How do I raise a daughter to not be a slut?

How do I raise a daughter to not be a slut?

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Fuck her up the ass once a day.
That'll teach her.


You need to be the shining example of a gentlemen to her mother while your daughter sees you. You literally have to SHOW her how a woman should be treated. Overtly display respectful affection. But try to avoid overtly sexual advances to a woman while in front of your daughter. You have to maintain this until she becomes a teen and beyond. Pretty much until she's out of the house.

If you do that, she'll inherently develop a standard that she'll expect out of men. Sure there will be some deviations as with all teens, but she wont fall off the deep end into the pool of dick.

Keep it legit, and she'll be fine.

Retard alert

Marry a good woman who is also not a slut so that she can see her first image of what a good woman should be and she will emulate it and in turn be a good woman and wife to (hopefully) a good man one day. Live morally, children learn from what the parent does than what the parent says.

I'm wondering this myself, I have a 2 year old girl. A wise man once told me that as long as I make sure I'm there for her, she'll avoid most of the the daddy issues that leads to being a slut

She needs a father. A father who loves her and spends time with her.
>You literally have to SHOW her how a woman should be treated
No, bitch. You need to be an example of a good man. Girls without fathers never see this on a regular basis and end up thinking all men are bad.

>image of what a good woman should be
yes also this. women can also be shitty role models and fuck their kids up on par with men. equality

Won’t matter what you do, she will be, sorry user, don’t want to have a slut daughter? Don’t have any

All men are bad.
t. had dad who thought he had to be around in order for me to not have sex when I wanted/wanted to control my sexuality

leave the united states and live off the grid in a traditional village

Don't let her listen to pop/rap music

Only way to be reasonably sure.

Raise her in a strict islamic culture. She will then have a massive inferiority complex and a bunch of other problems, but she wont be a slut

The only way is abortion. Sorry OP.

I can assure u, there is a way. Just be resonable and be there for her. Girls in my class that have stable parents are hard working and dedicated workers for the future. They are also, in my eyes ofc, the most attractive girls. Some of the girls actually join my gangs rp sessions. So, just be there for her.

Marry her off at 13 for a goat and some grains.

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First things first: Keep her out of public school, that shit hurts her, especially in a city setting. You need to be there for her, show her what a man is and be a proper figure in her life, same with your wife. I suggest homeschooling and if she is an only child than I unironically suggesting having more if you can, they tend to take care of themselves after a while. For outside interaction stuff like museums, parks, COSI, shit like that goes a long way. Basically, raise her like you might have in the 1800s before schools were mandatory. Of course, she still needs at least a High School education, but the current school system generates sluts due to peer pressure and negative influences being rampant.

A strong religious foundation also helps a ton, Christianity, Islam, idgaf just teach her that there is a greater being watching her every move and she will straighten up if you do it from a young age. While this isn't entirely relevant, college is a major fuck up nowadays and leads to a high amount of pure, worthless sluts. Just keep her out of it, regardless of her dream profession because frankly, it hurts women way too much from stress and negative environments. Good luck my dude, raising a kid is hard especially in a day and age where it all fights against you, but keep her healthy and with positive role models and you should be better off than 90% of modern-day parents.

Bless you, anons

Lots of good advice here. I'd add to constantly remind her to choose her friends well, and check on who she frequents all the time. Parents tend to not care enough about who their kids spend their time with, but don't forget they spend almost as much time at school than at home. Friends forge who a kid becomes and if she hangs around sluts and fuckbois she'll become a slut to fit in. Teach her to focus on academics so she doesn't need to suck dick to go forwards in life and can actually sustain herself if she doesn't find a good man.

He was probably trying to do the right thing and stop you from being put into situations you're not equipped to face the consequences of.

But I was horny as hell.

There's no such thing as a slut.

It's hate speech, an invented term used to judge other people who are having more fun than you.

There is NO reason not to have sex if you
* take precautions against unwanted pregnancy
* take precautions against disease
* don't deliberately hurt anyone

Religious arseholes just invented other ideas to control people. Fuck those guys.

The worst thing you can do is make her feel guilty about her sexual desire - this is a natural thing that keeps the human race alive, and a power that she has to use wisely.

It's 2019 not 1650.

The same way you teach a boy to not grow up to be a useless manchild: by providing them as many opportunities as possible to explore their passions so they can develop skills and achieve a high sense of independence and autonomy.

A dependent child will always be at the mercy of the opposite sex when they grow up, and it's not pretty.

I find your lack of inclusive language and rigid adherence to outdated binary pronouns very problematic.
That's gonna be a yikes from me, friendo.

Looking to start a family this year and having a daughter is one of my fears. I've had to look at myself and reflect upon why I feel this way and it is because ultimately I have quite an unhealthy opinion of women.

I think this stems from my childhood. My mother left when I was 9. She has always been a self absorbed hedonistic individual who ditched anything difficult or challenging. I had to spend one day a week with her. I have no memories other than of her smoking cigarettes, drinking, complaining (complaining so hard about everything and everyone) doing dumb stuff like buying new versions of things to replace things which weren't broken (which she swore were broken), they were just the wrong thing for what she wanted to do then getting frustrated and angry that the new things didn't perform the task simply because they were new then blaming the company/world/salesperson. She went on holiday a lot without me, didn't take me anywhere or do anything with me. Most of her friends were weird overtly sexualised, drank too much and were slightly creepy and predatory. Later on I learnt that she went to sex parties, had poly relationships and lived what the vast majority of my liberal friends would consider the perfect lifestyle for a modern strong woman.

Thing is most of my liberal friends are actually quite conservative. Even the non-binary non-conforming pansexual unicorn types are married. Some of them have families. They might be taking their children to rainbow baby llama opera lessons fronted by drag queens, but they have mortgages, fat investment accounts, good careers and vote for stability and the police state.

I don't view my mother as particularly strong, brave or independent. She was insecure, scared, defined herself through her relationships and her sex and sexuality. She was completely dependent upon the attention and the abilities of others to help her navigate through life because she lacked the patience to resolve challenging things and wouldn't take ownership of failures or mistakes which meant she didn't allow herself to learn from them. It was a state of almost permanent victimhood.

So in my head, having a daughter is like ... great I've got a manipulative parasite who is unlikely to have the drive and determination to help me out with anything. Better get used to dealing with a perpetual toddler.

Also me ... my part to play in this. I'm a massive fucking pervert. I objectify women all the time. I am dismissive of them and reduce them down to a series of holes. I've tied up and pissed on and in every woman I've ever had a relationship with. I accept they have a life of their own, they do their own thing quite often, but generally when I'm around they are there for me to tie up and play with if the thought comes into my head. One of the things I respect about my partner is her willingness to drop to her knees and let me throat fuck her until she pukes at any point. Unfortunately all my relationships have been like this to some extent. Generally women exist in my world to please me and my dick on demand. If they can't do this then they don't hold my attention and my attention is what seemingly keeps them interested and willing to stick around.

So if I have a daughter I unfortunately know exactly what she is because that is my experiences of women. I know that it doesn't matter how she dresses or what her personality is like on the outside, I know what it can get like inside.

If I have a son I know exactly what he is because I have direct experience of being a man? I feel like my prejudices are a lot less negative?