How is the risk of a fake rape claim if you interact with a girl (e.g. having sex)?

How is the risk of a fake rape claim if you interact with a girl (e.g. having sex)?

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have sex

Sex is overrated

High if she's a feminist. Low if she's not. Almost zero if you give her a good dicking.

if you're bad at it

>t. never done cocaine or any of the various alternative dopamine sources

Low outside of feminists. You shouldn't even talk to a feminist much less have sex with one.
But if she doesn't support a movement that says it's okay for women to falsely accuse men of rape then you're probably safe. Not 100% but nothing ever is, it's a risk you'll have to take

you're too autistic to do stimulants and just like to think you know what they feel like, I reckon because you have a cursory idea of what dopamine is for
>sex is overrated
>coke isn't
>why combine the two?
retard alert

Extremely low.

You are more likely to win the lottery. In the highly unlikely event a girl does press fake claims she will not have evidence and contrary to incel memes it's rare to be wrongfully convicted.

>it's rare to be wrongfully convicted
Literally impossible to tell.

Rape leaves physical evidence. Not having any makes conviction much more difficult.

If you've had consensual sex, there's the physical evidence.

Not that user, but you obviously never had to deal with an actual court case involving this before.

Rape and consensual sex leave very different traces.

Does it matter? Men lose friends and jobs just for getting accused.

Extremely rare outside of your incel cuck fantasies

Just a general tip, it's usually easier to convince a person if you do not insult them as that automatically makes them get defensive.

People like him are beyond help, he won't listen to facts no matter what you tell him.

Nothing I said was insulting. Curt, maybe, but not insulting.

But still you reply. lol

>contrary to incel memes it's rare to be wrongfully convicted
While true, that has not stopped these claims from ruining that man's life from start to finish. People lose jobs over this shit. How are you supposed to explain why there's a 5 year gap of employment?

There are far more people wrongfully convictes for murder than rape.

There are no reliable statistics on that. How would you even measure it? Fuck off.

[citation needed]
And how many expelled? How many lose their jobs?

Going through life being afraid of FALSE rape allegations holds the same irrationality as freaking out about being falsely accused of murder. Don't rape anyone and you should be fine. Jesus, men are crazy.

A lot of people freak out after school shootings and terror attacks even though drowning in the bathtub is more common

>Actually wanting to help incels
But if we do that, I won't have as many people to mock

Don't worry, they won't listen.

You don't need a 40 gallon tub. More than 6 is asking for trouble. You also don't need the optional shower attachment. Ban assault tubs.

so what you're saying is your replies are just insults.

More common than people want you to believe but still not as common as you probably think. I've personally seen it but not often.

Just secretly film it. Because a charge of filming someone without their consent is much better than rape. If the tape shows consensual sex you're in the clear and you get the green light to embarrass her.

I'm not a lawyer but I've heard evidence gathered illegally often isn't admissible in court. No point having a recording if you're not allowed to show it to the jury, but I agree it still doesn't hurt.

Some states are 1 party consent states, where only 1 person needs to consent or even be aware of recording.

> How is the risk of a fake rape claim if you interact with a girl (e.g. having sex)?

Basically zero, you paranoid, red pill taking freak.