According to Tim "pulling the trigger on every nigger" Pool the democrats wokeness will cause them to go broke
Will the left kill itself?
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Tim is a jew loving faggot
No shit sherlock
Can't wait for his new game, man
Fuck Tim Poole and the fence he sits on
Did he mention that he's a mutt? He's a mutt btw. Oh. And remember, he's a mutt.
Everyone knows about his mighty samurai blood
I thought it was gook, not nip
The left will kill all the useful idiots, that have been pushing their agenda, as soon as they need to start stabilizing society
a hapa is a hapa
He's not even a hapa he's a qapa
knew it
He predicted a red tsunami in 2018
He's a clueless faggot
Jow Forums should push this shit, no white males or white women and ruin dem candidates.
Make them fight each other.
Creepy Joe will get the nomination with Kamala as VP
tim pool is some clueless centrist retard who shills for right-wingers. he's basically a sargon of akkad/dave rubin clone
woke democrats are a minority of democrats and don't have the large influence that right-wingers pretend they have
4 white guys being the most popular of the candidates proves this
>those numbers
better not
You can always try to exploit it though.
This is really depressing
>if only you knew how bald things really are
Thank you, so much
Have a (You) you funny ass pastanigger.
>builds his career off the crashing of the liberal clown world machine
>desperate to help and save the liberals from their ultimate fate..
People like him and Sargon just piss me off... They see it all for what it is, but are still scared of the negative connotation of just admitting that the left is completely insane and are a plague on the earth that should be eradicated for the betterment of mankind.
just imagine the opposition ads to creepy joe though
Fuck all racist "communists."
is he bald? whats the deal with the beany
not to mention the connections between smollett and harris
i see now, disregard fag above
let them put a gay cunt in primary, he wont win.
its over for the democraps
Blacks consistently vote democrat something like 90% of the time. Hispanics, 60-70% of the time and asians vote majority democrat.
whites only vote republican 70% of the time and is the only things keeping the Republican party afloat.
The number of white are decreasing and the number of every other race is increasing. Do the math.
Democrats will bring in more non-white migrants, giving them more votes. Republicans will bring in more migrants, giving the Dems more votes in a final act of, "democraps are dah reel rayycus, we like LEGAL immigrants!!11!!" to self-destruction.
This user gets it. Terrible application of that meme btw OP. The nickname is supposed to actually rhyme with the last name you absolute fucktard.
Who cares what this bald faggot has to say?
Yeah, and he never shuts up about it. He's so desperate for some kind of oppression points that he has to point out how not 100% white he is every fucking chance he gets.
this looks like about 50 pounds ago
Well done Matteo
he's virtue signalling.
deep down, he believes in identity politics.
No the right will. This whole site is dedicated to it.
he pissed me off when he tried to bully Studio Fow like hes some hot shot. this dude has a massive ego, you can tell. Thank god Studio Fow is based as fuck and told him to go fuck himself.
he hurt his reputation pretty badly doing that bullshit. It won't end well for you if you try to fuck with a mans porn.
Love his casting videos
I don't get Tim. He is a dude has found all the answers but refuses to believe them and continues to be a lefty "just because"
nope, the left will never die because it's a disposition produced by temperament and personality
just like how righties can't help but feel disgust and be cucks, because they are predisposed to doing so, the ironic paradox of them simultainiously hating cucks and immigrants while simultainiously enjoying the same racial groups the proclaim to hate fucking their wives and slowly exterminating them from the gene pool
it's in their nature to just be disgusted at everything and cry about it, because that's all they do in general is be cucks and sit there seething about it as they let it happen to them
that's why in most political forums/discussion boards it's 90% right wingers making threads about ''THE LEFT IS ABSOLUTELY MENTALLY DERANGED LOOK AT THIS SHIT''
it's a proclamation of their disgust, they can't help themselves
Then why did you even get involved in the thread Mr.Harris? Oh, because you were predisposed to.
when a man ask a question, you can assume he wants an answer, that is unless he's just vomiting words into the air or being rhetorical
timestamp 3:41
>I would like to see a minority or woman catch fire.
democrats are such racist misogynists
You did not deliver an answer bucko
there wouldn't be "useful idiots" at all if it weren't for Democrats.
just get rid of Democrat leadership and the useful idiots go away too.
two birds one stone.