What is Jow Forums's edgiest opinion?

What is Jow Forums's edgiest opinion?

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that that gif animation that either you or your sister made is complete shit.

Maybe blacks arent so bad and maybe Jews and Muslims can be ok sometimes too.

That God is real.

Say otherwise and the neckbeards come out to post cringe shit like the fist of the north star meme.

i just jacked off to it so i disagree

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I genuinely believe that abos are not human beings.

i think the edgiest thing someone can do is believe in God just to be contrarian, like there's some blasphemous shit people can say such as wanting to murder prophets or whatever but simply to make other people mad is definitely up there as one of the edgiest things one can do
you guys have no heart


I want most BRITKEKS killed for treason

I'm white and I feel no brotherhood with other white people. They've done nothing but stab each other in the back for little or no gain in this hyper individualistic culture and in the end I don't care all that much that we're on track to becoming a minority in our own countries. How sad would you really feel about the extinction of an animal that did nothing but kill its own kind all day?

colonialism should be reinstated in african countries to improve the state of africa. black leaders have proven inept, without exception.

What's an about?

that while the jews make up a disproportionate amount of the media and government, their isn't a grand pre-planned jewish conspiracy for the world because jews are notorious for having bad long goal planning.. it's just rats doing a good job of finding each other and trying to benefit each other as much as possible.

Australian aboriginals

colonialism today will be a failure because all countries would start supplying the rebel groups of their rival countries and the never ending war to control it.

Golf rumors

Goddamn autocorrect fucking up my quads!

this is no longer an ideal world for boys. a decent chunk born will kill themselves simply because they are undervalued and "extra" in societies eyes

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Plant landmines on the US Border at sites of high concentrated crossings by illegals. And by that I mean plant landmines like its fucking stalks of wheat. That way if the fuckers try to cross the border illegaly the death of them and their children is on their heads for not listening and following the rules

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It was never "ideal", but I know what you mean

White people should be die off those evil bastards caused every thing bad like genocide and rape

show picture of your cum or else you're lying

Circled not checked

Everyone under 100 IQ tested now should die regardless of race.

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I came in my mouth

Being edgy is relative to whoever you're talking to. Edgy "trolls" here are just the norm, so no one thinks they're edgy. But if those "trolls" went on leddit, they might actually be a little edgy. It's the same reason why believing supporting Christianity on the internet is edgy.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

i have half a dozen gym shorts that are stale, is that good enough for you

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Whites need to cull the herd to get rid of the cucks holding us back

Any woman over 23 is a woman that's basically a used fucktoy.

gay sex with twinks is hot (but it is degenerate and a sin)

You can't call them the missing link, because some civic advocacy group would go ape shit

Everyone is undervalued, but this point is where I can sympathize with Jow Forumsacks

world would be better off without jews

I'm above all the racial shit and staring straight at the rich motherfuckers of a very specific influential demographic who happen to specialize in usury that have so much money that they are able to extend that influence into society.

I dont necessarily blame the religion/demographic, but you really can't ignore some factors when they are overwhelming, and on the tips of everyone's tongue.

They aren't as wise as they think they are, and it's going to destabilize everything, and they have no way of knowing.


I would agree with that

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I have a different strategy. Line them all up, each paired with a migrant. Give the Brit or Swede or whomever a pistol with one bullet. Tell him he kills the migrant or himself, else he gets his balls shot off and the migrant dies anyway.

The United States is broken. On a cultural, moral, religious and economic level we are broken. Only technology and built in infrastructure (social and physical) keep the masses numb enough to ignore it. The next major disaster will push us out of our comfort zone and our society will crumble. The west in general as well. WW3 will be a blessing.

go read a book you retard

you don't even fucking wash them?

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>Implying Africa isn’t still colonialists through trade.

you're all new

that i don't care about the political structure
or abortion, drugs,faggots, junkies,prostitution or whatever degenerate shit all fine by me as long as it's in an ethno state it's all good for me

*unsheathes didgeridoo*

You wanna get your ass kicked, pal?

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I work a 5 am to 5 pm delivery job for warehouses so i have no social life and thus no need to wash them

>quietly waiting is edgy

That you are a fucking faggot! Prove me wrong!

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I support open, on demand, free abortion at any time during the pregnancy or immediately after the birth...

for everyone except whites, unless the child is mixed race.

Eh, I probably read more than you faggot. I hadn't heard the word until 2017 and I kept only peripherally learning what it meant and then forgetting, so I figured I'd just ask.

Wern't they labeled as fauna at some point

What's the deal with the chick/dude in the skirt? I've seen that shit everywhere but I just don't understand. What is it? What is it from?
Is it hostile?

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Ahem ........ Fuck kikes and niggers

That would be the entire race then.

Iranians are white

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based and redpilled

>I'm going to didgeridoo you in the ass

Whites are pathetic and deserve to die out for being such utterly self hating pussies.

Just sayin. It's fucked. No hope. No great white homeland, no Jews getting btfo. Just a bunch of war and anarchy.

1) Mary wasn't a virgin
2) 6 million jews didn't die
3) blacks should be sterilized

wrong about most of that, the hope is jesus christ, the homeland is heaven, the jews get btfo but the catholics take their place of religious authority and power. peace will come but it will be short lived then sudden destruction

Except women never lose their value. They're simply propagandized into squandering it. Working age men are unequivocally the most essential component of a functional, stable society, as far as the question of how to structure said society is concerned.

Capitalism will ironically lead to socialism. From there on in, we will have to decide what our country values.

can you at least post pic to prove that you're not lying?

Shouldn't be controversial.

All humans must be exterrrrrrrrminated!

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Not all jews.

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The reaction it caused over here was crazy, wish you coulda seen it man. Funny as fuck.

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The Black Plague helped Europe get rid of the weaklings, despite killing millions.

it is to normies


Communism or socialism wouldn't be a bad idea, but I know that lazy niggers would take advantage of it.

Yeah I'm getting so sick of banal anti-black sentiment in far-right milieus. We should be so far past that point by now, but I guess normies still need little red pills, and it's easier to see the difference between whites and blacks than it is to see the difference between whites and Jews.

A major worldwide conflict of extreme violence and hardship is the only thing that could possibly fix the human race. Otherwise this world is not salvageable

Not really. It just killed the people who were more susceptible to the disease. Eventually enough people died from it, and all that was left were people who were resistant/immune.

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Demoralizing ourselves for being demoralized seems like it just plays right into it, don'tcha think?

Retards should be sterilized.

>my edgiest opinion
Everyone who isn't a Mormon or a Jew is going to live in utter squalor in 2060
Mormons are the only white people on Earth who stand a chance

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But then we only have monkeys left.

Semi-autonomous zones of a pseudo-balkanized U.S. where welfare eligibility is based on race. Blacks can have their welfare.. in Black America. Kek

Muslims should finish Israel once and for all.

I never really had an answer to that. I think I'm pro choice because killing kids is hilarious, but I'm pro life because fuck giving women choices.

Niggers that are in the US are extremely lucky that other niggers sold their ancestors to be slaves, because if not, they'd still be in Africa

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That should really be common sense and you digits confirm it

And if white people finished colonizing africa, it might actually be something today.

I live in slc, maybe I should convert

I hate gays, but that shit was hilarious . I wish I could of seen the shit it sparked

You missed a great opportunity for a black joke

Trans people should be treated for their mental illness instead of just being enabled by the tumblr faggots in power. And by that I mean real psychological help and not genital mutilation or cross dressing or making up genders that don't fucking exist.

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Fuck, that is edgy

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Powerfantasies including but not limited to total genocide of opposition.

Hmmm. Society would say my opinion on Jewish self interest being real would be my edgiest opinion, but society has no consistency or real standards of morals. In my opinion, my most edgy opinion is me wanting an ethnostate in the Midwest/Northwest. It would involve the forced removal of minorities, of course. I think it’s mean, but necessary. Maybe let them sell their property, and get some form of reparation for being kicked out would help my conscience. The survival of my people is non-negotiable.

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Dude, that's how we are in our current predicament, babysitting niggers hasn't help them or us

Notre Dame deserved to burn since it was displeasing to the Christian God as a pagan shrine to the boyfucker in chief st the vatican.

Maybe kikes deserve to conquer the world and I should help them so as to receive a slice.

That’s a standard normie opinion.

That's not edgy though, that was common sense before the world turned into a circus.

Widely supported here to the point of being obnoxious. You're a not a victim, cut it out.