So we all agree Zizek won right?
So we all agree Zizek won right?
He dropped some subtle redpills.
I've never even heard of that guy.
like what
>host a debate between two fags
>the single audio stream is fucked up, you'd have to be insane to listen to it
i remember when zion don was running for prez and they'd always fuck up his audio
Is the video up already? Without paying obv
>implying I'm getting jewed over this
>a leftist and a marxist walk into a room
He's not even a Marxist, he was supposed to be there to convince all us Nazi's that Marx's brand of socialism is the way forward, but he basically accepted all of Petersons criticisms of Marxism and then shat upon it himself, so yeah, if that's winning he takes gold.
Jordan Peterson crabwalked across the stage, shrieking and vomiting on himself moans" WASH YOUR PENIS' before taking a massive shit into his own trousers.
Jews burned Notre dame:
>ignore the entire debate
>recite some prewritten screed
>slobber and sweat all over the place
>claim you won
discord trannies really are disgusting creatures
Thanks fren
>You have to choose between lolbertarian philosemitic gate keeper and straight up SJW marxist
Did the Soros foundation help out ol Peterstein for this debate too?
Unable to comprehend losing a debate, Jordan Peterson shoves his entire fist up his asshole, slithering his bony arm up to the elbow. He does several backwards rolls across the stage as he shrieks like a horny giraffe being penetrated vaginally by a panzerabwerkannonen 40. "INDIVIDUALISM' he howls as blood and shit spurt out from his anus. His eyes lock onto zizek, his jaw unhinging revealing a mass of forked tongues. He retches, coughing up masses of flesh and hair before speaking again. WASH YOUR PENIS he hisses, now slithering towards the gommunist. ZIzek panics, falling backwards in his chair. He attempts to stand and run, but it is too late. Jordan Petersons' stomach splits open and lashes out with mucous covered arms, clutching onto his ankles and unusually plump ass cheeks
Zizek is basically a Nazi and was giving pointers on how to blame the Jews next time.
imagine using the dead meme of discord trannies in every new instance of your mental gymnastics
fucking leaves man
An instinct driven terror fills Zizeck, his thoughts only on escape. Much of his bodily functions fail him, with the fat gommie defecating profusely as he is drawn closer and closer to the shapeless horror of Jordan Peterson. The claws and tongues pull and tear at Zizek's clothes, with the sole intent of consuming his smegma and draining the rest of his bodily fluids.
>thinking it was subtle
He literally said apartheid ending in South Africa was just swapping in a black ruling class and now that they’re failing they are pulling the race card
watching rn, I only hope Juden Peterstein gets eternally btfo, I can't stand that fucking cocksucker. At least zizek is based.
kys nigger
This is getting as fucking annoying as the destiny threads.
Why are leftists such insufferable cunts who don't know when to shut the fuck up?
>Why are leftists such insufferable cunts who don't know when to shut the fuck up?
I really just don't feel like watching another episode of "a liberal larping as 'right wing' debates a Marxist on economics". Peterson probably said standards of living are better according to some organization and we have cool plastic crap now. Zizek probably said that people aren't happy, there's more to life than plastic crap, capitalism makes that standard worse, and the disparity between those of the top and those at the bottom is growing rapidly. Peterson probably talked about cultural Marxism and its dangers. Zizek said it's a myth that doesn't exist. The holocaust and Hitler was probably brought up. Stalin and his shit was probably brought up. Zizek sniffled and grabbed at his nose a bunch. Peterson would do dramatic pauses a bunch. I feel like i'm watching a rerun that goes beyond these two.
How far off am I?
why do they have so much water? Is it a piss endurance contest?
Zizek was hating on SJWs and trannies last night.
That's the goal you assigned to him, but that wasn't HIS goal. He went into the debate with the assumption that debate is retarded and doesn't convince anyone to actually change their minds. HIS goal was to make Paterson look like a low iq college freshman, and he succeeded.
you are sort of right, but they also agreed on a lot too, and that was when Zizek basically showed he knew a lot more. Peterson talks about marxism in a very uneducated way.
Peterson begins to swallow Zizek feet first, his inhuman body swelling at the succulent nutrients of the stinky neo marxist. The teror has reached his peak now for Zizek, with a fear boner at full mast and ejaculating like an out of control firehose. A meaty vein writhes and slithers out from one of Jordan Peterson's orifices, and violates Zizek's throat, reducing his screams to gurgles. It vomits a hideous bile into Zizeks body, liquifiying him from the inside out for a speedier digestion. By this point the crowd who had come to watch the debate have fled, or gone insane from the inhuman monstrosity that formed before them, and now various special tactical units have surrounded the building, unready for the nightmare that lies within. For some reason Spetznas have arrived as well, and already killed a majority of the civilians in a nearby school and claimed victory
Imagine being such a lefty retard that you don't realize that peterstein is on your side.
He's right. Peterson's solution to a house fire is cleaning up your room which means you die of smoke inhalation.
too nuanced for Peterson acolytes
> i wanted to prepare to talk about marxism
> by reading a pamphlet he wrote in college
> who the fuck is Lacan
> who the fuck is Kierkegaard
> what the fuck is Gotha
>leftists think memorizing names makes you smart
>who the fuck is Lacan
Come on, give Peterson a little credit at least.
>but he basically accepted all of Petersons criticisms of Marxism
no, he politely acknowledged that a dictatorship of the proletariat as a simple class exchange of power doesn't work. If he wanted to be rude he could have said more directly that no marxist believes that you a revolution can truly happen without fundamentally altering the structure of government.
Peterson just based his idea of Marxist on his interpretation of Dictatorship of the Proletariat and didn't seem to realise that actual marxists are far beyond that.
Guess everyone here gonna ignore the fact that this mother fucker is complety okay with denying that the immigration of Muslim. Migrants is actually ruining the west atm
Zizek is a genius, he's not a leftfag at all (atleast not in modern sense) but identifies as one so he can drop redpills without getting called antisemitic and what not
We need a political party like this
Yes, you need to be enslaved by the Jewish commies. Be a good goyim.
Souce? Zizek is actually against muzzie refugees judging from vids i watched
>no marxist believes that you a revolution can truly happen without fundamentally altering the structure of government.
In what way?
so were all so same though
aye mate its just bants mate we the same mate
muslims the same
parcle parts
The swat unit enters, flashbangs in first before following the blast. Their weapons trained and ready, they are utterly unprepared for the horror that awaits. The Point man rounds the corner and abruptly stops, his eyes widening in fear and shock. Jordan Peterson's mass has tripled since consuming Zizek, becoming an abomination beyond that of an individual. His fleshy mass now occupies the entire stage, with limbs and tentacles whipping and flailing in all directions. Veins and flesh creep about the stage like a stinking moss, growing into the walls and floor. The Pointman, frozen, trembles at the thing that pulsates in front of him. The officer behind him shouts "DONT THINK, SHOOT" before laying heavily onto the trigger of his mp5, sending a hail of lol9mm into the gnashing mass. Soon the rest of the section joins in, pouring a fusilade of lead into the horrific beast.
uhhhh.. did you watch the video it's right at the beging when he gets to talk
The only marxists who are "beyond that" are idiots that will get the bullet once the dictator is in place.
what the fuck is going on in that pic?
a weeks worth of agua.
these shits obviously never saw no cuntry for old men
"POUR IT ON, POUR IT ON" shouts the Section Leader as the team spreads out into a line formation, mag dumping into Jordan Peterson's dripping carapace. It groans and shrieks in pain, blood spurting as rounds tear off bony limbs and sever veiny tentacles. By now the Pointman has joined his compatriots, his body moving by instinct and firing his deagle brand deagle into the abomination. However, the thing retaliates, a phallic like object extending from a sphincter. It pulsates for a moment before spitting a viscous goo, which splatters onto the Pointman's shield. It smells of pennies and milk to him, as the odor immediately invades his nostrils as it corrodes his ballistic shield in seconds.
Is no one reading these?
>Spetnasz shoots up school and claims victory
What the fuck kek
>demand the subjugation and liquidation of races and religions
Kek, reminds me of this
Zizek doesn't believe in debate.
You can't play chess with a pigeon.
And you can't have a debate nor conversation with someone who doesn't believe in such things.
Well for example allowing greater representation of people in power, preventing government/corporate PFI and PPP deals, radical democracy for executive decisions.
There's many ideas, but some of the people putting forward solutions are
Ocalan's democratic confederalism (this is what is happening in Rojava in Kurdistan to some extent
writings by Murray Bookchin and the book Towards A New Socialism by Paul Cockshott which advocates for cybernetic marxism are also worth a read.
It's doesn't matter who won because whites are too cowardly, selfish and domesticated to fight back so the Jews will continue to rule over you until your extinction.
Peterson stuck to the point of the debate, while zizek talked shit with no point.
Just a summary of Zizek's participation:
>capitalism is bad
>we should have a system that allows people to extract all thei potential
>I have no fucking idea about how this system should work
You don't need to be very intelligent to notice capitalism has some flaws.
"THIS ISN'T WORKING WE ONLY HAVE 9MM NOW FALL BACK BY FIRETEAM" barks the squad leader as he ducks, narrowly avoiding a glob of Jordan Peterson acid spunk. He quickly pops back up from behind the theatre style chair, firing another long burst into the fleshy mass.
"JOHNSON, DICK GO!" he orders, the SWAT unit now under a hail of spooge fire as more of the phalluses emerge from the expanding blob of muscle and sinew that is Jordan Peterson. Several new mouths have opened up along his body, biting at the air and shaking as they howl out "WaSh YoUR PEnIS"
You can tell who won just by looking at this picture.
Zizek lost at life. Look at that disgusting hobo retard.
The Marxists fought back.
"HURRY, NOW FALL BACK!" the Squad Leader dumps his last mag as he backs up to the exit, the last of his team now having evacuated the structure.
"HQ this is Soggy Biscuit 1 Actual, we got something real nasty here. A faggot Eceleb has turned into some copyright infrigment."
"This is HQ, Interrogative. What do you mean?"
"Well have you seen John Carpenters The Thing?"
"Well its like that but with more penises and he tells you to clean your room"
"Solid copy Soggy Biscuit 1 Actual. Deploying the US Army Marines. Out."
After emptying his last mag, the Squad Leader quickly pivots to escape, but manages only a few steps before a greasy hand extends and clutches onto his leg. He is then thrown to the ground with a quick pull, grunting as he smacks into the concrete floor.
He twists, drawing his glock it pulls him closer to the horrid collection of maws of Jordan Peterson
"i've only got one option left... the glocknade"
"LGJLADGBAWARWGBLARBL CLEAN YUR RUM" roars the beast, as he lifts the SWAT officer into the air, pulling him towards his waiting mouth.
"HITLER DID NOTHING WRO-" cries the officer as he detonates his glock, the explosion collapsing the roof and rending half of the eight ton mass of Jordan Peterson.
Loitering gunships from the US Army Navy Seal Marine Rangers now arrive on scene. A wounded Jordan Peterson crawls from the smoking wreckage of the theatre, it oozing with bile, smegma, and blood. Withered from the collective assaults of these non individualistic groups of cops, the beasts survival instinct tells him to individually eat peoples assholes until he has accumulated enough mass to heal. A tremendous arm spills out from the writhing blob of bone and mucous, clutching at the ground and dragging him out into the street.
"This is Warcriminal 2-1-2-2-3-14- Actual. Positive ID on turbofaggot, over affirmiative."
"Solid Roger that. You are clear to engage."
The squadron of attack helicopters unleash multiple salvos of rockets and DU autocannon fire, saturating an area the size of several city blocks, goring and incinerating the Abomination that was Jordan Peterson. The collateral( acceptable of course) was unfortunately several hospitals and bread factories that housed disabled orphans and single mothers, the buildings and peolple within vaporized to save them from a fate worse than death. Being lectured by Jordan Peterson.
A parade is hosted and a new national holiday is established with the destruction of ZIzek and jordan peterson. Later in the evening the Spetsnas forces take 99% casualties when responding to a domestic disturbance and again claim it as a successful operation.
did you rike it
>eating sandwiches double fisted
my nigga
Slavoj Zizek needs to be a name for a Star Wars villain, and the voice fits perfectly.
cybernetic marxism? come on bro
>I know what you mean by postmodern neomarxist, but who are these marxists ypu keep talking about!?
Not really, no. He didn't even debate, he just rambled. And you could saw how disappointed and embarrassed Peterson was for having hyped this trash.
Only a low-IQ retard, someone completely biased against Peterson for whatever reason or a Discord tranny will construe this as a victory for that goblin.
Or it might be because he slobbers Jew cock.
Holy shit, kys, Slav subhumans.
Why did you photoshop this picture?
It's funny how brainlets like you act like he made a great point there just because he kept on reiterating and didn't let Peterson speak and all the brainlets in the audience clapped, when Peterson actually just blew him the fuck out there by telling him that 30% of sciences and humanities are Marxists with up to 90% having Marxist tendencies, which is a fact.
He asked for data, he got data.
Cockshott on the Bookchin, eh?
It was a mildly interesting discussion between two smart men who clearly respect one another. Anyone playing the “who won” bullshit is a double-digit brainlet.
The audience thinks Peterson lost, and that's all that matters.
Welcome to debate.
Lol, this so much.
Yeah. Jordan is a cuck.
So 99% of Jow Forums?
I don't know if that's true and I couldn't care less what some braindead audience thinks. Consensus is completely irrelevant.
>have a debate about whether Sopranos or Big Bang Theory is more entertaining
>The guy arguing for BBT just talks about how Sopranos is actually kind of shitty
>Big Bang Theory fans consider this a win
I'm actually glad zizek degenerated it into a conversation, the topic chosen was actually retarded anyway.
wtf, who in the fuck is actually saying zizek won? he did not at all win.
what's the deal with this jordan peterson?
he shits himself for fun
It's what Peterson said about him, people find him charismatic and get blinded. Halo effect, in spite of how repulsive he looks.
why should anyone care?
If you win the audience, you win the debate. Facts don't actually matter.
What’s funny is they both said explicitly people shouldn’t take it that way. But Jow Forums is too dumb to even understand direct, plain English for simpletons, sentences.
I am frequently baffled by how utterly stupid people are, but Jow Forums seems to be a cesspool of the bottom of the barrel. It’s a spectacle, albeit a tragic one.
i was being sarcastic bro
Muslims burned the Notre-Dame with the help of Jews.
he told Peterson he understood what he was sayin and then asked peterson who these marxists were. it is ridiculous. i know what zizek is sayin, he's saying "thats not real marxism!", but that is even more retarded
the echo is so fucking annoying, whoever allowed audio from two mics should be gassed.
Let's just forget about the fact that he's ignored in mainstream academia...
holy shit is this a joke, did people really attend this live? HAHAHAHA
If a tranny and a nigger have a fight, do either of them truly "win"?
Rare watermark, that was my homeland....... I'm sad now