How does respecting women help you get laid with them?

How does respecting women help you get laid with them?

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It doesnt

That's two words that don't belong in the same sentence

This. I tried it for a hot second and I felt like I was constantly lying to myself. There are so few that deserve anything resembling respect that it really is easier to view them as children/sub-human until a decent appears, and treat her as an exception


gay grill here and ... damn. I get why het ladies are so thirsty now. I give them a few sweet compliments and let them decide where to go for a date and I get laid on the first date.

Works pretty damn well for me. And I'm painfully honest with them as well.

But you're also a woman so their guard is naturally down.

Shower a woman with compliments and support and listen to her talk about whatever and 9 times out of 10 she’ll want your dick. The nice guys meme is a lie, I’m beta af but I’ve gotten laid countless times all with a little respect and consideration for them as a human being. Just don’t form too heavy a relationship unless you really like them.

Women will have their guard down with you, so that changes a lot. There's also a lot different expectations, I can't imagine a man letting women decide where to go for a date would work well generally, they expect you to do it since making plans is "hot"

It won't.
Pussy isn't something women toss around like stale bread to ducks.
Waiting around for a girl to let you fuck her is pathetic and will not give you good relationships with women.

Go talk to women and tell them you are interested if she seems happy to talk to you.

This..why do dykes call themselves "studs" when there is no studying happening and it doesn't count. You are still a girl and no threat and come in under the radar and there is no danger of being invested in you for 18 years.

>tell them you are interested
What the fuck does this mean

>How does respecting women help you get laid with them?
Retard, you're approaching the problem from the wrong direction.
The real question is: How does treating women like shit help you get laid with them?
The answer is it doesn't. If anything it makes it harder unless they have serious mental/self-esteem issues (daddy issues); no self-respect.
On the other hand, treating them with respect doesn't either. But if anything it makes it easier unless, you guessed it, they have no self-respect and unironically think you're too good for them or some shit like that.

In conclusion, you're a fucking retard if you think that le treat women with le respecc meme will carry you to bed; and you're as equally retarded if you think that this means that having no respect for women will carry you to bed instead.

Respect is one out of many factors that could influence a woman's opinion about you.
Respect is only as relevant as it is to the women you're trying to get laid with.

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>that's how it is dealing with men
>hard to find one even worth acknowledging their existence

Of course if Is, they all need to be tall, handsome, socially savvy like a woman, and borderline metrosexual in regards to their style and body,

I used to operate a tinder profile without any human pictures and a unisex name. It was gendered female and set to "looking for both men and women" I was acting the same silly me, making stupid jokes and shit. I can say it is much easier for female me to get a meeting than male me.

The amount of tail i could potentially pull was astonishing.

Because women are people that wanted to be treated nicely. Do you like being treated like the piece of shit you are?


Because most of attraction is social chemistry and bond which comes from getting along and respecting each other.

From what I've witnessed in my experience, every single word you said is a lie.

>I can't imagine a man letting women decide where to go for a date
So femanon, where would you like to go for supper?
I don't know

I'm the opposite. I genuinely respected women for years and it got me nowhere. Finally I took my more successful friend's advice and stopped respecting women. I felt like shit at first and it felt like *not* respecting them was lying to myself.
But dammit it works, women hate being respected as equals. It's a deal breaker even for feminist women. The trick is they won't admit it and you can't ever admit it either. It's like both of you pretending that you respect her like an equal even though you both know she'd never be attracted to you if you actually did.

I know a girl, graduated in psychology, often posting feminist stuff. She once told me this exact words "I like to be dominated: I've made a mistake, and I need to be punished".

>women are people

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This is the worst place to ask.

I used to get lucky a fair bit at parties when I was younger and not looking for anything in depth but here's my analysis.

I think most girls at parties typically aren't looking to get their hole stretched out like they are at a club so usually they just want to have a good time and aren't going to take advances all that well. When I talked to them at parties I didn't make any advancements, I just treated them like a human being and had some genuinely wonderful conversations and unsurprisingly enough women typically appreciate not being looked at like a cock sleeve so it worked well in my favour.


First off let's preface this by saying, respecting women does not mean putting them on a pedestal and glorifying them and essentially being their door mat.
This is repulsive to women.
At the end of the day, a woman will sleep with a guy, if she doesn't feel like a slut about it.
By being non judgmental and open about sexuality, a woman will want to sleep with you more, than when you are some incel faggot getting butthurt about women having sex.
You need to respect their sexual reality, which is, that they WANT to have sex, and WILL have sex. Just like you.

If a woman came up to you and spat in your face and called you a piece of shit, would you fuck her?


More like, understand. If you understand women and what turns them on (and what doesn't), getting laid is not that difficult.

Dude, i dont understand how men or people in general work let alone women. So if there is like guide or any pointers it will be great.

Also not OP obvs.

It doesn't. Respect isn't just given, it's earned. Handing out respect is indicative of a manwhore with no actual confidence or standards. There's a difference between treating people nicely and respecting them as well.

>The nice guys meme is a lie, I’m beta af but i’ve gotten laid countless times
Chances are you're a good looking guy (whether you realize it or not). It's quite well accepted knowledge that beta behavior turns women off. But if you're cute or hot then obviously many women will still like you.

I can't tell you everything you need to know in an Jow Forums post. But a few key points are the following:

>Speak clearly and confidently. Don't come across as insecure. Also, stop overthinking your words and just talk to her about what comes to mind.
>Know how to escalate physically. Look up 'kino-escalation' on google. This is especially important in environments where alcohol is involved (parties/clubs/bars etc.).
>Don't be afraid to show a woman you like her. Don't be ashamed of your sexuality. If you like her, tell her and ask her out. Or make it clear through kino escalation.
>Last but not least. NEVER come across as if you are trying to suck up to a girl. Believe me, girls pick up on this bullshit. Focus on becoming the most attractive version of yourself. Don't try to come across as someone you think she might want you to be. This is where the nice guy meme comes from.

What a fucking retarded post. I hope some angry drunk smashes your nose in and you'll become an ugly guy.

>How does respecting another human being makes them want to do more stuff and spend more time with you

I'm going to bet you just confused between 'respect' and 'acting like doormat'

I am a whore. A literal whore who takes cash for smash.
I charge my clients quite a bit of $$££€€, and feel zero attraction towards them.
BUT there are other men out there who don't look at my body. They want to talk about science and play video games with me and make me laugh and respect my boundaries.
Those kind of men I lust after, love, and fuck for free.

In the same manner that taking showers every day helps you to get friends
It's not that it helps per se
But the opposite will make it impossible

There's girls who can be bullied into sex (or even relationships), sure. But then you are on your worst behavior, tempting naïve/insecure/unstable girls into making bad decisions.

Fucking a man as a woman means trusting him not to hurt you. Not just assault or rape, which is drilled into them as a risk since before they ever experienced lust, but also just a guy shoving his dick in after too little foreplay or going into the ass dry can hurt like fuck and cause internal tearing and bleeding. A guy not stopping during a blowjob when you need to can end up with you crying and puking on him. If he takes a picture while you have your back turned and shares it, good luck ever getting a job as a "marked whore". This is still ignoring the biological risk of pregnancy.

Basically, a guy being respectful is a green flag that you can let your guard down a little, that he's going to want to have fun with you and not at your expense. It's hard to feel desire or fun when you feel like you need to cover your ass or you're going to get fucked over.

And the women who respond well to being treated respectfully (which is NOT the same as slavishly, you can still tease her and not bend over backwards to say whatever she wants to hear) are more likely to be well-rounded, stable, fun and so on than vulnerable girls who respond well to being treated like shit because they think that's all they're good for.

>From what I've witnessed in my experience, every single word you said is a lie
It's not a lie, everything you 'experienced' is merely invalid and you're most likely a fucking retard.

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Probably. But guys are used to getting hurt, so it's whatever.

Wouldn't date her, of course, I have at least that much self respect.

Thanks user, will look into kino escalation is and keep in mind the other stuff as well. I might be late to the game but i am not out..

Wait, are you the escort user that posted on Jow Forums before? I think i talked to you on kik.

Fucking horrny 16 year olds, drunk? One girl told the other that she has meet a talking dildo. Done

Wana smash kihi, no.
Tell her *You* noticed her (1) Tell her why
Tell her *You* are interesred (2) ezi you
Talk about things she is interested about, if she has anything planed, tell her sometimes, some girls 100% the truth if it doesn't seem to worke at all. It will spread from girl to girl.
Pl let them tell you feedback you can worke around, don't run away. Be one time. Tell youre mom so you don't forget it. Done

Make her drunk. Well so... i didn't do it but it worked for everybody else. Unless it didn't because she saw a guy she fucked drunk a tousend times before also i wasn't there the tousends time... is not fucking a girl self harm or and a fetish? idk

Tell me the best baby girl ||

Girl drunk = doesn't mater × horrny^2
Ez me Einstein

So wrong. Think about what you have written. Some skuts, most, are sluts. There many girls that play sluts for fun cause it doesn't mater to them.

Don't forget the alk C2H5OH

Make them drunk? Play on other guys mistakes? Dono be there, gave "some" fun, mostly non.

Weabu = retard
Dum fuck?

It gets you a reputation of decency, so that when you are a bit lecherous they know the difference between flirting and you just being an ass. Male equivalent of "lady on the streets, freak in the sheets."

what's the point of a girl wanting you if you're just equal to her weak ass? It is by biology they crave for an actual man; stronger, dominant, fearless. They love feeling small and feminine, regardless of how much social egalitarian ideas get shoved down their throat. Biology wins in the end

and yet women fail abide by this and still go for men who would otherwise 'disrespect' them.
This shit only works if you are attractive to begin with.
The point to take away from this thread is that respect, or a lack of it doesn't strictly determine a man's success with women.
>Don't bend over backwards and grovel at their feet.
>Don't be outright disrespectful.
>Be attractive - Physically, mentally and hold status.

All of my this.
