
>everyone on Jow Forums is just asking for advice on their relationships

>you're a 30-year-old virgin with no past relationships

You guys don't know how good you have it. You're living my dream yet you complain. All my life I've wanted attention, someone to care about what I do. It feels crushing to realize not only does nobody consider you a real person, but no matter what you do, there's nobody to give a shit.
Truth is, attention from other human beings is one of the foundations of a healthy life. We use terms like "attention whore" as a negative, but just look around you: nobody wants to live alone, and for most not even that is enough. A notable percentage of the human population aspires to be Youtube celebrities.

Can you understand how much 30 years of inceldom have affected my self image? I'm riddled with insecurities, doubt and self loathing. Ironically that lowers my chances even further and it becomes a downward spiral that never ends.
If you don't get a girlfriend in your twenties, you most likely never will. It's always possible, but the trauma you have suffered from past failures keeps it from happening. I've also noticed that the amount of people I meet in life has gone down the older I've gotten. You youngsters might not understand how it's possible to end up a 30-year-old virgin but it's easier than you think. For a male, at least.
I also realize that in my state a hungry man is prone to accepting just about any kind of woman just to not be alone. That's not a good thing. I bet one day women will learn to abuse this emergence of desperate men to their advantage.

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Nigga just grow a pair. Put yourself out there, get out of your comfort zone safe space, force yourself into anxiety-filled situations. Get a new job, meet new people, do shit you don’t wanna do. I was in a similar situation (albeit in my early 20s, not 30) and I just said fuck it and jumped off the metaphorical cliff. By forcing myself to do shit that made me anxious, I became braver and more outgoing. Now my social life is amazing.

At 30 you should already realize that whining will get you nowhere and you need to man up and stop being a faggot. Stop hanging out on incel forums and go outside.

>man up and stop being a faggot

Why do your replies always boil down to this?
Because it's true? No. I consider myself braver, manlier and smarter than most people who actually have girlfriends. I base this on things such as actually being able to approach women out there without even being drunk. I don't know many people in my life who can do this. They got their girls off the Internet or something. But I'm out there busting my ass humiliating myself, still at 30 years of a fuckin' age. Could you?
I've learned that getting a girl is NOT a checklist thing. I can't stress this part enough. You can't tell me to go to the gym more or something vague and meaningless like "growing a pair". This is literally what you say to people when you don't really know the answer but want to make it sound like you're the expert. Being in a relationship doesn't really make you the expert on how to get a relationship.

>albeit in my early 20s
So in other words, your experience in the matter is minimal. A 20-year-old is basically still a teen.

On a side note, my post wasn't a cry for help on how to pick up girls. It was about something a lot deeper.
You lot disregarding my post with something as mundane as "grow ballz" is downright insulting. But what could I expect from 15-year-old normies? I guess I half expected you could at least imagine what a 30-year-old incel is going through in his mind, but you can't even do that. You're so hung up on what your reality is.

Your hunger is making you very short-sighted.

Countless men have made the same mistake you are contemplating.
You find a girl, greatful to be in a relationshiop, sweat its love. Then you knock her up or wed her before the relationship INEVITABLY ends.

Then you have to share fatherhood with a woman that will hate you, despises you, and also the next hugry guy who will tell your children what they can and cant do. All of these to see your children very other weekend. Meanwhile you will work for the next twenty years supporting these kids, whose lives you will hardly ever be a part of in this sad lifetime burden you have created out of hunger.

So what are you saying? Are relationships a pipedream?
There's still the built-in need for companionship.

Having a gf is not as easy and fun as it looks...

My gf always wants us to do normie stuff and it’s very stressful for me. I really don’t like it, but I feel too scared to break up with her. I feel so much more stressed in a relationship than I did alone

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It is true. You only want to whine. Despite being 30 you are acting like a 15 year old. It's not even clear why you wrote this wall of text in the first place, did you just want validation?

The idea of actively and aggressively pursuing a relationship mindlessly is a BAD IDEA.

Here is some advice that should last you a lifetime:
If something is TOO much of a struggle then it is the wrong route, and is no in the plans. It will get you in trouble when you finally get it.

>Despite being 30 you are acting like a 15 year old.

You should know the reason for this, user...

Did you honestly think people could mature mentally without being in relationships?
Like, when someone becomes a father, they take a huge leap in maturity - because their situation forces them to.
I'm a virgin but I still realize my own immaturity. And I think the biggest reason for this is the obvious: I've never had to deal with real life issues such as relationships or relationship drama. I don't have to compromise, since I live alone.

Let me tell you something: I also had never had a relationship when I was 30. But I wasn't behaving like you. You are only looking for excuses instead of getting off your lazy ass and doing something.

Stop going on incel forums and start going on dating sites instead. Get on tinder, bumble.

you don’t have to have a relationship to be mature, retard.

Enjoy you child support payments and shared custody. Dating sites are schemes with no reward in the end.

>Tinder and Bumble
Those are unhealthy for average men desu

Just more excuses. You clearly want to be an incel.
Why are you lying?

It’s not a lie. It absolutely is mentally unhealthy for the average man.

No it is not. If you are a bottom of the barrel tier incel then maybe. But for an average guy they give great opportunities to match with girls and meet them.

you are not alone

I never took my relationships for granted. Not all of us complain. Which in turn probably helped is getting into a relationship.

Real average or average how women see it?

>implying OP isn't a bottom of the barrel incel
i'm not even an incel or ugly and got 0 matches

>Get on tinder, bumble.

I've been on Tinder for 3 years with nothing.
In my country only picky bimbos use Tinder though.

Dude same with me. Tinder is a waste of time. I live in Los Angeles, probably one of the worst places to have tinder. Most of the girls on their are models or actresses or at least trying to be. I think I've gotten like 8 matches over the years. I've actually met a girl who I saw on tinder who I then when to her Instagram and she has a boyfriend!!!!! Lol she's not using tinder to meet guys, she's using it to get more Instagram followers. Why do you think they put their Instagram publicly up there. You're gonna sift through maybe 90+ percent of ad chicks over here. It's a waste of time. So just opt out of this app. There needs to be something better than tinder. Something where we can verify the girls are serious about dating. But the market is just flooded. Too many guys and too few girls online. Girls who are 5s have full inboxes. It's just completely inverted man. I'm an older dude in my mid 30s. In the early 2000s. Dating sites were great and I got to date some very gorgeous women because of it. Now the market is flooded. So I say, eject. Go out in the real world.

You're not alone, my friend, as you are no doubt aware.

But take heart, even if some of us may be missing out on some of what life has to offer, there is still value in what's left - our service to others, our work if we have one, our works if we have a spark of talent at least.

Of course that is a cold comfort when it comes to one's inner feelings. But I guess there's nothing to be done about that but carry on. There are worse sufferings to endure, and this one is only made worse because how easily you can watch or imagine how much better it could be. But reality is seldom as pleasant as we paint it.

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>But for an average guy they give great opportunities
I've seen a lot of evidence to the contrary but none in support of this.
Maybe you have some? Please provide it.

There's one major pitfall with this whole mindset that I was in for a long time with regards to the frustration you feel when you think about how easy others have it. Or at least how easy they seem to have it. No one fucking wants to hear that and anyone you tell that to will automatically recoil to you and it's basically you self-alienating. It's like some 40 year old incel telling you how easy you have it because you are only 30, sure there's a point to it but you'd probably be wary of that guy or what you say to him etc

>It feels crushing to realize not only does nobody consider you a real person, but no matter what you do, there's nobody to give a shit.
Pretty much this, no one ACTUALLY cares about your situation to any real extent, and in reality most people will see you as a resource to boost their own ego, "WTF DUDE LOL I lost my virginity at 15, it was fucking easy" yadda yadda all that stuff. These people are never in a million years going to examine and compare the circumstances, all they usually focus on the lens which favours them most, just look at most of the shit in this thread (barring a few, like frog guy)... it also just so happens that society is on their side so you are mostly just doomed.

This is why it's of the utmost importance to you now to re-frame this 'doom' and course correct as best as possible. All you can do is try to make your future less nightmarish than it's going to end up. Letting go of any indignation at the unfairness of life should pretty much be step number 1.

This guy has some good advice there are still plenty of aspects of value to yourself, aspects that some people who have had all those life experiences won't have either. As the poster said you must carry on and accept this is your lot in life

>You guys don't know how good you have it. You're living my dream yet you complain.
I know right? This is one of my pet peeves.
What's even worse is when people say things like "you're so lucky you're single."
Everything in the world brings problems, so it's a question of which problems you want.
For example I'd rather have the problems that come with owning a house or renting an apartment, than the problems that come with being homeless.

>But I guess there's nothing to be done about that but carry on. There are worse sufferings to endure, and this one is only made worse because how easily you can watch or imagine how much better it could be.
Basically this. Just accept it. For us, love and warmth from another human being is just not realizable. It would be like wanting to be able to breathe underwater so you could explore the seas. It's just not possible.

believe me. There are people out there who havd it way worse than you and even people who fucked with 18 and still do suffer from things they can't change or are not their fault whilst you could did what said but you wont since your complex zone built you into an attention seeking faggot via self victimization.

Anyone below this line is wasting time on a delusional faggot: (saged)

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It's not too late to beat the loneliness and you can do it as long as you're forcing yourself to do everything that I say no matter how many times you fail, you start to do it over and over again till you succeed:
>start to think differently about you and your situation, think you can do it
>groom yourself, get a good haircut, dress good especially with known brand clothes, take showers everyday and use parfumes, don't throw random clothes on you just to do not be naked
>if you beat your meat reduce it to once a week or at 2 weeks or even more
>start going to gym or to practice an combat sport if you have enough time, if not get into callisthenics
>find a good diet, eat a lot of meat
>after 1 year or even faster consider starting to flirt with random girls on Tinder or /soc/ or any one that you see, many younger girls like 18-25 are also a lot into older men so it's not done for you
It's easier for us men to get girls, we hit the wall really really late, as long as we're manly and manly looking we can get everything we need, we don't need to be damn beautiful, have aesthetic bodies or big penises, as long as we are acting manly enough and we're strong enough it doesn't matter.Take a look at us Balkanites or other East Europeans, we don't have those model faces and bodies yet we fuck more than your "Chads", why? High self esteem, manly mentality, we're agressive and dominant with like anybody.An example that you may know, Niko Bellic, if that guy was real but with different life story like of an average person he would be now married dad, even thought he wouldn't be considered attractive or something like this.

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not OP but i already do all of those and am incredibly lonely...

what are the current results?

You first. You said you have evidence. Which sounds like you have no personal experience and will only post incel meme graphs as "evidence".

And myself as well as many guys I know have had lots of success on tinder. Try refuting that evidence with incel memes.

Getting Girls IS a checklist. Do you fill these boxes??

-body (you are probably ugly like me so anything less than a sixpack and big arms Will Not cut it) also if you are tall thats a massive, massive bonus believe me.
-clothes, you need to dress like an adult, not suits every Day like a mega autist but you need to have clothes for every occasion, and they need to fit your body which you must have already built.
-financial situation, you need a job, prefferably a stable one with prospects, a car and your own place.
-friends, no incel losers like you, get the most normie fucks you can find. I am autistic and perveted as fuck and People love me because i stand out. Also monitor how normal People behave and talk and copy that. Never talk about videogames.

Do all the above In That order and i guarantee at least a 5/10 gf In a year.

Also do not try to find Girls in:
-dating apps/online, these never work because the attractive girls get bombarded by thousands of dicks daily and wont give you the time of the Day, and ugly ones think they are attractive for the same reason
-clubs /bars, women go there to look pretty and turn down Men, you Just feed their ego, nobody has ever gotten laid In a club unless he was the barman

The Best way to meet women is through friends and In a social situation that has you as the boss. For example, i rented a sailboat and commandeered it, the women In the group literally came Just from my presence and ordering my friends to hoist the boomvang or some other shit. Or an easier idea is to arrange a group work out In the track and outrun and outwork out everyone. Basically the ideal situation is to have a big group with both Men and women so the women feel comfortable and you mogging everyone In one certain aspect.

>if you are tall thats a massive, massive bonus believe me
Why do incels keep pushing this meme? It's just not true, in fact the opposite is more true.

??? there are 0 results lol i'm sitting here browsing tinder after working out

>attractive girls
Attractive my dick, they're uglier and have more STDs than the glue sniffing gypsy hoes from the ghetto next to me.They have just high standards, too high for their looks.

Bull shit. Tall guys are more attractive, and everyone has personal experience for that. Its Just a fact of life. There is no greater turn off for a woman than the guy being shorter than them.

With that being said you dont have to be basketball Tall to get laid, but anything less than my height (1.73 cm) and you are In trouble.

Doesnt matter, you still wont fuck them. Point less In trying.

I'm asking for the results of your looks, how you changed like and if people started to make you compliments, anyway don't lose hope, if you fail you fail you get back to work, it happened to me too and now I'm out from this.

how delusional are you? women crave tall men lol yeah they can settle for a short guy with great personality but they do care about height. a lot

>Tall guys are more attractive to gay men
Fixed that for you. If you actually went outside you'd notice guys of all heights with girls. There was even a study recently that showed tall guys are LESS attractive on dating apps. Which makes sense for a looks-based environment where it's all about the face and body.

you say? with some money they're going to bring even their whole families to choke on my dick

oh ok, the haircut did wonders desu, women do notice me a lot more but i just can't cold approach
biggest issue right now is finding a social activity. fuck dancing lessons

all what it matters is just you to be taller than her and it's impossible to do not find a girl that is shorter than you

How do you know this when you have literally never talked to a non-related girl after you dropped out of high school and shut yourself in the basement? Stop believing in memes created by other basement-dwelling virgins.

lmao at the amount of projection in 3 sentences wow
I've had girlfriends and have girl friends/family, they ALL comment on height regarding men
even some women on dating apps explicitly state their height preferences

Exception doesnt make the rule, you have to be taller than the average girl to make it and that means above 1.65. It can work if u are shorter but you have to put In crazy work.

You belong to an inferior caste. That's why.

More memes. Are you from Jow Forums? For some reason those closet homos try hard to push the "tall is attractive" meme.

>i'll resort to ad hominems when i'm out or arguments
so lazy

How tall are you?

try an combat sport, they help you a lot to build confidence

can't do contact sports :/

>there is still value in what's left - our service to others

So I exist to serve normies who have girlfriends.
I exist to make their perfect fulfilling lives even better.

What do I get out of this deal?

25 year old virgin here and it's pretty shitty knowing that your first relationship, if you ever get one, is going to fail regardless of what you do simply because no one wants a virgin who's never had a gf.

This advice is for people who can't get anyone.
I don't want to take the first girl I'm able to get. Most men do, but I'm not like that.
I'm the rare breed of men who are actually picky.
>you shouldn't be, in this day and age
I know, but I am. I want the ultimate big-breasted virgin cutie 10 years younger than me. No personality defects, no ex boyfriends... I aim for the dream or crash and burn. No middle ground, no compromise.
>bro you can't afford that
If you believe it, you can. Confidence is so important. Don't give me shit about having to be 3 meters tall with a 2 meter dick in order to get a virgin cutie. For the last time, it doesn't work like that. Only men are stupid enough to believe that finding love is about having as lengthy a body as possible.

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Your virgin fetish is unsettling and will scare girls away.

>because no one wants a virgin who's never had a gf

That's not even an issue. Never bring it up, ever. If a woman you date is stupid enough to go into ex history, just tell her
>I really don't enjoy talking about past relationships and stuff like that, you know
She will be embarrassed and agree with you. Talking about exes is fucking stupid. Women often do it, and you need to put them in their place. You remain both mature and mysterious.
I've done this many times with no complications, no girl has ever found out I was inexperienced.

Remember that girls don't want a Chad who fucks everyone either. My mom is single and always complains that men have too many exes and are "ruined". It's funny hearing that from a woman.

My therapist suggested that I find people to do things with on meetup.com. Is it just full of social retards like me?

>Your virgin fetish is unsettling and will scare girls away.

Are you aware that virginity has been The fetish since the dawn of time?
The fact that a lot about human dating has changed in the last 10 years thanks to feminism isn't something I'm going to accept or adopt.
I'm going to stay in the jungle. It's the only place not festered with madeup man-hating bullshit.

Men have always wanted and demanded virgins. I continue this holy tradition because I'm strong enough to do it.

Get to my level or slowly become a bum-boy.

then you know wat to od

>That's not even an issue. Never bring it up, ever. If a woman you date is stupid enough to go into ex history, just tell her
I've never been in a relationship. I always assumed that people talked about their past relationship or sexual experiences. They don't? The last girl I dated (it was actually the ONLY girl I dated) talked about her exes all the time. Wouldn't not talking about them be a huge red flag?

>I always assumed that people talked about their past relationship or sexual experiences
Uh.. do you think it's romantic to talk about your exes and have the mental images haunt you for life?

>talked about her exes all the time
Girls tend to do this. I have no idea what's up with that. Sometimes I get to know a girl and she brings up ex shit in the first 5 minutes. It's disturbing and huge red flag.
>Wouldn't not talking about them be a huge red flag?
No. It's not like you're obligated to prove you've fucked half the town.
I think it's important to let your new partner feel like they're the most important person ever, like nobody existed before them or after them. No need to be painfully realistic and remind them that they're just one in a long list of names. Like I said it's not romantic at all.

that is some next level depression talking there buddy

you look at porn get a fell for it and you're fine also even if you had a relationship in the past you can still be bad at sex

Where did you learn history from? Because you are so wrong it's not even funny anymore but sad.

talking about them is the "huge" red flag ,seems like you have the classic looking for validation girl

if a girl is into you she will not even mention sex(specially if shes inexperienced) let alone a ex cause she wount risk fucking the cahnce up with the guy she likes duh

>Where did you learn history from? Because you are so wrong it's not even funny anymore but sad.

If you ever look at human slave prices you can tell the young and virgin ones cost the most.
What's disturbing is that the most valuable ones are 6-9 years of age.
Every man is a virgin-lusting pedophile deep down. In the west we've demonized that though.

>Uh.. do you think it's romantic to talk about your exes and have the mental images haunt you for life?
Isn't it just assumed that you've had romantic partners so people are just naturally comfortable sharing that to their significant other?

>I think it's important to let your new partner feel like they're the most important person ever, like nobody existed before them or after them. No need to be painfully realistic and remind them that they're just one in a long list of names. Like I said it's not romantic at all.
I hope you're right.

>that is some next level depression talking there buddy
Nigga, I feel like killing myself a LOT because I'm so lonely and also currently because my crush at work doesn't like me back.


>it's not that bad being single


>even if you had a relationship in the past you can still be bad at sex
Is there a chance I can be good at sex despite being a virgin? I've heard a few stories of people who were good their first time.

You can't even tell if a girl is a virgin or not you stupid incel.

Why not just tell them you're waiting for someone special

Your mileage may vary,
It's probably gonna make you feel alone.

Technically, it's not the truth.

>You first.
You made the claim. Guess what that means?

>you have no personal experience
Plenty of success in "traditional" (i.e. talk to the girl in real life) dating, almost none online. But that's because I'm an incel right?
So you and "guys you know" picked up some slags on Tinder, wow, nice evidence.

>incel meme graphs
You mean the actual data handed down directly from the dating companies themselves?

Also, I didn't say you were wrong. I only asked how you know you're right. Alas, your defensiveness says it all.

>I consider myself braver, manlier and smarter than most people who actually have girlfriends.

lol, that's why you came to Jow Forums to whine right? Holy hell, no wonder you're 30 years old and alone

>try to turn around my NEET-dom at 24 yo
>groom myself as best as possible
>start exercising
>socialise as much as I can despite heavy anxiety
>try to get a job which I can be somewhat proud of
>2 years later and i've succeeded at all of the above. Have a decent job, a few good friends and a lean body.
Yet i'm still depressed and lonely as shit because I can't get a date for the life of me. I've tried everything, social events and online dating have both netted zero results. Especially tinder made my self confidence plummet dramatically.
I don't know what I can still change about myself, I think I hit my limit.
I guess some of us are just meanth to suffer and die alone.

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life is shit and deal with it

what's the easiest way to get a prostitute or escort? 22 yr old virgin, just tired of thinking about virginity. I'm 6 ft in shape and handsome, just not social. rather just pay for what I want