Why are white people so ignorant about race?

Why are white people so ignorant about race?

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Why are blacks so dumb?

it's the other way around. stop shit posting and answer the question

Makes them uncomfortable to talk to and absolutely refuse to believe that there's actually systems out there made to put minorities down because they really think if people just played by the rules everything just works out.

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Why are black people so obsessed about race?

Define "ignorant" and "race," please.

white people are just dumb


What would you suggest that white people, and white people alone do?

It's an issue of human stupidity, and it's present on every side. I'd be a fool to think I could do anything about that.

So you act like a nigger, a cracker, a shitskin, or a squintyfucker, and I'll treat you like one.

You don't want to be discriminated against? Then you should've been born the superior aryan race.

you sound like an upset white guy lol. why don't you take a walk and cool off, pal

Uhuh, talk a walk and cool off so you and 6 of your brown friends can try to jump me and feel like a white person for a moment before having to walk home to your sad reality of niggerness.

Nice try, blackie. No new "kicks" for you today.

Don’t fucking lump me in with the italians and the swedes (not that there’s anything wrong with that), mind my genotypes you fucking shitlord.
Saged and reported for bigotry, and also for unironically using the phrase “white people”

confirmed lol

Not sure what you mean. "White" is not a race, neither is "black".

You can come up with whatever example of what "race" is, I'll find a real life fact that will destroy that example significance.

I know a guy who is 100% Italian. He looks Filipino.

I know a guy who is 100% Italian. Moroccans mistake him for Moroccan.

I am half Italian half French: Russians asked me if I'm Russian, Romanians asked me if I'm Romanian.

My father (100% Italian) once spoke Romanì language to a Romanì woman. She asked him "Are you Rom?"

I have a friend who is 100% Italian, redhead. People ask if he's Irish.

I have a friend who is half Finnish half Italian. Moroccans mistake him for Moroccan.

There are Iranian girls who look Russian. (instagram.com/p/Bu1fJFJB3gy/)

Race is not a box, or a cage, is a somewhat blurred line. Am I overall different looking from the average Chinese, Mexican or Sudanese? Sure. But consider this, in the Jean Claude Van Damme movie "Kickboxer", the Thai opponent is portrayed by a Moroccan man. And he is totally credible. (martialartsentertainment.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/michel-qissi-740x400.jpg)

Race is an illusion. There are differences, but no "race" whatsoever. Even Hitler (!!!) considered some Slavs "Aryans" enough. The baby portrayed as "PERFECT ARYAN BABY" was Jewish (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessy_Levinsons_Taft)

The "IDEAL GERMAN SOLDIER" was... half Jewish (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Goldberg)

Race is an illusion. Forget that stuff.

Why are white people so ignorant about race?

Why are people so ignorant about race?

Why are people so about race?

>Huur white people big dumb dumb eheheheheh

It seems you can take the ape from the man, but not the chimp from the nigger.


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Unironically because they are under the spell of Satan

Why are Americans so obsessed about race?

>Why are white people so ignorant about race?

because hollywood and political talking heads taught colorblindness for most of the 90s. Which people can't really do, so most white people subconsciously saw whiteness as default.

See your post is correct and most shitposters will ignore it
Taxonomy is a pseudoscience, or at the very least it’s vague in it’s current form, where we can’t precisely pinpoint each individual differentiable aspect of a single gene. And once you do, “race” becomes even more a meme, as you’d basically be identifying yourself through a very long string of, more or less, code.

How long did it take you to create such shit b8

i don't hate blacks, even though i have good reasons. honestly, i don't know why i don't hate em. but not ALL white people are stupid. and not ALL blacks are stupid. also read my fucking link and learn the truth about what you just posted.



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this is a bait thread you fucking idiots

>Why are people so about race?
thats the real question we should be asking

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>Why are Americans so obsessed about race?
its everywhere bud

So are fat people but Americans don't bring that up very often

Even if we could pinpoint each gene (and I think we are somewhat close to that), that would work towards the concept of destroying the idea of race. in this video (youtube.com/watch?v=G9zoFYkiZgs) you can shortly hear a geneticist saying that Finns from different part of Finland are more distant than the British and the Dutch. And if a single, relatively small and homogenuous country is more different than the British and the Dutch, how is the concept of race relevant anymore?

You can call it "shit b8", it's my actual life experience. You can't really disprove it by saying "LOL, SHIT b8"

Why do I need to give a flippin' hoot?

It's a social faux pas to admit this here but a lot of people here really are super ignorant about racial history and the struggles minorities face. I've read some really stupid shit on here.

The only system that is putting down black people is black culture.


fuck of nigger

Ironic that you probably consider "white people" a race.

>absolutely refuse to believe that there's actually systems out there made to put minorities down
>be any European country, virtually 100% white before mid-20th century
>shitskins flood in anyway, like flies on shit
>complain about "racism" in a country that isn't there
>this must be white people's fault
Leftists are self-hating scum.

>we can find identifiable differences within the same country, so let's import hundreds of thousands of people from another continent, lmao we're different anyway, what could go wrong
And just like that, Finns as an ethnic group cease to exist, buried under the endless brown tide. So diverse. So progressive.

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Put minorities down? Nigga in America shitskins are catered to more than anyone.

also wrong

Because out shithole country is the furthest along in systematically destroying any sense of identity that can't be sold on a shelf. That, and also a rapidly buckling and problematic tradition of letting people say what they want, i.e. the first amendment. If Europeans say something naughty, it's off to jail in many countries--and you certainly aren't going to be allowed to organize politically. In Belgium, they (and I mean every single "establishment" party) changed the fucking constitution to ban the Flemish nationalist party--but it's okay, because lmao they were bad anyway.

Don't worry, it'll come to you soon enough, if not the symptoms then the cause. Enjoy being a rootless drone.

>You're wrong because I say so
>There's no word of God separating yellow from orange or orange from red at a given frequency, therefore color doesn't exist and artists should stop storing them separately
Any so-called "debunking" of race relies purely on buzzwords and semantics to dodge around the fact that there are differences between groups of humans, and those differences are FAR deeper than the oft-repeated meme of 'skin color'.

exactly. there is not really a hard constant when it comes to genomic variation. Even the ‘human reference genome’, which acts as a sort of scientific constant and a point of reference, consists of some handfuls of random New Yorker donors’ blood, not really a constant but more a tangent from which we can start classifying and comparing all these unique lil genes
we’re snowflakes!!! unironically.

Some dude named Watson comparing to one of the reference genomes
>Comparison between the reference (build 36) and Watson's genome revealed 3.3million single nucleotide polymorphism differences, while about 1.4 percent of his DNA could not be matched to the reference genome at all

This. The color of one's skin or physical features is irrelevant. It doesn't matter. What does matter what's underneath. I know black guys that look almost white, Mexicans that don't look Mexican at all. But they still have the low IQ genes. It doesn't matter if you look white, black, filipino or Polish. A dumb nigger is still a dumb (and violent) nigger and a dumb spic is still a dumb (and violent) spic


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>ignorant about race?
exactly what are we ignorant about

>I don't have an argument besides what Vox told me, so I'll just call the other guy dumb
As Alinsky put it, man's most potent weapon is ridicule, huh?

You know, you could somehow learn about European history, and you'll discover that (for instance) "Greeks" are not from Greece. Russians are not from Russia. English (Anglo Saxons) are not from England. And maybe (maybe!) you'll stop fearing migrations.

Seneca already talked about this topic 2000 years ago ("Letter to the mother", if I'm not mistaken). Imagine that, Seneca's brother is even mentioned in the Bible (Gallio in (Acts 18:12). Imagine that, some Roman Kings were not even Romans, they were Etruscans. Imagine that! Romans were not even Romans, they were the scum of people, exiled from neighbouring villages, and they had to kidnap women from the Sabines (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rape_of_the_Sabine_Women). Remember that in the mythology Rome was founded by Enea, a Trojan ---> someone from Turkey.

Some of the first Popes were African. The last Emperor of China was Manchu, not Han. The Queen of England is of German descent. "Americans" basically do not exist, they are an invention: same for Australians. "Indians" of India are not form India: "True" Indians are Dravidic people, and they are now Dalits, mostly. Finns are not from Finland: they probably come from asian steppes, just like their Ugric brothers. Lapps are the true "Finns". There are Turkic people in Siberia: should they go back to Turkey? Arabs are not native of North Africa: yet, North Africa is full of Arabs. What should they do? There are plenty of Indians in Fiji. What about Afrikaaners in South Africa? Should they go back to Netherlands?

People move. Just like birds do, just like fish do. Get over it.

Strange, I've never met a nigger bird or fish.