Why do so many American Christians believe the King James Bible is the literal Word of God ? Do they have good reasons to believe that or is it just a boomer meme ?
Why do so many American Christians believe the King James Bible is the literal Word of God...
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It is believed to the the one that has been least tampered with, along with the NASB. But who really knows, all we can do is read and have faith the Catholics didn't lie or mess it up. (I honestly doubt God would let that happen so easily tho)
i dunno sometimes i wish i was some bible following idiot so i could at least have some joy in life
>thou shallt not murder in non kjv
>mistranslated thou shallt not kill kjv
because they're idiots is why. these are people who read and follow old testament and are non jews. they're idiots.
They all have missing chapters though. There are parts where they even reference earlier bits.
the ORIGINAL ASB is the most accurate translation
i dont know why THEY are pushing kjv but its prob standard deflection - ipre-emptive creation of a pseudorefromation
Hint. It doesnt use the term Jehovah
Which ones ?
I'll check that
>Least tampered with
wew lad, Protestants literally removed 7 books and edited passages from the bible during the reformation to go with their retarded theology that literally had no standing in historical Christianity. I mean you can shit on Catholicism and Orthodoxy all you want but historically speaking and theologically speaking they have more of a right to call themselves Christians than any of the over 32,000+ protestant denominations.
If you dare address your God in anything but the King's English you will be smitten down and cast to hell. Repent ye.
because that's the one that made it over on the boat
Unironically this
>t.memeflag likes
Because it is.
It is easy to discover which versions are published by kikes and Masons, has your particular version deleted Acts 8:37?
>And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
It is easy to discern the reason behind deleting and changing verses that buttress up the doctrine of Jesus Christ's divinity.
>least tampered with
>removes Gods name in all but one verse
>mary was sinless and is now co-redeemer with Jesus
Catholicism, not even once.
The Church in Rome became the Roman Church. Faghots were corrupting the gospel as early as the 1st century when the apostles were still alive. Rome turned the simple plan of salvation into a means of controlling the masses. Only unread idiots and child molesting priests who call themselves father and dress like mother are retarded enough to be Catholic. Catholics burned the real Christians.
Because we are fucking retarded and can't into history
>removes Gods name
You mean Jesus?
Spotted the JW cultist.
it's a puzzle box and it wasn't meant for you.
it's how satan plans to take everyone to hell
with him, the bible has been edited.
So why not do it? You can pilpul it to say anything you want. However, your one cherrypicked verse won't help ease your conscience when there are 20+ verses contradicting you.
The King James Version is a translation from the so called 'Textus Receptus' or 'received text' which comes the manuscript tradition preserved in Europe from antiquity to the present. The new translations are from manuscripts that were dug up out of Egyptian and North African deserts in the 19th and 20th centuries by jewish academics that are "more accurate" "older" "more authoritative" and so on.
Boomer tier meme. Shit like this is what makes the retardation of American protestants (baptists in particular) fairly clear.
Jesus isnt God
>dude catholics wuz just makin all dat shit up, when we wuz editin da bible we found the real bible. WE WUZ THE REAL CHRISTIANS AND SHIEET
wew reminds me how Shia Muslims claim that Sunnis aren't real muslims and the proof was eaten by a goat. Real mental gymnastics there to justify going against historical precedent. Historically speaking going by all the councils, early church fathers etc. Catholics and Orthodox are real Christians, protestants are an invention by corrupt german princes in the HRE, pissy rabbis and all sorts of power hungry fags who were pissy at the Church in Rome due to their own power disputes in Northern Europe, I'm not a Catholic at all but studying the Reformation, it was clear it was just a power grab move by various parties and also the beginning of the end for the world we live in considering ideas like Individualism, Republicanism, Democracy, "Human Rights", Egalitarianism etc. came from this period leading to the hellhole we're in now. Thanks for that.
>Bible is the literal Word of God
Without the slightest hint of cultural misinterpretation or translation error
>I honestly doubt God would let that happen so easily tho
Abortion exists. Your God is false
This is why.
Read the book New Age Versions, it tells you why. It also explains how perfidious Satanists and Jews created the “new” “bibles” to deceive us all.
Fuck off leaf
Fun fact, none of these documents they “found” agrees with each other or the Textus Receptus. So thy just pick and choose whatever perverted distorted thing verse by verse.
Roman Catholic user reporting... i believe the Jerusalem Bible is the best version to read.
>dug up out of Egyptian and North African deserts in the 19th and 20th centuries by jewish academics
Trusting Jews to provide the foundation of your religion.
Yes He is.
Reading this now, it's by a dude named Riplinger and it is quite good.
I gave away mine for great justice but just recently got another. It is an extremely redpilled book.
And THERE it is. Repent and believe in Jesus Christ, user.
OP this is basically it in a nut shell. There were a couple of different "original manuscripts" from which the Bible's we have today are translated from. Some are earlier (closer to Jesus' time) and agree with each other to a very high degree (for example, all existing copies of Paul's letter to the romans wouldnt vary from manuscript to manuscript.). Then there's others that were later and disagree quite a bit. This is why you will see in any modern version except KJV and NKJV, portions of verses, whole verses, and sometimes even entire sections are removed (or at best included in the footnots with a note explaining "the 'best' manuscripts exclude this verse"). See the last section of the Gospel of Mark for example.
Another big problem I have with modern translations is that the textual base was developed by Wescott and Hort, two 19th century rennaisance men who dabbled heavily into the occult and denied the inerrancy of scripture.
A search for these things will give you a lot of websites with further information.
And by the way, you can throw any "New World Translation" versions in the trash, as these deny the divinity of Jesus.
Jesus existed, but was a cunt.
The Bible is just some bullshit Josephus Flavian wrote down to cuck his own Jewish people to his masters the Romans. Christians are cucks.
NKJV is utter trash. There have only been two good Bibles done into English, the Geneva Bible and the Authorized KJV.
>kike posting
>patented shill image
It’s not working.
The quran was revealed because the bible was corruptee
That's why the Quran is the ultimate redpill
Oldest cppy dates back to when the prophet was still alive
Not a single letter changed
Don't believe me? Google it
KJV is the best mainstream one. The TS2009, Hebraic Roots Bible and the AENT (for New Testament) are the best because they are translated literally and restore the divine name. The KJV isn't a literal translation and replaces Yahweh/Elohim with God and Yeshua with LORD (which also means Baal)
I read KJV, but my point was that at least NKJV was translated from the TR. It's the least pozzed of the modern versions, and wouldn't go so far as to call it utter trash.
Thanks for the input, Chaim.
Why did they have to take out the satanic verses when they realized that it was Satan speaking to Muhammad? Why did Muhammad kiss the black stone of saturn? Why do the muslims walk around it in a circle to give Saturn its rings?
Stop worshiping Molech the moon god.
Meh you can keep your Jew Bibles, my Israeli friend.
No it’s utter trash, look at the chart. It’s leading people from salvation.
what books did they remove? also what version is the best version now?
Book of Enoch basically proves flat earth theory and they had to shut that down.
It's just because it sounds fancy / holy.
YHWH is translated LORD
El/Elohim is translated Lord (Baal just literally means master or lord. God isn't Baal and Baal isn't God)
Adonai is translated God
You're both idiots. Stop worshiping kikes!
>Why do so many American Christians believe the King James Bible is the literal Word of God ?
You mean, anglos prostestant fucktards....
Ever notice how these threads attract the shills bigly?
The war on Christianity continues in full swing.
God speaks in Old English only
Shakespeare helped translate the King James bible.
The chart is pretty damning it's true. Not sure how much can be chalked up to honest translation difficulties/differences. Like I said I read the KJV because I know about the fuckery.
But replying to this, how can you have read New Age Versions and not know about the apocrypha? Or are you being Socratic?
I have not read any versions of the Bible, I was just asking a question.
If certain books were removed, why don't modern Christians look for and study those texts? Seems like someone wanted to hide something when excising those books.
There are shills everywhere, not only in this christcuck thread.
Christianity has been blighted from its inception by not being an ethnoreligion.
I thought I was talking with someone who knew what they were talking about. Sorry to waste your time. Read the Bible, friend.
Are there any KJV-Only church that is NOT Baptist? I don't really like Baptists. I find them cringe and their worship of Israel doesn't seem too biblical to me, they also have sectarian tendencies.
What about Presbyterians or Methodists for example ?
Just become Orthodox
Because reminding them they worship a desert-kike enrages them.
Baptists are the only ones who are retarded enough to follow a doctrine so devoid of intellectual/historical substance, so no.
I only ever see blacks reading and pushing KJV as the one true Bible
>Presbyterians or Methodists
Why dont you pick something because you agree with the doctrine, you fucking mongo?
Those two dont even preach the gospel, they are works based catholic-lite trash. Pick them of you are trying to go to Hell.
Revelation 12:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
That is the white race being spoken about. Lie on the origin of everyone and the truth about God. They rule wickedly. Dracula is symbolic of the white man and how he rules.
some house church networks know about the KJV, but alot of these have their problems too.
Be wary of any modern methodists, presbys, Lutherans (except LCMC) churches, because many of these allow women leaders, homo pastors, affirm gay marriage etc.
That said, I'd rather be a part of a church that actually followed and read the NIV or ESV than a church that read the KJV but allowed women leaders and gay marriage.
At the end of the day, it's not a minor point, but it isn't the most major one, either.
They are both protestants and they preach faith alone, are you going to tell me only Baptists were/are saved ?
Yes I'm referring to conservative churches of course, not mainstream faggots ones.
Jews brigading pol hard, along with ptg they have turned this board into a psyop of trash.
The gospel is so simple, yet you kikes constantly try and corrupt salvation with your traditions of men and doctrines of devils.
If you add anything to salvation besides salvation by grace through faith, you are a false prophet and damned for changing the word of God and blaspheming the Holy Ghost who is the author of the Bible.
That is exactly what that Andersonfag is trying to tell you.
>anyone who challenges my retarded view of my jew religion is a jew
You're a retarded faggot. Your theology is retarded and your boomer-tier posts are retarded.
> Steven Anderson
Okay I understand, he's literally a cult leader and I don't even say that because of his stance on the KJV
>They are both protestants and they preach faith alone
>faith alone
Their name literally contradicts your claim. They teach salvation through their method of sacraments. Just like the Roman Church. They both do.
The word Protestant means they are a breakaway from the Roman Church... and are merely protesting on bits and pieces of doctrine.
If you actually give a rat's ass you can learn the difference between sects.
Like has revealed himself as the 5th column divide and conquer rat that he is.
Do you have any doubts why these ziorats hate Anderson so much? He has them pegged dude. They are seething ever since he tricked those rabbis into making his glorious antisemetic film Marching to Zion which exposes these rats for what they are.
Well the being saved part would make sense. I have heard a lot of the original greek is in the present continuous tense so many parts in the present simple should actually be present continuous.
>removed 7 books
Those aren't scripture and the KJV translators still translated them you retard
So many other people have named the Jew without following Jewish religion. What makes that retarded Baptist faggot any different?
OP if you are too dumb to see this like for what he is then you're a stooge. He just called Chritianity a kike religion and you are taking his kike rat advice on what kind of Christian to be or not to be.
Because most Americans think that Jesus spoke English.
Clearly a problem in the English language only. It's present in pretty much all German and Hungarian bibles. English Christians BTFO.
Are you a missionary?
>What makes that retarded Baptist faggot any different?
He isnt going to Hell with you and every kike and faggot that ever lived. That's what.
I think I hear your mom calling, kid.
NABRE is the superior Bible.
This it's the best one and uses the recieved text, not newly dung up crap
this, besides NASB is bad
I hear your lawnmower calling, you fucking boomer.
Lol racemixer
That's not true. They preach the new birth. Methodists, Presbyterians and Baptists actually cooperated together in Christian revivals in America and missions to faraway lands. They view sacraments as means of grace, something to strengthen your faith and to sanctify. Stop spreading BS.
Keep telling yourself that boomer
Naw man I'm a born again Christian I'm no expert in the bible I just found Jesus no too long ago.
Happy Easter by the way.
I'm just here for Muay Thai.
>Clearly a problem in the English language only.
And English is the Greek aka universal language of today. The most important language that has spread the gospel to more people than any language on earth. That is why it is so important for satan to corrupt the English versions. Because the vast majority of evangalists are American and speak English.
English is the language of Mystery Babylon. It is literally made up from all languages.
Redpill me on the Methodists. Who are they? What do they do? What is their endgame?
Acts 8:37 was a huge red pill for me about Bible translations.
Zoomer tier retort, Jayden.
the only good translation of the Bible is the one made by brother Augustin Crampon, there, i said it
>The most important language that has spread the gospel to more people than any language on earth.
Do you honestly want me to tally up the population of Christians by first language and see who comes on top? Hint: you Americans love them.
>pastor Anderson accusing someone else of corrupting the word of God
Not all Baptists are the same, or preach the same doctrine. Most are Zionist rubbish. MLK claimed to be Baptist but was really a communist sodomite atheist who denied the bodily resurrection.
Southern Baptists are some of the absolute worst ziorats alongside the modalist/oneness pentacostals.
Awesome dude! Happy Easter to you, too.
Blessed and Based !