Jow Forums BTFO

Jow Forums BTFO

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Where does the poop come out?

He will pick my cotton half as fast but half the price

skin pores.
that's why niggers stink so much.

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How the hell did he steal that bike?

okay that's fake. he's missing a bunch of vital organs and orifices

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Tyrone without legs and a penis is still Tyrone.

Especially muh dik

There's no way. He needs more of the lower half, otherwise machine assistance is necessary.

Also in the event that this in fact not fake and gay, fuck everyone making the racist jokes about this guy.

Im confused. What am I looking at? Is it shopped?

Bullshit faggot.
he's a novelty.
>Eye level with the cotton
>Can't run away
>Legs won't get tired from stooping over

that can't be real


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You'll never be half the man he is.

With a girl with the looks of Ann Coulter, I say being just a torso is better.

He doesnt even have a dick

Nigger stole HALF my bike


Even when the most important organ of the black man is missing(the bbc), white girls still cannot resist.
What is the meaning of this?

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>Hes a bite sized nugget

I bet hes ok of a guy. No dick, so he cant be like muh dick 24/7.
>I have no legs!
>I have no legs!

Atleast he can't run away from raising his kids

why does this nigga keep clipping through the ground? what chest codes is he using?

How does he piss/shit?

I'm grateful every day that I'm not a nigger.

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>tyrone had a booboo no be mean!
sure thing reddit

It’s fake you bird brains

>he gets pity and support
>has HALF the muscles needed to be trained
yeah, fuck you and your easy lane life faggot

It’s because nobody wants white women anymore so they can take whatever they can get

>synthol-tier muscle development with no balls to produce natural testosterone

Even if this wasn't fake, he's juicing hard as fuck.

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No legs and still able to steal someone's bike. Impressive

That is pretty practical how does he piss or shit?

literally 3/5th of a person

fuck off nigger loving kike

Urethra catheter, Colostomy bag.

Que probable geta gangbanged by allí nos Níger friends

Most obvious fake shit I’ve ever seen.

Classic nigger statement. Having a trashy white girlfriend is the apex of your kind. I can’t wait for the day of the rope.

This is fake as hell. You can survive without legs, you can't survive without a fucking torso. Kidneys, liver, digestive system, you can't live without it. Second of all, where you get muscles with no test?

whites can't even compete with phantom bbc


because the dick is a bonus. black men are more confident, funnier, and better looking. if a girl wanted to date white boys she'd be a lesbian. Same difference


White women are not with Biggers because of their dicks, decades of brainwashing looking at gorillas in animal planet have made white women want gorilla pets.

There is a very radical procedure called a hemicorporectomy in which amputation occurs above the hips. Generally, as much of the digestive tract as possible is retained, but usually the external genitalia are not. People who have undergone such radical procedures also have a colostomy and urostomy, in which the large intestine and ureter (respectively) are connected directly to the skin of the remaining lower abdomen. An external pouch is affixed to collect any waste. You can do a Wikipedia search on "colostomy" or "urostomy" for more information.

Womp womp

If this is real , how the Hell is he even still ALIVE...? Im no doctor , but arent some internal organs being cut off?

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White women like to fuck with animals, they also love ugly as fuck animals like pug dogs, enjoy your pet life nigger.

There is a very radical procedure called a hemicorporectomy in which amputation occurs above the hips. Generally, as much of the digestive tract as possible is retained, but usually the external genitalia are not. People who have undergone such radical procedures also have a colostomy and urostomy, in which the large intestine and ureter (respectively) are connected directly to the skin of the remaining lower abdomen. An external pouch is affixed to collect any waste. You can do a Wikipedia search on "colostomy" or "urostomy" for more information.

Imagine being a father and seeing your daughter share photos like this on social media.
How would you react? Do you kill her or yourself for being a failure.

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i wonder if you could just shove the lower abdominal organs further up in the body
the belly area is mostly skin and soft tissue, only bone structure is spine
skin is elastic and they probably could graft from his lower body depending on how fast they got to him after whatever happened
just expand the belly region to fit the entire intestinal tract and implant an artificial poopoopeepee hole in the bottom and he can just suspend himself in the air with his arms and shit on the street indian style

i must research this

Ironically his wife still hasn't fucked a black man.

look up hemicorporectomy

You can be even worse, a half nigger

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Thank you , doc.

>better looking

>so ayo wite w*man! like dere waz diz witeboi ads caled me a niger bruh! so i caled himm a mayo faic! im a comedian!

So he's only 3/10 human?

Muh Diiick??!!??


I always wondered where all of that upskirt pirn came from.

Lol, he's only half a man


everything is possible in clown world

he probably has an asshole and a big black cock somewhere still

>Some voodoo gang member traps you in the ground
>Some asshole white guys gentrify the area
>Some White slut builds a house on top of you

checked and keked

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lol, what is this passage from?



yeah i saw your post after mine went through and refreshed the page
crazy when you realize that the origin of most medical procedures is probably exactly the thought process i just had of "heh you could probably actually do this thing wtf thats crazy lemme try it"

I bet he still runs faster than huoipeepo

Were they playing Jumanji and he got stuck in the ground?

You think that's weird? Check out a

Instead of giving a full artificial leg, they use the heel join as the new knee, and attach the rest of the false leg. This was you have a (almost) functioning joint.

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but how does he go pee?

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People who have undergone such radical procedures also have a colostomy and urostomy

but why would you even need this if you have most of a functional leg?
what happens so badly to your knee alone that it has to be completely replaced but also leaves the rest of the leg perfectly intact and operational?

id rather have a bum knee and a crutch than this lmao

Tell that to the millions of black women fed up with niggertry and dating out to successful white men who actually treats women like queens and children as treasures, not as disposable assets.

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Underrated post.

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Does he have a penis?

white privilage!


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>white women

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knee cancer

Tfw never experience a hot blonde like a gorilla did

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Osteosarcoma cancer

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that video was really touching

This tweet is from August 2018. Do you really think if this was real that the nigger wouldn't have milked every gofundme, crowd-sourcing imaginable? That he wouldn't have appeared on Oprah, Ellen, ect. to milk his story? Is today the first we would be hearing about it?

Is that the guy from Two and a half men?

Imagine her dad's drinking buddies gossip:
-So you heared about Matt's Daughter?
-What ? what about her ? Is she OK ?
-No she's fine,she just got engaged
-Oh ,that's nice
-To a half a nigger.
-WHAT ?!!

it's fake that's how

Attached: Jumanji.jpg (625x551, 47K)

pic related is that guy

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Oh no, I'm sure he is dicking her. Wait a second! He is only upper body strength. No leg day.

actually, he can only ever be half the man i am

Yes, but he can only raise them about 3 feet.

No he is worth 3/10ths a vote