Why do chads date suck average/ugly chicks?

I always see guys date beneath their level only women get away with this.

I always see some short stubby bitch with a stud or tramp looking like in my picture only with out the obvious reason the tits tell me chats why? Even the gays are picky straight dudes never get it right.

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Today's lying incel thread I see.

because good looking girls tend to be not faithful

Well that's actually a good answer.

I'm average as shit and my boyfriend is pretty handsome.
I have a good personality and actually like him as a person, I suck his dick a whole lot, would never cheat on him, and really love him.
His ex was way hotter than me but she didn't put out, was a bitch and gave him chlamydia so I guess he doesn't want to go for super hot girls again.

>babbys first day on the internet.

Perhaps because these particular chads are mature enough to be attracted to the person more than the packaging

I've actually seen this play out in real life. My old roomate was with a 9/10 super hot ex stripper/ coke whore, they broke up. Now he's married and has kids with a 3/10.

wow so women win every time

Yeah, pretty much what happened to us.
I'm not a 3/10, just painfully average.