There's this girl at work that seems interested but makes escalation really hard...

There's this girl at work that seems interested but makes escalation really hard. I don't understand her and need some kind of explanation to find peace.

We had flirted for quite a while (touching, looks, teasing etc) so I asked her on a casual "date" just to move things from work. We had a great time and finished off with a tight hug. I tried to escalate with my hands but she then broke the hug off with a smile.

After that - more flirting, more connecting, she lights up whenever I touch her or make sexual comments and touches me alot.
So.. I text her and ask if she wants to hang out again because it obviously felt like she was interested.
> takes ages to reply
> replies something really awkward and incoherent about how that day doesn't work
> "how about [other day]"?
" replies something like "actually no night this week works for me "

At that point I felt "fuck it" and decided to not give this girl any more attention or waste energy on attempting to take things further. I start ignoring her cries for attention, like showing off her body in front of me in various ways. I immediately setup a date with a Tinder girl and start flirting with another girl at work. Me, girl and girl2 happen to share a table. Me and girl2 briefly talk about my Tinder date, and setup a "date" later that week. Girl looks devastated and I give her a "fuck you" look.

I get a sport injury right after that and she acts really worried, caring and nurturing. She gives lots of advice and keeps asking how I feel. She also suddenly acts more submissive.
She gets down on her knees and rubs my inner thighs while staring me in the eyes with a big smile, at work....(the fuck)
^ This was yesterday

Possible explanations I can come up with:
* She enjoys the flirting/tension/teasing/attention and doesn't want more than that
* She wants to keep me around as an option/orbiter
* She is actually interested in me but is afraid to take things further for some reason

What do you think?

Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 5K)

If she breathes, she a THOT

useless reply

b to the p


What do you want advice on?
You played it fairly smartly, in contrast to most other faggots who make threads

*Option 1 is unlikely
*Option 2 is incredibly unlikely
*Option 3 is most likely

You've already asserted that you're able to find someone other than her after she tried shit testing you. She's obviously being submissive because she wants to gauge whether or not you will take further initiative to try and get with her.

Do what you want

Could be.
I want to fuck her and see where things go from there, but I'm worried that if I show interest or take initiative again she'll enjoy the power and attempt to mind fuck me again


Sounds like b8 but I will bite it.

Force her, like get really close to her and kiss the bitch, the bitch clearly already passed the "intimid zone" so you can kiss her. Be the man and make a move on her and see her reaction, just don't go full "wanna be my girlfriend", wait for her to show that SHE wants to be your girlfriend.

But dunno m8, she seems crazy, and you know the rules.

It's not bait.

Kissing, sure... but that means I must manage to get her in a one on one situation again.
What if she goes power tripping again if I ask her out?

Crazy, probably a bit.. yes

All 3 of those are very likely. You could ask her instead of asking us

Would be quite awkward to ask that question right now.
I'm leaning towards staying away, as in not giving her any attention and not initiating things. Might lead to her backing away completely too, or her escalating the touching to next level.. who knows.

Just tell her when you're taking her out. She's terrified of doing anything with you because 1 you're one of those idiots who think you need sex to trust a woman and 2 you're fucking coworkers, which is a terrible idea and hardly works out.

Stop playing with her feelings and commit to her or tell her straight you're never asking her out again, then don't. It'll make working together easier.

She was on her period son
Didn't want to bleed all over the D

>you're one of those idiots who think you need sex to trust a woman
Yeah, guess that's the case. But we know each other quite well at this point... and I really want to kiss her at least. And I would assume she wants that too if she's interested.

>you're fucking coworkers, which is a terrible idea and hardly works out.
I'm changing jobs soon and she knows that.

Am I really playing with her feelings? I think she's the one being ambiguous as fuck

Haha, if that was the case she could have suggested that we do something next week intead. This was just... weird with mind game vibes

Yeah most women test guys in one way or another. I'd say let her keep chasing after you , it's all part of the game. Give her a little bit and then pull back to give her just that glimmer of hope and then make her work for more.

>Possible explanations I can come up with:
>* She enjoys the flirting/tension/teasing/attention and doesn't want more than that
>* She wants to keep me around as an option/orbiter
>* She is actually interested in me but is afraid to take things further for some reason
The player in me says act like it's the third until it's explicitly clear it's not that. She wants to fug. But the player in me also wouldn't get emotionally invested over this, either.

You have done well. Keep fucking other girls, but don't tell her and continue firting but keep the control. When you're ready, just kiss her.

Thanks. But it's hard to know though.. she could be playing me really good. :) I'll stay detached and see what happens

It is only awkward if you make it awkward. With the finesse and indifference anyone should be able to ask.
>so are you trying to date or what? Cause I thought things were going well until you started being distant.
Chicks dig that forwardness in a man. There is literally no way it can go wrong with how shes sweating you.