Hey bro's I made this anti (((them))) legend of zelda parody check it out!


Working on a European culture video after the church was burned down by Mossad.
Stay tuned!

Heres a Jewtube link

Attached: the endless zionist wars saga 13 intro image.jpg (600x337, 186K)

You're literally a kike making this bullshit to set the narrative that games need to be monitored and censored. ENOUGH FALSE FLAGS YOU STUPID KIKES.

That is the most retarded logic ive ever heard of, surely after all these school shootings that failed to implement gun control my 1 minute video isnt going to do much man


Fuck off shill


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u mad kike


Where is the sword fights against Rabbi's?

Who is the evil final boss?
Rothschild or Zion Don?

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The only Zelda game Trump would be in is Twilight Princess, since he would fill the role of Zant as a puppet who thinks he's hot stuff but is being controlled by the real bad guy.

The funny part is, the legend of zelda is literally about the white man reclaiming power over his kingdom and kicking out (((Ganondorf))).

Zion Don can be a stage boss
Im making the longer full version of this zionist wars episode with the intent of inspiring people to see the religious war being waged on us.
notre dame was burned down on the same day the christians of france burned all the copies of the talmud. im tired of people telling me this shit is coincidental.
the notre dame cathedral reminds me of hyrule castle and european culture.

i need someone to post that image of the zelda sword originating from germanic culture so i can add it to my video if any anons have any images i can use

damn i cant find anything searching web search engine images
maybe ill hit up /v/


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>replying to the schizo leftist shill

Cool stuff user.

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Idk what this post is about and I'm not clicking that shit nigga but how dare you do this to TLoZ

Fuck OP's keylogger software.

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