There's this girl at work that seems interested but makes escalation really hard. I don't understand her and need some kind of explanation to find peace.
We had flirted for quite a while (touching, looks, teasing etc) so I asked her on a casual "date" just to move things from work. We had a great time and finished off with a tight hug. I tried to escalate with my hands but she then broke the hug off with a smile.
After that - more flirting, more connecting, she lights up whenever I touch her or make sexual comments and touches me alot.
So.. I text her and ask if she wants to hang out again because it obviously felt like she was interested.
> takes ages to reply
> replies something really awkward and incoherent about how that day doesn't work
> "how about [other day]"?
" replies something like "actually no night this week works for me "
At that point I felt "fuck it" and decided to not give this girl any more attention or waste energy on attempting to take things further. I start ignoring her cries for attention, like showing off her body in front of me in various ways. I immediately setup a date with a Tinder girl and start flirting with another girl at work. Me, girl and girl2 happen to share a table. Me and girl2 briefly talk about my Tinder date, and setup a "date" later that week. Girl looks devastated and I give her a "fuck you" look.
I get a sport injury right after that and she acts really worried, caring and nurturing. She gives lots of advice and keeps asking how I feel. She also suddenly acts more submissive.
She gets down on her knees and rubs my inner thighs while staring me in the eyes with a big smile, at work....(the fuck)
^ This was yesterday
Possible explanations I can come up with:
* She enjoys the flirting/tension/teasing/attention and doesn't want more than that
* She wants to keep me around as an option/orbiter
* She is actually interested in me but is afraid to take things further for some reason
What do you think?