Why am I like this?

Alright, fellows. Follow this
>fap daily, usually to porn
>gradually get disgusted by myself
>fap to increasingly degenerate shit until I know I have to stop
>read something that gives me motivation to stop
>nofap for a week or two
>ever increasing sexual tension leads to non-stop sexual thoughts
>can't take it anymore
Repeat this cycle twice a year since 18 and you have me. Why am I like this? I have tried so hard to give up these bodily pleasures but I just can't do it.
Yes, I know, I know; "have sex," they'll say. But how is it, I might ask, that someone with no friends and more generally no clue about social interactions is supposed to get sex TONIGHT when I needed it, when I simply couldn't hold back any longer? Is this weak will? I think so. I am weak in every regard, and this is why women are so disenchanted by me. It has to be. I need it to stop without cutting my balls off.
>have sex
>have sex

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Hahah THIS is the part where you guys advise me lmao please help. Im 22. Life shouldn't be like this

I see how it is. I've help a few you out and I can't get a single response. Even this site hates me. Is a shotgun or rope better for suicide?

another man lost to valuing sex above himself
fuck a hooker then work on your life


There's nothing to value, fren. Every goal I have is a long way down the line and I'm already working towards it. I would engage constantly with my interests and hobbies but sexual thoughts interrupt that process.
I was also close to texting an escort when I napped a few minutes ago, but I just don't know how to do it. Im also afraid of cops. Is there a guide for prostitution in the USA?



One last "fuck you" to you guys before I go to bed

Good morning, friends

Develop will power and discipline. Meditation, cold showers and exercise (running/lifting). It works.

I coupled this nofap with the 5 Tibetan rites. I was feeling good most days. I also took a few cool showers, not full cold. I have been trying to buy a bike but I'm too poor. Im not running in the ghetto I live in

> I also took a few cool showers, not full cold.
Do it every day and make it routine, and go full cold. Don't give up.
> I have been trying to buy a bike but I'm too poor. Im not running in the ghetto I live in
Get a chinup bar or find some outdoor gyms. No excuses. Excuses are for boys. Men take responsibility

I have a chin-up bar. Need to find it. No need for that extra cringe at the end there, though

>I have sexual needs that never go away

Welcome to the human experience.

Yes, yes, very helpful. Surprised you didn't say
>have secks

feels good knowing people like you exist
im really not a lost cause after all

Have you tried having sex though?

Drink tonic water literally galons cos is lowering your sex drive while you nofap

Define "try." I asked a girl out once because I though she liked me. Obviously didn't lead to sex

>Is this weak will? I think so. I am weak in every regard, and this is why women are so disenchanted by me. It has to be.
at least youre self aware, and thats step one.

talking to girls isnt as complicated as you think. just like with any skill, if you have no experience with it you wont be good at it at first, but you need experience or youll never learn. you gotta get past whatever is in your head thats preventing how from building a functional social lie because clearly you understand that you cant go on living the way youre used to.

that happens to everyone dude, its a part of growing up. it means you have work to do, and its not gonna be easy but you still have to do it because you owe it to yourself to live a life better than the one you have now.

let go of all your fear and doubt and all your old habits and surrender yourself to your future path because you know it's where you belong.

have sex, user.

>ignore your issues instead of resolving them
yeah dont do that

Not going to happen. I understand what needs to happen but I won't do it. I just want sex. I refuse to play a rigged game. Attractive men get sex, it's simple. I am not attractive therefore I get no sex. I would feel better if I had a ton of money I could spend on escorts. I just want a hole to fuck.
Alternatively, I'd accept no longer being physically attracted to women. I'm already mentally/intellectually disgusted by them, I just can't stop wanting tits and thighs

wow man you suck

>Attractive men get sex, it's simple. I am not attractive therefore I get no sex.
literal incel tier bullshit

anybody can get sex. you get no sex because youre insane and have not only no social skills but also no faith in yourself or other people.

i know it might be hard to understand when youre isolated or otherwise retarded but the incel rhetoric is a lie and if you put the work in socially youd understand that.

Yeah, I know. I wonder where it went wrong, fundamentally. I was a pretty "normal" kid at around 5-7 from what I hear from my mom. I know switching schools every other year didn't help me socialize or make friends. But it also wasn't until the middle of high-school that I realized something went wrong. Oh well. These things happen, and now I have to figure out how to address these issues

"Attractive" doesn't refer only to physical attractiveness, I hope you realize. Anyone that can get sex is attractive in one way or another. Physically, socially, emotionally, etc. You can be rich and butt ugly but still get sex, or ugly but funny and get sex. But no. I have no redeeming quality. I get why women don't want me, and I don't blame them. I wouldn't fuck me either. But, this realization doesn't help me address my sexual energy/frustrastion. I get that women are doing what they're programmed to do; keep the gene pool strong, but holy fuck it's difficult to be among the un-chosen

>Oh well. These things happen, and now I have to figure out how to address these issues
you're goddamn right. step one, stop being an incel.

Not an option. I think I'll research meditation methods aimed at recycling sexual energy. I know they exist, just have to find them. If all else fails, I'll save for an escort. If even that fails, I'll either just shut up and jack-off for the rest of my life OR become an eunuch

Just get a fleshlight and stick your dick into it until you feel better. Like, a few hours or something. You don't even want sex with a human, you just want your dick to feel good. It's such a dumb animal instinct. Fapping sucks because it kills your sensitivity (making your dick feel worse the more you do it) and you orgasm every time (causing conditioning to porn and feelings of disgust afterwards).

Then, once your incel rage has subsided, work on your life.

I actually had two onaholes before. Felt so good. I'd got 3 times in an hour, multiple times a day. I got disgusted with myself both times and shredded the thing. Didn't really help obviously

Haha wow. That's pretty illustrative of your problem. You got addicted to it, and couldn't live with the temptation. Having sex with a woman won't change that, especially not an escort/prostitute.

Meditation and exercise guys are probably right. Having some kind of intimacy with a woman other than sex might also help once you're further along/less disgusted with yourself. There are plenty of ways to feel validated by the opposite sex beyond just fucking them.

Yeah, maybe. Hopefully the meditation stuff works. Ideally I'll kill my attraction towards females permanently