
My friend just asked me to be a groomsman at his wedding because he knows I won’t know anyone there. I’m freaking out. This is my first wedding and I don’t feel comfortable with this. I googled groomsman and it seems they all wear the same clothes and take tons of pictures. Am I really suppose to go buy a brand new suit in a certain color? This stresses me out

I made a thread similar to this a few months ago, but now he wants me to be a groomsman

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>nah dude I have work that day

I already said to him a few months ago I could go :(

Really need advice....

Relax bro, it's not too difficult at all. When I got married I went to a tux rental place and picked out what I wanted my groomsmen to wear. All they had to do was go in and get measured for their suits, and then pick them up a couple of days before the wedding. The tux place took care of every damn thing from bow tie to shoes. This is pretty standard procedure, as I've seen the same done all the times I was a groomsman. Your friend likely did something similar so ask him for that information.

I was invited to a friends wedding which I did end up going to. First wedding Ive been to I might add. As an anti social person, it sucked. Had to hang out with people I didnt know all day, it was awkward as fuck and dropped about $800 on just the plane ticket and nice clothes. Looking back on it, I wish I would have told him no.

>All they had to do was go in and get measured for their suits, and then pick them up a couple of days before the wedding.
But I don’t live anywhere close to where the wedding is taking place. My friend lives across the country from me.
This is exactly what i’m worried about. I’m not very social either, and I won’t know a single person there. I also have to fly to where it will be which will cost me around $500

My younger brother got married this year and he lives across the country from me. What he did was set up the rental through Men's Warehouse. I was able to get fitted for my suit and pick it up here in California and bring it with me to Baltimore where the wedding was. Then I brought it back with me and returned it when I got home.

well that makes sense I suppose.

would it be rude if I don’t go?

Depends.. How close of a friend is he?

>Not having a couple of tailored suits for any occasion
Fucking barbarian.
Buy a suit or rent it. You'll be amazed on how differently you get treated wearing a properly tailored 3piece suit. Women will look at you with hunger in their eyes. Hell man a biker even bought my flask of whiskey on my way to a play once after complementing my suit

>how close of a friend is he?
Thats a good question. I don’t really know what that means. What defines a close friend?

We used to play video games a lot. Both of us went through hard times and struggled with depression and we would mentally support each other. But we have barely talked in the last 2 years since he met his fiancée. We’ve talked (via text only) twice in the past 9 months. So what does that mean?

You just walk around in suits...? I have a nice grey suit, but it’s for interviews

Nah. But definitely don't back out of the wedding. Good socializing experience that you desperately need

it sounds like a terrible experience

>we would mentally support each other
he appreciates your company and friendship during hard times and wants you to be there for his special day.
Just because you haven't talked a lot recently doesn't mean he thinks of you as less of a friend or is less appreciative of you.
You should definitely go to the wedding if it is financially viable for you.
Good training to get better at socializing and you might meet some fun people.

I have a lot of respect for him. But he probably won’t even notice me being there with so many other people there.

>But he probably won’t even notice me being there
You are invited as a groomsman, not just a regular guest, of course he will notice

Yes. I didn't socialize with anyone though because I will literally never see anyone from there ever again so what's the point.
You gotta understand that its kind of his day, hes gonna be busy, plus Im sure his family will be there. Family always comes before friends. I would say if you have the financial means, go, but have realistic expectations when it comes to actually spending time with your friend. Its gonna be awkward with so many people, but you'll get through it.

Ask your friend about what to do for the suit.
Ask your friend if you have any duties to do, but probs not.
Work out and get in good shape for the day.
Get a hair cut for the event.
And dont be you for a day. Easy.
If you dont know anyone there then theres no worry about seeing them again.

>I won’t know a single person there
Weddings are a great place to meet people. It doesn't sound like you're very good friends at all. Just tell him you don't support the marriage and won't come. easy

I didn’t say I didn’t support his marriage, retard

yeah well you're the one who's all me, me, me. I dont have a suit, I wont know anyone. whah. It's his fucking wedding and it's about him and his wife. Don't fucking go if you're going to be such a downer

some good adv here and yet op is still a fag