My girlfriend's pregnant. We have been together for 4 months. I don't really want to have a child and I intended to break up with her. Then she told me about the pregnancy. I tried to persuade her to have an abortion. She is totally against it. She absolutely wants to have the child. I have a good life at the moment. I could find a new girlfriend without any problems. Would it be a good idea to just run away? I don't want a child and I don't see it as my responsibility to take care of it. She wants the child? Good, then she should also take care of it. The whole thing is none of my business.
My girlfriend's pregnant. We have been together for 4 months...
Your argument makes sense. It is the woman who decides if she keeps it, so it should be her responsibility. Still, courts are retarded and won't care. You're fucked lmao.
People will tell you stay but in the same breath never criticize niggers for doing the same.
Here's how I view it: there are two sides to masculinity when it comes to children; positive and negative. Positive would be the traditional "provider" role, where a man is well established, can and does provide stability for a family. In other words, the man is present (positive). On the other hand, negative would be the more controversial "pump n' dump" route where the father leaves before or shortly after the child is born. in other words, the father is absent (negative).
Now, in my view, it is the ultimate act of weakness for a man to raise another's kid I.e. cuckoldry. Similarly, if you can get another man to raise you kid, you have asserted your dominance over him by getting to his wife/mate first. Also, single motherhood is good in general, but awful for the kid. It's good because it places strain on this system, and the sooner it collapses the better for everyone.
>I don't want a child and I don't see it as my responsibility to take care of it.
Please use this line at the child support hearing. You are going to be owing half of your income for the next 18+ years. Did you ask her about her opinions on children before you decided to fuck? Did you use contraception consistently?
>Would it be a good idea to just run away?
Yes, that's what most men do so it seems to work.
It would probably be better for the Kid if I stayed. But I don't want to imagine a future with this woman. I am still relatively young and have to take care of myself first. You can talk about children in 10 years or so.
She took the birth control pill but "forgot" it. Do I have to pay any money at all under these circumstances?
You should take care of the kid and have the woman pay child support.
>Do I have to pay any money at all under these circumstances?
In the US, yes but the larger question is why don't men want to support their own children? I don't understand that.
>She took the birth control pill but "forgot" it. Do I have to pay any money at all under these circumstances?
You didn't use condoms and left it entirely on her for your only protection? As to how much you have to pay, I think child support is half your income for 18 years. There isn't really a way to get around it since the government can and will take it out of any paycheck or tax return.
The state supports them nowadays even if they disappear. Why bother?
It would be best if the child did not exist or if an abortion was carried out.
Maybe because you don't want a child?
This is actually a pretty safe method. 99% or so. I don't see why I have to suffer for 18 years now for a mistake she made. That's not fair
How can child support be half your income? Wouldn't something like a flat fee of 150 dollars a monrh be enough? If the mother is economical, 300 dollars per child (she provides half of it) would probably be way more than enough to compensate for extra costs due to the child.
Need to get those premium huggies, though. Gold lined, tickles their little ballsack to keep them happy.
>This is actually a pretty safe method. 99% or so.
Perfect use are theoretical optimal values which aren't exactly in-line with reality. Typical use for the pill is 91-93% effecitve which is what one would expect in real world scenarios. That means roughly a 7-10% yearly chance of pregnancy.
Source: NHS, CDC
>I don't see why I have to suffer for 18 years now for a mistake she made.
You are partially responsible for this situation. It isn't like you were unaware that fucking could lead to pregnancy, and you took absolutely no precautions on your own. You could have chosen no to fuck which would have been 100% safe, or used condoms which would have vastly reduced the risk in combination with the pill. Even pulling out would have likely prevented the situation.
>That's not fair
This doesn't matter in the slightest. This is REALITY and the consequences that will occur.
>How can child support be half your income?
The court uses various formulas on the costs based on the income of the non-involved parent as well as the necessities of the child. The child is always put first. Considering that this also incurs court fees and such, the range usually ends up to be 25-50% of one's income.
Not OP. Kill yourself tripfag
Learn what the fuck a tripcode is, newfag.
Better yet, come up with some new material to get attention with so you don't make a fool of yourself
Welcome to Jow Forums newfriend. Enjoy your stay.
It would be better for the kid, yes, but if you have good genes so will it, and it will be ok
Actually, the outcomes for single parent households is horrendous. Many children raised by single mothers end up in poverty for the rest of their lives. They suffer significantly on every metric: education, income, physical health, mental health etc. etc.
Source: Brookings Institute
Is this due to them being raised by single parents, or due to the genes and parenting skills of typical single parents?
I believe there was a twin-study that found little evidence for teenage pregnancy being such a big problem that some claim it is, and the bad outcomes seemed to be more due to the type of people who tend to get pregnant during their teens not being the sort that would be successful in life otherwise.
>Is this due to them being raised by single parents, or due to the genes and parenting skills of typical single parents?
If you have any information on the genetic aspect, I'd be interested in seeing it. I'd be curious as to how one could define "successful" genes in parenting simply because this is likely going to be polygenetic across multiple chromosomes taking in a vast array of phenotypes.
>I believe there was a twin-study that found little evidence for teenage pregnancy being such a big problem that some claim it is
I would be interested in seeing this as well, especially as to what outcomes were measured and the sort of methodology they used.
More specifically to your point, I don't think you are necessarily wrong in that there is a genetic fitness component here, but also that nurture and environment come into pay too. A single parent is simply not going to have the ability to provide financially while also fully enriching a child. It appears that socioeconomics are import in this, but that it might not matter because of the outcomes. Single parents due to not having two incomes are going to be poorer, and that lack of income reduces opportunities for the child to partake in extracurricular activities (hard to have them playing soccer or team sports with 2 jobs) or increases the time-from-home for that parent (the father isn't taking up the slack for childcare or reducing the load with his job). It is probably a mix, and has to do with starting state as well. Blacks have worse outcomes than whites, often because blacks start in more depressed financial/social states.
Tell her you’re leaving, that she meeds to have an abortion and to get in the csr now.
In the old days, OP would have to marry this girl. Now murder is given as "reasonable" advice. The end times can't come fast enough.
Thats right, a shotgun wedding and OP would be married but now if the woman insist on having the child many times the father just kills the woman. Problem solved.
Abortion should be allowed after birth so men also get to abort if they like to