Nobody give him fake info or anything

nobody give him fake info or anything.

Attached: 0.png (615x470, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

(((Broward County))) AGAIN
Did they really run out of towns they controlled after Charlottesville and now here?

Isn't broward county super corrupt?

Why does he want the phone numbers?

You expect me to believe this fake nigger doesn't have the phone numbers of every kike in broward already?

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WOW. This happened yesterday

Attached: file.png (819x724, 430K)

who the fuck is lucca? the latest 65 IQ groid to get itself killed by the cops?

Sam Hyde's phone number

screenshots please

Is he trying to dox the po-po?
He may actually be black.

Broward is rumored to have mossad operating within it, they would make King disappear.

Attached: 1486092805587.jpg (810x486, 103K)

Nah Martin Luther Creme and Pocahontas are the only two people in the world that all of Jow Forums universally agrees are white.

Broward county once again

Alive today? Yeah, maybe.

There's also Rachel dolzoloelol

>Broward County
Oh dear. If Talcum X gets too big for his britches with Steve Israel and DWS's armed goon squad, he might end up having an "accident".

that place is such a jew zoo

Video of what happened.

Tough choice here. Niggers versus kike stormtroopers. I can't be a bootlicker. Pigs need to fry like bacon, if only because these were the fuckers who "couldn't engage the shooter in Parkland".

Since he's obviously not capable of this, it isn't really a threat. Like if I threatened to nuke DC, for instance. I have neither the ability to acquire a nuclear bomb, nor the knowledge to use one, so it isn't really a threat.

I don't give a fuck about your shilling you stupid kike. ITS ANOTHER HOAX FROM BROWARD COUNTY MOSSAD. Fucking kill yourself.

Larping race hustler vs. one of the most kiked-up counties in America. I can't tell who's jewing who anymore.

why are you a hysterical bitch? take your meds

Attached: Talcum X.png (596x919, 720K)

>take your meds
You stupid faggots thought you could win. Arrogant kikes. All you do is lose lose lose in this timeline. That's why you're acting like fucking mentally ill psychopaths out in public for the entire country to see. You don't even have the self awareness to realize this. It's gonna be funny when the arrests start happening after the FISA is declassified and you will scream like victims and those screams will fall on deaf ears. America is ready to see justice be served. Too bad because of censorship and your fragile kike egos you made it so you could only see what you wanna see.

fuckers stood by while fbiniggers murdered school children
we're supposed to be all up in arms now that they curb-stomped a nog?

imagine typing all this nonsense instead of taking your meds

gahahaha holy shit

The fuck is going on lately with these cops
>inb4 "he deserved it!!!!"

He's whiter than that giant bottle cap

as long as they aren't killing white people, it's a good day

he might be confused with the cotton his ancestors were picking

They still have sandy hook

getting gangstalkerd lately, schizo? Try some of these.

reported to the FBI

I'll nuke your ass too, pal

Report all threats, real or imaginary

Attached: deshaunkangzvsshaunkangz.jpg (677x960, 72K)

this is a good opportunity to use Kangz & his useful idiots to mess with (((broward county PD)))

>tfw not flaring up those nostrils big enough

Which one is he? They all look alike



He's the white guy

latest nigger victim outrage

hes a honorary black. why you so jealuss?

is that lucca that lived on the second floor?

I can tell him what happened
Broward cop > get the fuck on the ground
Nigdindu > no! Fuvk you racist cop!
Broward cop drops the faggot to the ground b4 getting attacked

Not honorary black, honorary nigger. Big difference.

anita blumpkin 123 happy lane

also ed gainegar hes the president of the local naacp and aqn lgbt activist

>being this lazy
maybe he is black

yeah...he lived upstairs from me. I think I've seen him before.

Attached: white genocide is a myth.jpg (768x768, 140K)

Just a cop showing a teenager what's what.
Teenage kids are fucking annoying, regardless of color.
Teens talk shit to authority all the time and think they can have no consequences.
>When will you learn
>That your actions have consequences

Posting contact info is now against twitter's terms of service btw, every one I've reported has been taken down. Make sure you hit that report button

Broward is literally the Twilight Zone of false flags and kikery, at this point it feels like they’re in the news every fucking day. Any anons live there? Is it weird?

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Cringe. As. Fuck.

give him the old address of george lincoln rockwell

>dude being arrested
>just before his hands are pinned, flings cell phone and yells "GET IT"
>teen standing by scoops up cell phone and tries to run with it
>police grab teen, throw to ground
>teen won't let go of phone
>police start trying to knock him out so they can retrieve phone