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>See Muslim and African bvlls
>Say nothing due to fear of being attacked and raped by their big cocks
>See Asian women
>Be as racist as possible because she is too kind and polite to retaliate
White people... Ya'll some bitches lol.

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Had it coming for livestreaming. Fucking sick of those thots everywhere.

nah it's just boomers doing shit like that
i dont like asians but not me or any actual Jow Forumsposter is going to shit like this with only weak targets

Even if that was true it doesn't make up for the gangrapes, Islamism, welfare leeching and who knows what else.

Don't care. Fuck both asians and niggers.

Fix your own country first Sven, or is it Abdul?

It's her fault for going to live with those dumb krauts. She can come here any time. We Canadians are real men and we will take care of her.

Haha openly shit on other civilized races and welcome subhuman with open arms.

Maybe the west deserves to be destroyed.

I can point out hypocrisy and stupidity even if my country is shit, retard.

Sure but i prefer a kind and qt korean thot to an obnoxious smelly nigger with his simian music out loud. Like everyone on earth but stupid cucked boomers.

i was her twitch follower for a long time, at least this helped her become more known

Kill the asian insectoid before it's too late.

when the foreigner in germany is more redpilled than the natives


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Asians,Poles,Romanians,Gypsys,Russians,Turks,Niggers,Pakis all can FUCK OFF to their own Shitholes.

So what do you guys think, who are worse, Boomers or jews?
I am probably the biggest antisemite of all time (sorry Hitler-senpai, but you are a moderate compared to me), but I unironically start to think that Boomers are even worse.

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I'd rather have asian migrants than a bunch of smelly and ugly niggers, sandniggers and curryniggers who trash everything around them. Koreans are some of the cleanest most respectful and based Asians that migrate into the US. Fuck these boomer cucks.

I'll stand with Poles before the shitskins, but that's just me.

asians are subhuman

Hows life in Sweden Mariusz??

>but a couple rules!
>we get to go to your countries but only your hot women are allowed to go to ours
>we get to make fun of you for your race, but don't you dare get upset about it
>if we see you date our women you're getting lynched
>if you complain about us dating your women you're a cuck
>also you're first inline during the race war, just let me relax
>but hey we're equal! its what hitler would have wanted!

>these are your people

Yes but this is cringe and beta when you go after low hanging fruit like this tourist girl. He could have done it in a much better way.

finally someone with a brain.
boomers get the pillow

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Would you live in Japanese neighbourhood or in a Black neighbourhood? Be honest.

Good. Korea is a CIA scam. It once had a proper culture but it wasn't strong enough to struggle through the 20th McCentury.

You yellow fever fags are so disgusting. Nobody cares about some subhuman chink

Some people on two tasks at once, Slant.

I'm a Swede-Finn mutt, Cenk.

What makes you think that he doesn't oppose Africans coming into Germany, you fucking retard?

White Brits, Pakis and niggers in the UK all hate Poles because

1) Poles can arrive in the UK and claim benefits the day they arrive while a Paki’s or nigger’s grandad or a white Brit with family outside of the EU has to struggle to even get a visa
2) Poles don’t even learn how to speak English and speak their gibberish in public
3) Poles will work for peanuts, so white Brits, Pakis and niggers all have jobs taken away from them by Poles

Ironically the one thing that unites everyone in the UK is hatred of Poles

asians are completely unbased
why call boomers cucks when you're posting cucked boomer takes?

a white one

that's because he knows who his masters are.

Boomers are a pure product of noahide laws. They literally are jewish golems with NPC mindset. They are worse in patheticness but you should always hate the cause more than the effect. So keep hating the jew and eventually the boomer stop existing.

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I'm white you blabbering scoundrel

It amazes me how retarded these people are, eastern Asians possess high intelligence, have respect, have good values and are much more compatible with western society than any fucking nigger or muslim will ever be.