How could you Jow Forums?

How could you Jow Forums?

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Based mom mudshark BTFO

Give it 2 months and black eye

Incorrect species, ancestors cry.

toll payment: processing

>based mom
More like bad mom desu

sexual frustrations

Based mom

That dude's barely black.

I disowned family members and friends for the same reason, I can relate to that mother.
Once you go black ,we don't want you back

2 months, 2 black eyes, 2 genders, 2 scoops, 2 terms.


So, let us know
when she pays the toll
for burning the coal.


Based white mom!

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Is she dead yet?


Why is it always a blond? Are redheads and brunettes less likely to be interested in blacks? Or is it just propaganda?

lol she got disowned by her mom its already started.

>no mention of dad
Imagine my shock.

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> that mutt
> “black boy”
First of all, let’s address the black part. How the fuck is that black. Half of Saudi Arabia is darker than that, and they aren’t even as dark as Indians. That mutt is 25% African at best.
> boy
Why do they call them bots and not men? Because men don’t wash alpha near eastern ballsack. Lmao the “black” man is so pathetic. I remember they came out with a study stating ancient and modern Egyptians are genetically close to levantines and meds, every abd in the Twitter chimp out

it's truly sophie's choice
>having a mother
>fucking niggers
weigh it up, take your time


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I am honestly surprised that it was the mom who did this and not the dad. The fuck? Can women actually be based or are they forever the niggers of gender?

Naw it says based. The odds of typing two vowels to say bad are pretty low.

One of the hottest girls from like high school kept checking me out as I worked in a grocery store whilst finishing up my masters.

>flirts etc.
>one day she comes by with a baby carriage.
>mfw kid is black
>she sees my face
>a woman knows disgust facial expression
>say nothing
>her expression turns sad
>she stops coming to the store

Turns out she coalburned and he left her.

Lul, not even a waste of good genetics. If you coalburn in the first place your genetics cant have been that good anyway.

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She looks pretty rough in some of her other photos. I'm not sure this is really any kind of loss.

Whatever you want to call him, he certainly isn't white, and that's what the mom is clearly concerned about

her lack of identity is worse than being a nigger

She'll get what's coming

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Why does Jow Forums care about the life-choices of strangers?
How does this affect any of yours life in any way?

So nice of her to post evidence of her coal burning.

In the future remember this handy phrase:

When contemplating single mum
Check for sign of nigger's cum
A baby born whose skin is dark
Is by far the clearest mark!

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I have honestly no issues with this whatsoever. A white man can be with a black girl and a black man can be with a white girl.

What i have an issue with is people trying to push agendas on both sides.

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Based mom

i love this.
i love hearing true stories where sluts are just immediately disheartened by the silent look of disgust, and they know exactly why.


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Lmfao based

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>how could you
Easy. 97% of the time, he won’t be in the child’s life at all. It’s a greater than 50% chance he has an STD. Mom has to cut herself out now to save the pain and anguish she knows is coming.

not based

at least he is light skinned. Their octaroon babies will pass as white.

>a woman knows disgust facial expression
No doubt it was all very subtle on your part lol.

ho culd u hate on dis?

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Nah i know a redhead coal burner

reminder that wh*te women have melanin receptors in their cunts.

>Lul, not even a waste of good genetics. If you coalburn in the first place your genetics cant have been that good anyway.
This. If your sense of pattern recognition, threat awareness, and future planning are so shit that you breed with a nigger than it's no net loss to the white race.

>stereotypes are wrong unless it's muh-dik

>Mom has to cut herself out now to save the pain and anguish she knows is coming.
Smart mom. She will NOT let herself get saddled with her daughter's half-nigger-kid like so many white parents of coalburners.

well an agenda is what influenced her to burn coal

Coalburners dye their hair blonde to attract niggers. They will seethe if you ask them what their normal hair color is.
It's ironic how Coalburners covet blue eyes and blonde hair but fell for the nigger meme

So many racists...

just date a black woman Jow Forums

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>that selfie pose

anyone have DER THOT picture?

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To be fair, we did not evolve with such artificial things as mass media, television, and music, not with a relentless, Jewish led move to make white women fuck niggers.

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I like to laugh at them

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