African Americans moving back to africa

Finally pol you can be happy if you have anything negative to say about you are obviously a exterme retard or simply a jew.

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when I say slavery you say sorry


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It's about time

You’re wasting your time trying to get a kike to apologize fore anything.

Do they even know where they come from?

now we can celebrate!

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Exterme retard alert. As I said doesn't matter they are in Africa that's all that matters

I would eat a big plate of my own shit and wash it down with my own piss if this happens before I die.

meme dream

what do they call the niggers that live in England.

African Englanders?

Uh I mean I’m perfectly okay with them fucking off. I wish them all the best making their own country better.

do you newfags not remember the #Blaxit campaign?

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Posted the other day SAGE KYS

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Imgaine being triggered by having a all white country finally....

>Typical Anglo cunt

Jews burned Notre dame:

Ghana receives billions in foreign aid.

>All African Americans move there.
>We cut foreign aid
>they'll want back in.

I'm a shitskin Muslims praise Allah
>typical British man

That's actually pretty cool and it's worth respect.

Afro Anglo's

Retards alert. these spergs unironically don't EUROPE or America to be white. I bet you are some spic or shitskin


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you might be the dumbest person ive seen on pol.

> (You)
>Retards alert. these spergs unironically don't EUROPE or America to be white. I bet you are some spic or shitskin
Why are so angry brother? We are taking you're county and fucking you're white women. Even you're police protect us and you're government pays us too have 3 wives and lost of kids praise Allah and united Islamic republic of the u.k

This website is like groundhog day. The same thumbnails to the same copied threads the same replies every single day. Why do I still come here?

fucking yes

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was black culture
You invented slavery.