Pol humour thread

Oh wait pol isnt funny anymore

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Other urls found in this thread:


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good meme

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Who wants to suck my big black fucking cock? I might make your white slut wife cum twice if you drink my virile cum.

we all know you're white

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You sure about that, whit*oid? I'm gonna shove this much up yo fucking ass white boy.

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imao it's probably true


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Dumping webms I can post on this board

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Not accurate on the aesthetics but touche nonetheless. I'm retiring this nig.

you know uh.. ali was uh.. a moslum.. he wadnt no islam white devil



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Our Valkyries always appear then vanish in the mists of obscurity

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monkey? whale brain?

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Yes jidf you've won, btfod all the drumphy incels. Jow Forums is nothing more. your final boss is those mega Nazis on Reddit, I've seen so much anti semitism there it's like another shoah

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Indeed. A moment of a ladies snapping in the midst of an inner city school.

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Poor Colin, I loved him in WLIIA

He left too soon.

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Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck is wrong with women

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yup, I just cant leave because of a mixture of sunk cost fallacy and stockholm syndrome

I hate myself for knowing the problem but cant enact the cure.

Medusa getting her ass kicked

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I've been convinced they just go along with whatever is popular at the moment, would explain their frequency on social media and general soulessness in particular in the real world.

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My fighting Uruk-Hai

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judge dredds

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They call Americans mutts.

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my sides are in orbit wtf

Does this juice contain AIDS too?

Most likely.

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I remember seeing a Pagan convention at a local park. All a bunch of Dykes, tyrannies, and freaks right off of the circus. I can't believe they actually got a permit to host their shitshow.

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Does anyone have the gif of the dude in the motorcycle getting chopped in half?

holy shit this is underrated

I don't. Usually don't save China Webms because I don't want family to think I am more ducked up than I already am.

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Lmao something, something racists something laugh "pol humor" threads.

Face it, I can't be bothered with you sad virgins. Blah blah wrong side of history, eat a dick losers.

What the hell happened to Bill Hader?

He retired. Pic related.


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>all those people donating the the fucking pandas that stole our F

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helping pandas > helping starving black children

the reality is that the panda fund is likely less corrupt than the others, even ignoring the idea of saving nigger lives

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>Trump has low IQ
What else is new?

What do you expect?
Cunts doomed humanity because they wanted some fruit.

Its to pay for his kids when he dies