It's okay to be an Incel

The failed pursuit of sex and the resulting anger that stems from auch failure allows the Incel to see the world like it is: a facade of disgusting victors (the Chads and Brads) and pathetic Stacies that worship them.

Face it: these people would not give a fuck if you died tomorrow. These men will never respect you and these women would not touch you even if their lives depended on it.

The Cuck, alike the Incel, can't get sex and will ideologically defend the women who would never sleep with the Cuck, arguing in defense of his own virginity.

The Incel, uncucked, will correctly state that if these women don't give a fuck about the Incel, they can go fuck themselves. The Incel refuses to care for the feelings of women who would never care for his.

This hatred for Stacies and Chads, although isolating, helps one to see how this world is rigged in favour of good genes and how it is not worth to put an effort to be 1/8 of the man that Chad is by default. Thus, the Incel refuses to submit to the system and will likely try to destroy it.

That pessimism and anger makes the Incel redpilled.

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Other urls found in this thread:

there is nothing as unattractive as reddit spacing on Jow Forums

>It's okay to be an Incel
No it's not, now go back to your sewer and kys, faggot.

I just want someone to cuddle with desu. Sex is disgusting.

Nothing except for OP.

Hey user if you can't talk a girl to have sex just find a hooker, you'll see that all this anger will just disappear.

Cucks defending bitches and whores who are choking on Chad's girth as we speak.

Stop defending people who won't fuck you. They are just free eggs for actual men.

The problem with incels is the same problem with faggots, they make their entire life revolve around one thing, incels need to stop talking about these whores and move on, do the things you enjoy.

normally i would just ignore you
but you have to understand how wrong you are.
if I would walk into your hole, it would take me 5min to make your sister and your mother to suck my dick dry.

>if I would walk into your hole, it would take me 5min to be killed by local cartels*

Guys here don't have the balls to even lightly touch women. I don't think day of the rope is ever coming, to be honest. Real men take what they want by force.

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I don't her name. Belle or Bella or something and not dolphin but close. I would fuck her and dump here. Why is she important. Why is her ahegao so much important that she is the one. I don't get it.

oh you are from mexico

why is there a buzzword for everything?
people are like Double D from Ed Edd N Eddy where he has to label everything he sees

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they dont. Its just you talking about incels.
Incels care about work and other shit, while subhumans like you foam at the mouth day and night about the evil incels who dont even know your fat ass exists.
Why does a fat beta male like you constantly whinge and gripe about virgins? The answer is simple, its because you have no reason to live, you lack meaning and purpose, and the one thing that you can use to fit in to (((society))), to be recognized as anything but a worthless loser, is the fact that you banged 300lb becky that one night after you got her stoned off her gord.
That is the crowning achievement of your life, and youre always ready to blurt it out to everyone so we all know youre not a "loser".
The problem with that is.... you ARE a loser. A loser that has had sex. A loser so insecure about his meaningless worthless existence, that you must use this unimpressive "achievement" as a means to keep from offing yourself.
You literally base your self worth and validation as a man, off a womans vagina.
You are the epitome of a beta male and a soiboy, you should slit your wrists in a bathtub after reading this comment.

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It's not about sex. It's about love, the idea that someone in this world desires you near them. There is no one for the Incel, so being anger about it is much healthier than being content about the terrifying reality that no one in this world gives a damn about you.

What retards do not understand is that the girls whom Chad bangs are our lifetime crushes, our girl-next-doors, our soulmates, our "I saw you once and thought of a life together" type of person. All it takes for one to care is to have a heart, yet that's not the same for one to be cared for. Most Incels have terrible genes, terrible parents (who are just an embodiment of your shitty genes) and unremarkable lives. Like most men who hace lived, no one wants us for who we are and the more Incel you are, the clearer you see this

If Elliot Rogers had a girlfriend, he'd not have killed anyone - even if their sex life were unexistant. It's not about getting your dick wet, it's about getting some validation for being alive.

>Cucks defending bitches and whores
Nah, I just can score prime pussy so I am not jaded like a little cuck incel you are.
>The Incel, uncucked, will correctly state that if these women don't give a fuck about the Incel, they can go fuck themselves
This is the thing you incel virgin fags will never understand, you make it, that you have to find someone worthy in order to reciprocate your feelings towards, in reality, however, you just don't. Don't give a single flying fuck about females and they can and should go fuck themselves whenever.

And we will destroy the world. And we will do it in the most atrocious way posdible. Even hell will be shaken.

this. except the incel part im just a terrible person

the definition of incel is the problem. For me it's the literal thing, involuntary celibate. someone that would like to share his life with a women but get turned down every time. over time the definition became sex oriented and an insult by assuming an incel is bitter, angry, violent, etc. every incel was labeled angry and a women hater by association. by definition I am an incel. I have plenty of female friends but i am not interesting enough physically for them to share their life with me. i am not mad about it it's the same when i meet an ugly or fat women. it's just sad to see all this hate toward all incels for no reason.

Jesus what a fucking cringe post, all of these words devoted just to justify not being able to do single and simplest thing you were born to, reproduce and pass the genes further. If you weren't raised by a single mother, your dad would be disappointed...

>how this world is rigged in favour of good genes.
how the fuck does the world have bad gene abundance then. ohh gene is a good substitute word for shitty personality

Philosophy and Depression go hand in hand. There is a reason why so many philosophers kill themselves. The only problem I have with incels is they are genetic determinists, I've seen with my own eyes women getting with ugly motherfuckers who happen to have either high socioeconomic status or a way with words. Incels are right about alot of things, but not genetic determinism.

also tits or gtfo

>It's about love, the idea that someone in this world desires you near them
>girls whom Chad bangs are our lifetime crushes, our girl-next-doors, our soulmates
>our "I saw you once and thought of a life together" type of person
>it's about getting some validation for being alive
You know, I'd tell you to go kill yourself but I don't have two. With this mindset, there are only two possible options of what will happen in the future. You will grow so angry, that you'll supreme gentleman your way out of it or if you score a girlfriend by any cosmic luck, you will turn her into your oneitis perfect girlfriend in every way and after she dumps you, believe me, she will, and the reason for it will be because you're insufferable faggot who will put her on a pedestal, you will again supreme gentleman your way out of it. So no matter the outcome, at this very moment, you're on a right track to fulfill this destiny.

This is why he can't get laid.
Why are you so obsessed with sex? I'm pretty sure your anger wouldn't go away even if you found a 10/10 that loves you unconditionally. It's not about sex or love it's about a sense of self worth which you can only have by knowing you're not a degenerate failure. These are cliches but if someone loves you when you don't love yourself you never fully believe that the person loves you, how could they love a failure like you? The solution is to do something productive, anything. Even something as pathetic as a stamp collection is better than nothing, even small things build your sense of self worth in small ways.

>way with words

Greatest meme ever.

They buy Chad's sloppy seconds with money.

How pathetic must you be if you need to waste a little fortune that Chad gets just for living inside his body.

And you really think that everyone in a relationship loves each other truly? The human being is a selfish animal, it will only be togheter with someone else until the desire fades away, You need to understand your fellings, love yourself, because you're alone in this world, no matter how many friends or lovers you have.

>If Elliot Rogers had a girlfriend, he'd not have killed anyone

user he had depression and anxiety, no amount of love and pussy would have changed that.

Yeah I really like reading blocks of text mashed together instead of aesthetically separated for easier reading.

Oh wait, you're German, that's what your entire language looks like.

Theze girls truly care about Chad.

I saw how they want to comfort him when he is in pain.

>t. hambeast

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a sentence is not a paragraph. they are different blocks of writing. you don't have to put paragraph spacing between every sentence you write. it doesn't add to readability, and just makes you look like a newfag.

based monikaposter

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Well user this might be your point of view, in a very closed environemnt. But generally, people don't give a shit about others. If even relatives can't give care enough for its own kind, how can ordinary people do the same?

>Theze girls truly care about Chad.

They only care until a better chad appears. They are just like models, they have a very limited life span.

I like how you outright ignore all my other posts just so you can keep yourself in this perpetual victimhood and fuel this skewed worldview further, attempting to garner all the pity and compassion you can get from other fellow incels of how bad, evil, cruel and unfair this world is. None of you fags will ever face the reality head on and understand, that thing the females despise the most is what you reek of the strongest, it's the weakens of character. Each and every post in this board is drenched in pathetic weakness and unwillingness to grow as a human, but it's much easier to shift blame i suppose and pretend that the game is rigged from the start...

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Relinquish your worldly desires and attachments, and devote your life to Jesus. You are incompatible with this world, because you were built for the next. As Jesus said:
>“If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you. Remember the word I spoke to you, ‘No slave is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours."
>John 15:18-20

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Sure is OP in this thread.

Go to gym 4 times a weak, eat lots of protein
Dress somewhat in style
Stop giving a shit about female opinion

Bam no longer an incel

why dont girls talk to me that often

>okay to end your bloodline
kys you attention whore i hope they chop off your kids dick when they circumsize him.

>be good looking
>don't be ugly

You don't have to be an incel OR a cuck. There's a third way user.

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This post makes it seem like there is a force out there working for the good of men, by satirizing what a man without his soul would be like.

The literal pews are populated by young women hoping to see a good man (praying man) praying nearby. Have yourself presentable (first to God, second to her), and magnetize her at the fellowship after the service. Don't do much, enjoy her taking looks at you while you talk with men in nice jackets. She'll come up or eventually the man's wife will want to get you introduced to the father daughter or friend. Compliment her at that time. It'll make her day. The next step will want to happen with the right person. Always keep your mind on whether someone you meet is pleasing to you, and worth the energy God has given to you in your life.

>The failed pursuit of sex
What if we've never pursued?

>leddit cant read normal text formats.

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only if you have turned down sex

oy vey involuntary (you) virgin

This thread is making me want to find an incel to dominate. It would be fun to give them MDMA and watch them beg for a taste of my wife. I could be their divine god that grants them the pussy they desire. I guess this is how cults are born

No its not, I want a family. Roasties married the state instead.

christ that's almost as fucked up as being an incel

I want to fuck an incel in the ass until he cums and never cares about pussy again.
Someone make a corruption hentai about this pls

I'd honestly enjoy seeing how much degrading shit the anons would be willing to put up with before their reward.

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I like how you switched away from







spacing after

Damn, forgot this chan has ID tags. Guess I got owned.

>literal brown eyed shitskinned spic mutt named pablo
trip over a vat of acid

You know the incel meme is a psyop when your government uses the term during a power trip.
Fuck off with this mission OP is done/abort.

Only roasties hate incels, because they challenge the worldview that gives women power

Spoken like a true incel

based cuddleposter


OP didn't say it's ok to be an incel. He said incels see how things really are.

Nice reading comprehension. You went to a public school amd didn't learn to read using phonics?

Kys discord tranny

it isn't okay to be an incel. we need more white kids now. any "incel" can easily get an obese, used up, ugly 35 year old. stop complaining and man the fuck up.

>OP didn't say it's ok to be an incel.
>title of the thread is literally "It's okay to be an incel"

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egirls are the absolute worst and so are you if you finance or give them attention. You're teaching women they can make a living off of whoring out instead of being devotes to their husbands, ya cunts

women hate incels because typically incels:

1) don't look like they have social status / leverage
A) Women thrive and seek ways to harness a man's social rank / standing. Appearance is one of the most ready ways to do so because it implies high social standing. Having time to hit the gym, cook and eat healthy foods, lots of money, etc. Are all social status markers.

2) Even if a man is fit and healthy but rejects society it will make a woman angry because she can't use use a man to gain power and status herself. She will leave a man like this or drive him via thottery, sex, bitching, nagging to pursue these things or divorce him and STEAL it from him.

3) incels are 1 or 2 and so women hate them. They either have nothing women can take or use or flat out won't surrender it to women, so women despise them and would eradicate them from the face of the earth if able. As if to say, "Men who do not bow to our whims and serve our desires must be put to death."''

"Incels" and "Thots" (modern women) are diametrically opposed. They are two warring factions of radically opposed ideals who will never come to a peaceful arrangement. One will seek the destruction of the other. To allow the other side survival and supremacy would mean the eradication of the other.

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guys with big dicks are never incels

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No, it's about sex

go fuck your whores česky kokotko

Manlette with a small tallywhacker

Sex is unironically overrated unless you're married and doing it to make babies.

>social status / leverage
The kernel of truth behind the incel rants is the importance of this. You can just watch a few chimp documentaries to see the pattern of social status behind all interactions, not just sexual ones. Ape brain sizes are directly correlated with group size because we evolved brains primarily to be smart enough to gain social status not for being clever about finding food or something like that. Like Peterstein points out even lobsters have a form of social status.

The incel issue is still the focus on sex instead of how to gain that social status even if only in your own mind. The "just be confident bro" cliche is about having trust in some potential you have to gain social status which is a thing women can almost smell because that's what they evolved to do.

I truly don't care how much of how little sex a person gets. The thing that's not to be tolerated is being a cuck.

Sex isnt 9verrated but it is better with someone you like. With a stranger it's either awkward or really good which means you have to get tested since you fucked a slut. With a chick you are into its comfortable because of familiarity.

Oh my god, the marketing terms. Chads, cucks, staceys, incels.
We're all individuals. You think you're stuck in a box? Only because you put yourself there. You can leave any time.

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It's still overrated because it's been put on this pedestal as the greatest achievement on Earth and that you're some sort of failure in life if you aren't constantly looking to get laid. It's whatever. Yes, having sex with someone you're in love with is a lot more satisfying than fucking some random whore, but it's still overrated. The best part about sex is the creation of new life. People have such a fucked up view of sex from too much porn. It's not even close to being like that.

>send me dogo pic’s
I’m sniggering at an in joke.
And all this left wing shit - nobody else uses the term incel or is an incel except left wing activists - is a crock. Your facts are made up.
The scum who OP here all day are all virgins. They are larding their genuine irl sadness as us because pretending that they are us is the only way they can find someone at their own tier shonthdy can take on.
ONLY LEFTISTS SAY INCEL - it’s all about them.

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Even I don’t know what those words are meant to say???
But you are aren’t you. Look at the state of that reddit op.
They are so obvious.

Na koleji tu je víc než dost slovenek, par z nich už jsem mrdal. Nemůžu za to, že slovensko je taková díra, kde všichni bačové mrdají ovce a slovenky lezou k nám, aby je konečně někdo pořádně opíchal.

Go outside, talk to women. It's not that hard faggot.


only asian males are incels, everyone knows that.

dude's from Europe, m8. Back to geography class.

Ugly guys can get good looking girls. Why didn't you fucks rush in college?

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not even ugly

Ugly guys only get good looking girls if they're rich. Beautiful women are the most shallow, materialistic people on Earth. All they care about is status and will fuck anyone to get there.

>Burgers education

>heh, you must feel really stupid now
t. pic related

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That guy's nowhere near ugly.

your theory of evolution renders this discussion whole in my perspective because it dismisses the danger woman has always presented towards man. From a creation theory viewpoint, woman is lesser than man, being created from "the rib' or whatever. I do not understand the significance of the rib. However, woman is lesser yet without being tempered BY MAN they are like a wild flame loosed upon creation and man. Women generally have no in born temperance or desire for temperance unless placed there by a father and then changed hands to the husband. Generally a wild woman will not become a tamed woman for long as it is usually just a ruse for some kind of gain.What wisdom one should gain from the Genesis story of the Garden is that unless watched at all times, evil or the enemy will attack you via you're weakest link and for man that will always be his woman because she while she is lesser she seeks to become equal to and greater. An inborn knowledge of her inequality and without temperance and wisdom instead of grateful servitude and a role of importance inside the family, above the children but lesser than the husband she will destroy everything. For women are the foundation of the home and the soil of the family.

Building your family on barren sand or salt (metaphors for women) leads only to ruin.

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If you're obsessed with this stuff like some jew out of a sitcom you can find status in different subcultures without being rich. Find some hippies or something.
Or better yet don't be a sitcom jew.

I didnt say that our women are not whores, you just proved my point česky kokotko

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i went to a semester of community college then dropped out...
have a shit job and am incel now

You're interchanging incel vs volcel. You're talking about volcels, those who do not bow to the female whim. Incels are those who are overlooked and denied by females due to their sheer undesirability. They think that they ale entitled to not only the pussy, but prime 10/10 pussy similar to the general super popular twitch thots and will cry to no end about those who just took what they want. Also as a rule of a thumb, they outright refuse to date within available pool derived fromtheir own looks. They also refuse to date down to get some experience.

Pic related is epitome of incel mindset.

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Take the prude pill. Women have to prove their worth.

All you're saying is just that I am fucking while you're not. I'll think about your insults next time I'll be fucking Zuzana.

>going to the gym is as impossible as altering my genes

Fatty cope is best cope.