How do you argue with women?

How do you argue with women?

How do you argue when the person you're talking to is acting intentionally obtuse, waiting to interpret literally anything you say as an insult and use it against you.

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Think of the things you'd manipulate in a fight and stay away from those topics. Or, y'know, stand firm in your actual arguments and when someone tried to take it out of context maintain conversational control and bring it back to point. This isn't hard.

Tell them to stay on topic whenever they deviate that's usually does it. Find out what started the convo don't let them talk about how you leave the socks on the chair everyday or not washing your plates if you were arguing about the toaster being broken

you fucking cant

Lol first of all, if you think arguments are about winning then you have already lost.

If you want to verbally fight with someone, that is a different story. You cant play on the defensive. You gotta be on the offensive. Dont react to anything shes saying, instead, criticize her behavior, especially habits or physical features she has no control over

>properly debate with women
Literally impossible
>verbally dominate
Not that hard

This is why you just agree with what they say, and call her a cunt as soon as you walks off.

got into it with someone smarter than you, huh OP?

>hurr durr boys are logical girls are emotional

this board is trash

Proof of the opposite?

It's not black and white, but women tend to be more emotional.

That's why men are the ones that always lose their shit over 'anger over insignificant things'
That's why incels are always so emotionally stable a simple 'no' gets them chimping out like a bunch of subhumans
That's why men are always bitching over the smallest things because they can't get a grip on themselves and shut the fuck up

You sound angry, sweetheart.

You sound in denial, dude

That’s not a female thing. That’s shitty person thing. Unless you are a piece of shit and deserve it,

I'm intersex.

Post proof

Exhibit A

Exhibit B Jow - Jow

Make them feel like the perpetrator of the conversation ('course this is gonna to infuriate them intially) then as the discussion continues, become more silent and behave like you gave what needed to be said but became worned out trying.
Slowly leave once she stops talk and make it look like you might be considering in searching for other options than being with her. This will give her a sense of urgency to change her behavior.
Reward her with appreciation when she apologizes and whenever she does "the little things".

>How do you argue when the person you're talking to is acting intentionally obtuse, waiting to interpret literally anything you say as an insult and use it against you.

Don't talk to them.

>How do you argue with women?

The same way as with any other regular person.

Ask her why she feels that way.

This shit ain't hard.

This is pretty good advice. You must keep them on the question at hand by constantly reminding them that they are not addressing the central point but rather making personal attacks/interruptions/demeaning behavior. You have to spell this out clearly for them. Calmly tell them that they are doing the above and when the return to actually making a point you reward that by being polite back. If they prove unwilling to actually raise a proper point of contention there's really no point continuing other than pointing out their shitty behavior.

I've seen it too many times. In my experience women argue with emotion and typically don't argue the actual fucking point. I came to the realisation that they are not arguing a point but rather making a statement that they don't like you. When do you ever see a woman disagree with a man and become demeaning when she's attracted to him? You just don't.

Protip; don't discuss politics with women. Because they will never be able to play devils advocate.

I walk away. Arguing is a waste of time and energy.