President Trump has officially made May the Jewish history month, do you think this is a good move?

President Trump has officially made May the Jewish history month, do you think this is a good move?

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Why wouldnt it be june?

The goyim will learn

As long as we learn about ACTUAL Jewish history, perfect.

>President Trump has officially made May the Jewish history month, do you think this is a good move?
You know what that means right? If Rothschild is the Pharaoh what does that make Trump?

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Is this a joke?

A kike


Cool, let’s get into the history of blood libel


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What better way to teach people about what Jews did in the past?
>wait why were jews kicked out of european countries hundreds of times?

it's 4d chess fellow MIGApede

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I don’t care while Assad is still President

why would he just come on here and lie like that?

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>Jewish Americans who have helped guide the moral character of our Nation

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>tfw his cult will try to justify this somehow

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>> may
>> hot like the ovens

A kike's dick addict.

If Trump lets the illegals in, even if its to sanctuary cities, im voting 3rd party in 2020

>Not understanding this is the ultimate signal to flood all avenues of the internet with Talmud, blood sacrifice, USS Liberty, Lavon affair, slave trade and hundreds of other redpills
Come on, faggot. Wake up.

>Zion Don
Fuck that kike!

You think the jews WANTED that?

Here, listen to Morgan Freeman:

Ummm, wall... deep state... nothing to see here. MAGA!

Can someone explain what Israel does for me as an American? I don’t even know

So he's going to reveal the truths?

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based af

What's it like having a literal whore (for Israel) as president? Does he wish he was born Jewish instead of German?

i dont think Jow Forums has ever been conned that hardcore by a man fucking kek

and the sad part is about 40% of Jow Forums are STILL in denial and either make excuses for him or say its 4d chess

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Give them a parade too . It worked to integrate the spaghetti niggers and the potato niggers (didnt work on the nigger niggers) , maybe it will work on these niggers .

June only has thirty days, that would be anti-Semitic!


what history? all of their history is getting kicked out of every country for ruining the countries

I agree user, #imwithher

Do you mean the 109 thing and all that stuff?

If Bernie Sanders became president he would literally be a less jewish president than Donald Trump.


Why no White History Month?


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truly he was the king of the mutts

This, but unironically. The dems and cons would never pass any of his legislation and he'd die like 3 years in anyway. If he is strict on immigration then the cons would probably support it to spite the dems. I doubt it will happen though.

hahaha take that russian bots! im glad hillary made up the russia hoax. trump deserves it!

vote yang

It’s happening

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Yo pense que Trump era mi amigo, porque iba a darle un ride desde la frontera a LA a mi abuelito, pero este cabron piensa que vamos a mesclar nuestro cinco de mayo con lost pinches judios!?

Pinches gringos y su facinacion de la verga judia. Ya to van a ver tacos!, me oyen pinches bolillos.

Cinco de Mayo is now an official Jewish holiday! Expect less cervezas and more chutzpah.

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>"In 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed May as Jewish American Heritage Month."


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this is so fucking poetic

pol has never fought harder to get somebody in office. Jow Forums worked tirelessly day and night, made the best and most clever political meme in history. only a retard would deny that without pol trump wouldve won. Jow Forums literally won him the presidency and it turns out he's by far the biggest jew shill the white house has ever seen.

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Is anyone still supporting Trump and taking him seriously at this point?
Not even Obama was such a massive cucks to those Zionists pigs.

He realized that the Jews run the show. He’s doing everything he can to pander to them now. Stuff like this makes me wonder if it’s possible for politicians to not be redpilled on Jewish power.

>Jewish Americans who have helped guide the moral character of our Nation

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You can’t win without Jewish support. If Hitler couldn’t do it, we definitely don’t have a chance.

EmpLemon said we didn't win the election because there's only 150,000 people on Jow Forums or some shit like that. But he forgets the fact that one person can educate several thousand people by just making a meme. He underestimated the fact that we literally on Pol could actually make a mess of fucking normies to get Trump elected.

It's a late april fools joke.

Now we make the niggers fight them for taking away "their history month".
Then the slavery red pill.

It's funny because every month is dedicated to some shit nowadays
>black history month
>native american history month
>gay history month
>mexican history month
>canadian history month
>holocaust history month

this. democrats hate the jews and a vast majority of jews are in the republican party.

idiotic tools, you drank the russian kool-aid. how does it feel to be traitors to the russians?

>helped guide the moral character of our Nation

Jow Forums has given everything for that victory, Jow Forums sold it's own board quality and turned it into a diluted reddit infested shithole only to secure trump that victory

They're commited, all-in. they can't accept the fact that they got conned it's just too hard on their nerve so they go into an endless cycle of excuses and damage control. Deep down inside, they all know they got conned, the jew won again and now is kushner who rule the world

its an undeniable fact that without pol he wouldve lost. he barely won by a tiny margin of like 40000 people. pol probably has given him 1 million vote and probably demoralized 500 000 hillary voters into staying home if not more

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I thought May was Asian History Month?

>It's a late april fools joke.
Jokes on you goys

We should make a list of Jews who guided the moral character of the nation. Here's another.

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Guys he did this last year? How did we not know about this?

>easiest possible time to turn democrats against all jews
>pol has no ops going to do this
at least its confirmed now that Jow Forums is sedated.

This man is truly obsessed with kikes and Israel. He should see a psychiatrist.

Traitor. He will hang.

rather old....

Gays have two months. Pride month is June and history month is October, both set for when schools are in session.

have at it tard.
see how far that gets ya.

2 party system ftw

>Jewish Americans who have helped guide the moral character of our Nation

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Hitler lost because he got greedy thinking he could take on the Soviets during winter. Not to mention a message of him got intercepted by the British where he asked Mexico to attack the Usa. Hitler was a fucking brainlet.
Nothing to do with the Jews.

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>most people see our country as immoral trash
>Trump says jews have guided our moral character

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Fuck no goddamn it, I don’t want my birthday month be fucking kike month, they’ve already fucked me over

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If that's true I might actually vote third party

Holy shit why

this, so much this. Jow Forums sold its soul to vote Trump. but everyone knows kikes hate the democratic party and are not part of it. we also know that msm hates trump so we shiuld probably trust our journalists.

yang is pro 2a, anti degeneracy and said himself that israel has no right to exist.

wake up and stop trusting russian bots!

Why not July? Jew-lie

did they cut your foreskin off?

gays own the summer months

Doesn't effect anything but don't worry I get it.


Considering the most that a lot of people will be able to think of when it comes to Jewish History is the Holocaust and possibly some things from the bible, this does present a prime opportunity.

Stuff like making a list 'honoring' all the Jewish representatives or who rank highly in media organizations, or implicating them in the African slave trade. Using that combined with the Jews being slaves in Egypt angle, it might be possible to get blacks really riled up at jews over the idea of them having a history month like them, as well as what Jews did to them historically

Anal pride and anal history month

this, but unironically because of this

He's not wrong.

>feed them full of shit, and fuck it out of them
Out jewing the jew. Welcome to the pros.

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It's May, Lent, Holy Easter, 1072 Cathedrals have been vandalized or burned, and we were founded as a Christian nation. Jewish History Month? Strange timing.

fuck off boomer bitch we cannot associate with civnats and others. if we do we might succeed in overturning the enemy.

we must not do this. its too embarrassing to associate with boomers, and its annoying to form alliances.

vote yang

>combined with the Jews being slaves in Egypt angle
There was no such thing, you moron.

I don't agree with any of this but these are the talking points:

The christcuck position is that they're the Chosen People™ (as in chosen by God) and therefore must be revered/supported/protected by good Christian people. "Remember the 6 gorrillion" also fits in this narrative.

In a more abstract sense they're the only "democracy" (and I use that word loosely) in that region of the world so it plays to the "inside every person there's an American trying to get out" type of boomer foreign policy that results in endless wars; simultaneously pleasing the jingoistic bumper sticker industry and the military-industrial complex.

In a practical sense they're a real world testing facility for advanced military tech and a "market" for those goods. If there are kikes involved you can be assured we're losing money on the deal though.

Of course the American people would be better served if it was a giant glass parking lot so tl;dr - nothing of value

>this timeline

Jow Forums is literally like 80% shills at this point.

No, but it'll help add fuel to the fire of kangz vs jews

All of that is heretical to real Christianity.

4-D chess.
>now class, did you know the Jews were kicked out of 109 countries! They were all anti-semite bigots of course

>tons of minorities and the number keeps rising
>can't get rid of them legally since there are plenty of people of color in power
>Months now dedicated to such minorities

The fucking state of Usa.
You lots were once responsible for nearly eradicating an entire race.
You lots won against the strongest Monarchy at the time and ended 2 world wars almost single handedly.

Now look at you being dethroned by Tyrone, Chang and Pedro while Goldstein laughs his way to the bank.
A Nation build on freedom and honour is now just a shadow of its former self. Where are the strong now? Too busy coreupting their brethren while the middle class is too busy with their newest trending sexual degeneracy.

A country ruled by manchildren and mentally ill people. Welcome America.

>Jewish history month
Looks like we'll have to start planning social media info dumps to redpill the normies about real Jewish history: Slavery, Moor invasion of Iberia, Bolshevism, Holohoax, etc.

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so based

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Some of them don't care about the distinction between jewish and white either. They thought they're the same anyways.