Is or will this beard be doing me any favours?

Is or will this beard be doing me any favours?

What should I do with it?

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Gee user, that unkempt facial hair makes me want to sit on your face so badly~~

Said no girl ever. Ditch it.

Keep going, you got a month before that is respectable, but then...

get rid of those patches of beard on the cheeks, the soul patch and moustache and you're good to go my dude.

also please destroy the hair in the mole for the love of fucking god

It looks shit and unhygienic

Better than yours

It's decent. Better than most young adult men can grow, and you have symmetrical coverage which is good.

Don't grow it any longer than you currently have it. In fact probably trim it a bit closer than that, and keep it neat. But a short beard/stubble seems a decent look for you.

Wouldn't pay too much attention to the other anons. Jow Forums "cultural conservatives" have developed a very odd vendetta against beards (perhaps they took the association of facial hair with hipsters too seriously), when in reality a very very large number of women love scruff on men.


That is not unkempt. Girls like short pussy ticklers not super thick beards

>Is or will this beard be doing me any favours?
Not unless you have some magical wish granting facial hair.
On a serious note though different folks different strokes. I've had girls scared and or disgusted at my beard and Ive had girls that love it and play with it. There is no one size fits all.

Shave it and try again in a couple of years, sorry user.


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? Feels like people talk to me differently if I forget to shave... does it look bad

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Cut your hair faggot


Your beard looks a lot like mine, a lot of women seem to like it even those within my family. Some women told me I remind them of Wolverine from the movies, how funny. I'm pretty slim.

What looks bad is that nasty greasy hair.
Fucking gross. You remind me of those loser gen x faggots that listen to shitty music like van halen, Rush, and zeppelin and somehow still think their semi mullet is still cool and impressive to women.

Do me a favor and cut that shit from your face. It takes literally 2 minutes.

45 year old desk job. Honda accord, loves cheap mexican food and costco. Loves bread. Feels accomplished when he makes toast and eggs in the morning. Lives out his masculinity via television and action films like old bruce willis flicks.

Femanon here. Looks good and groomed well. Keep it like that

Stay mad hairlet

Woah, you're the same way?!

It’s time for more than a trim, bro. Nasty ass hair.

People tend to like scruff, as in a few days out from when you shave. This is the point that you would shave, once it steps away from scruff territory and gets more into starting a beard territory. The line is easy to see through the little whisps of hair that stick out, when your hair first grows in it is just stubble, then short, and now it's not really tight against your face giving it an unkempt look. This is definitely the indication to shave, but you could wait till tomorrow.

Hows driving a minivan, you dusty tampon.

I have the exact same beard. My girlfriend loves it, and I've grown attached to it, but I don't know if girls generally like it. I have a babyface without it, so that's another reason, I guess.

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I’m only 20 years old by the way stay mad beardlet, by the time I’m your age my beard will have evolved further.

Lol... you already look completely washed up. You don't have the guts to grow a beard, faggot.

get a cool modern hairstyle
drop the mustache

A beard without moustache looks silly.


full beards are for hipsters, and wannabe mountain men who live in the red states, if you have a patchy beard you look like a fedora master if you can grow a strong beard it just looks cheesy.

That hair just screams middle aged man.
The stubble just makes you look like a try hard. Alll of my disgust

I like this better

>try hard

I just got tired of needing to shave every day now I only need to shave 2 times a week.

How long you been unemployed for?

Are you stupid? The stubble look only works with clean head hair. You just look homeless.

homeless is a look

How old you are?

Any advices here?

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keep growing, it's filling in in the right places

Should I cut it down in size at all? Sometimes I feel like it sticks outward too much

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