On one hand there's a very good argument that it goes against the virtue of modesty but on the other hand the Nazis did it.
Is nudism degenerate?
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You should sculpt a body and be proud of what you look like.
Nakedness isn't shameful.
Also muslims fuck boys.
>but on the other hand the Nazis did it best.
Modesty is puritan philosophy, and not really applicable to nudism as that isn't a sexual behavior. You can make it into one, but your perceptions don't really have bearing on those of nudists.
Here's more: od43.com
If you never enjoyed a holiday t the beach with nothing on you, letting your dong flying through the air when running through the warm sand, the absolute awesome feeling of swimming and feeling the stream of the seawater on every part of your skin and your dong swirling through the ocean and after that humping the warm sand with your resfreshed dong while the sun is licking your ass dry, then you did not live life.
Only if the bodies are disgusting and diseased. Porn for this same reason is degenerate.
yeah. it's degenerate.
we're not adam and fucking eve.
Americans are actually the weird exceptions to this. In virtually every other culture in the world, people get naked in public all the time. What you think is some sort of bizarre unvirtuous behavior is in fact normal in the rest of the world.
It's disgusting when it's old fuckwits doing it. If there were youg girls doing it I would have no problem with it but most people in Germany who do FKK are old, fat grannies and granddads with huge beerguts.
Only degenerate in a multicultural society where you have spics and niggers running round. Non-sexual nudity is perfectly acceptable in the ethnostate.
Bikinis actually more degenerate than full on nudism. Bikinis make women a sexual object while nudity is the way God made us.
you've sold me
If there were young women doing that there would be all sorts of 3rd world and porn addicted creeps around, congesting krautChad's traffic. I think this is all very much intentional. If you look at the roots of leftist ideology even, there is a deep-seated fear and contempt for nature and capable European men/overman tier concepts. Same for a good deal of Christian theology. Most political ideology is predicated on some form of bugman-ism in general. To suppress the body is to suppress the soul, and the bugman thrives in such environments.
Nice find :)
For some reason boomers seem to be shameless about that sort of thing. Here if a guy isn't covering himself up carefully in a locker room there's a 90% chance he's either 40+ or foreign.
Jesus Fucking Christ. I would litterally go to war for woman like that.
there is nothing wrong, or shameful about a well maintained human body.
free from the polluting influence of drugs, alcohol, and unhealthy diets, the body will remain beautiful even as it ages.
We should not be ashamed of our bodies. In the right circumstance, it can be a celebration of both the body and of nature to go nude amongst the natural world.
Modesty is also a virtue. When children are present, when in mixed company, when nature is not present, modesty should be prized.
Modesty is beautiful. Nature is beautiful. The natural body is beautiful. To each of these, there is a place, and a season.
Absolutely this. We need to build a new culture of physical idealism, and nudity along with some kind of national fitness program, is a great way to go about that. If women couldn't wear clothes, they'd take care of their bodies and fitness instead of becoming the sort of amerilard hamplanets we have today.
>there was literally a nudist movement in the Nazi party
Wouldn't have believed it; this is fascinating.
It wouldn't be so bad if they maintained their health, put their money and their resources into something that wasn't easy-mode. A chill grandpa enjoying his twilight years doesn't have to be such a cringey thing irl.
The freebody movement was integral to their ideology, really one of the truly beautiful aspects of fascism. I say this as someone not a fan of fascism. The closest American equivalent would probably be Bronze Age Pervert.
only jewish religions are against it
>virtue of modesty
Modesty is the opposite of a virtue. Only the poor and weak, those with nothing to be proud of and who want to tear down their betters, hold up modesty as a virtue in an attempt to shame their betters and wallow in their station. Beauty, strength, pride, these are virtuous.
Also, cunts should not be allowed to wear clothes because they are not people. Letting them wear clothes is the first step on them thinking they are people.
(Can't include a picture because naked girls is illegal pornography according to Jow Forums)
dunno really, it's kinda cool
there's like a ton of nudist beaches around me and it's kinda great
it kinda isn't anything ''sexual'' if you thinking about something dirty
I wanna fondle them titties
Things a dog would say, the post.
This does nothing for me. I need black or brown women to feel arousal.
t. brainwashed by a jewish cult
most nudists here are locals ofc and a huge number of older german couples
but it's chill, people keep distance of at least 10-20m and there's nothing dirty about it, no one really comes to see naked bodies, at least people I've spoken to about it and that's the general vibe
it feels very empowering if it's the right word and cool desu
also, me and my girl love getting tanned and she doesn't feel comfortable being topless on normal beaches, and believe me that's a thing here. you don't have to go to nudist beach if you want to see tits around where I'm from
you should probably wear clothes to work/school but on the other hand swim clothes are stupid and we may as well just be naked
Because jews are ugly
or maybe you're just a faggot
If the Countrys population only consists of natives then it's most probably not degenerate.
Having foreigners stare at your Females is most probably degenerate
>Is nudism degenerate?
You tell me.
>He looks for the nazis as role models
>He copies everything he can from a failed cult that lasted about a decade and killed tens of millions of europeans
>He complains the world has become a degenerate place.
I also bet you are a born again christian or whathever...
>when in mixed company
>modesty should be prized
You wanna be naked with other guys LOL
I wonder about that. Strictly speaking, from a utility perspective, the purposes of clothes are:
>protection from the environment (heat/cold/sun)
>protection from specific hazards (safety gear)
Where those aren't a concern (and where we can eliminate those concerns through technology) clothing isn't necessary. In fact, in a school environment, nudity could create similar conformative pressures as a uniform, except that those pressures include pressures towards fitness and attractiveness-- and consequently pressures towards self-care and self-discipline that those require, and the self-confidence that arises naturally from them.
This is probably especially true for women, given their general lack of self-confidence and self-direction-- strong role models and conformative pressures help keep them from going completely off the rails in the ways they have in most of Western civilization.
Not at all. Taking photos on a nudist beach would be degenerate I suppose as you are violating peoples privacy. I'm not a fan of those creep shots on the internet taken on beaches. If anyone is a little bit frightened of going to a nudist beach you can always go for a swim in the sea and then whip your trunks/bikini off under the water.
Wtf? I love nudism now.
I am greek, you should know my stance on it already.
pretty aesthetic if it's not a brazillian bimbo twerking
Turning your body into an ism is degenerate, yes.
>Is nudism degenerate?
show me where it degenerate your genes?
wrong. Muslims do not get naked in public.
It's pretty common in greece.
Tits out is so common that it doesn't even register.
Full blown nudism is reserved for specific beaches though.
Willfully being nude around strangers is degenerate, yes. The Bible isn't vague on this.
If you're all white, it isn't
>having hair that long in braids
Imagine the smell haha
Nudity isn't degenerate, the obscene and prurient is.
>my jewish middle-eastern sandnigger religion that cuts off baby dicks and sucks the blood considers the nude body degenerate.
I always kind of wish we were less prudish desu. When i was a kid in sports we all used to go take a shit in the bathroom before practice or a game. We would all joke and laugh while we took a shit. Imagine taking a shit and somebody comes in and you just talk news or politics for 10 minutes. This is what it was like in Rome and it sounds awesome.
yep. greece, italy, croatia, spain, france it's pretty much a not big deal
Muslims also fuck goats and think that they'll get into heaven by murdering people. They're not even human, who cares what they do?
Revulsion at nudity is Jewish shit and always has been. European pagans celebrated the body. (((Christianity))) taught us not to. Backwards, inferior Semites and their backwards, bullshit religion were the that made nudity 'dirty'. Greeks exercised in the nude and women went topless. Just like Mudshits in Europe today, the Jews lost their stupid little backwards desert inbred minds over it and caused trouble. Apparently during the reign of Claudius they forced their their way into gymnastic games so they could protest the nakedness.
Before a foreign Middle Eastern religion, Christianity, infected Europe, nudity wasn't a huge deal. Christianity is what overly sexualized the nude females body by making it taboo.
Lauren Southern lookalike.
Also, I would rape and pillage 1000 Jewish settlements for a woman like that
i went to jail once and it was like this 3 toilet next to each other in the dorm and nobody cared
To expand on this: You know who produces strong bonds, stable families, and healthy children? People that are mentally and physically fit, self-caring, and self-confident. This would also produce a soft eugenic pressure on society, particularly since fitness implies rejecting the poisons that moden (((corporations))) fill our food with, and nudism naturally immunizes one against the pornographic Jew: Someone raised nudist in a nudist society sees it as the natural norm (that it is), as opposed to sexual or lascivious, which ALSO suggests a long-term reduction in sexual crime. Courtship becomes (ironically) less purely physical, and the influence of thottery sharply declines.
>Greeks exercised in the nude
Fun fact: the word "gymnasium" ultimately stems from the Greek word for "naked":
>gymnasium (n.)
>1590s, "place of exercise," from Latin gymnasium "school for gymnastics," from Greek gymnasion "public place where athletic exercises are practiced; gymnastics school," in plural, "bodily exercises," from gymnazein "to exercise or train," literally or figuratively, literally "to train naked," from gymnos "naked," from a metathesis of PIE *nogw-mo-, suffixed form of *nogw- "naked" (see naked).
I love in a Touristic area ,germans come here by millions, the topless europeans are no news here
ideally we are all the same ethnicity and culture in the communal toilet. Nobody wants to use the same toilet as niggers.
Similar stuff in the military. I learned that it was fine until you introduced someone who was perverse about it. You get a Jimmy who starts fiddling with his little jimmy and it ruins everything.
That's the issue with nudity- not the nudity itself; but the freaks that turn to pervert it.
At the beach it's fine. If you're going to be sitting on furniture it's degenerate cause you're sitting your naked butt on furtniture and that's unclean and degenerate as fuck.
>when in mixed company, ... modesty should be prized.
Sounds pretty gay
If God wanted us to run around naked we would have been born that way.
>If you're going to be sitting on furniture it's degenerate cause you're sitting your naked butt on furtniture and that's unclean and degenerate as fuck.
That's literally why the City and County of San Francisco banned nudity because people were sitting butt naked on benches.
>Is nudism degenerate?
But it's impossible with niggers and shitskins around.
In white ethnostate? Why not.
yes, its a cheap way for pedos to get fap material
I gotta admit it,swimming naked at the beach at the beach is exstatic and feel very natural and primal.but I did at night with my gf in a moon night,so it was pretty cumfy ,like some" blue lagoon" shit.would never do it in public though
It's pretty degenerate.
Only the husband should be allowed to see his wife's naked body, on pain of lash.
Those demographics, by and large, lack the qualities (self-discipline, e.g.) needed to hack it in a nude/fit society. Used as a tool to promote health, fitness, and national/cultural identity, nudism is the diametric opposite of degenerate.
fuck muslims desu.
>shut it down!
>the goyim know!
Jews are fucking neurotic and Puritans are fucking insane. Intelligent and proud Europeans should follow natural laws, not made up superstitions.
Nudity is degenerate when out of context. Bathing nude is completely normal and in context. Breastfeeding is normal anywhere children would be allowed otherwise. Spartans had nude ceremonies specifically to celebrate their natural beauty and for youth to select fit mates. That's the opposite of degenerate. Everything in context.
Jews burned Notre dame:
there was a thread on this couple months back
nudism as an idea is not degenerate and in fact is actually quite nice and liberating and feeling the wind and sun on your whole body is great
however most "nudism" now is degenerate which you can see if you do some research on nudist colonies or just look at people who "practice" nudism (at that point its more exhibitionism than nudism) and think its okay to just stand in front of children and other people with their disgusting bodies and dicks hanging out to promote some stupid liberal agenda of body acceptance and etc
if you are going to practice nudism do it within secluded areas and completely away from the public eye
>my gf
Nice fantasy bro
What is it with barbarians and nudity? Is it just your in-born degeneracy?
Wish the romans had beaten it out of you...
Tits out is fine, it's barely even degenerate, in ancient greece and all civilizations that came from it it was barely even noticeable. Tits are not that sexual.
Nudism wasn't really that universally accepted in ancient greece user, just in specific places and situations, as well as usually covering up your privates at least.
Modesty is trash.
Underrated post.
more findings
Then practice and promote a nudism of physical idealism. The fit human body is a well-oiled machine, holding more natural beauty than any (((fashions))) draped over a garbage-filled trash body could ever have.
Not when the girls are cute, completely faithful to you only, do it willingly, and enjoy you watching them...
Which is never.
Cant this be timed so that it takes affect for the next generation.
I'm afraid there is no hope for our ham planets.
if they're ugly, yes
The younger the better for such a sociocultural shift. People who are raised with the mindset will see such a society as the expected norm. Those raised with a ethos of fitness and a natural, healthy diet will be immunized against the physical poisons of modern (((society)))-- and together, the mental poisons as well. All you need to do is get fit yourself and lead by example.
of course. Even early man covered up
To be nude is not 'degenerate' it is simply impractical. Clothing is meant to protect one from either the cold or the sun. The few societies in which nudism is not an issue just happen to be people that are not subject to cold nor too pale for the exposure to sunlight.
Honestly, if this isn't clearly obvious to you, you are a dullard and should refrain from all things political.
It's acceptable as a sculpture. Why? Because it showcases incredible artistry and pays respect to the beauty of the human body (man or woman). Photography is in itself very degenerate and even a money could snap a photo; therefore, it must be said that taking pictures of nude people is degenerate, perverted, and sleazy.
a monkey*
You got me with your post....but fuck you, you fucking fuck.
good joke though. I laughed. Hope your Easter is wonderful and blessed.