Political Realities - NK Edition 2

[North Korea should and could learn a lot from China's transformation]

China went from communist/socialist into a capitalist country that uses communism/socialism as a mask.

North Korea might design and have many good looking buildings, but China is in a league of it's own with it's projected progress.

[Fine Dust is a huge problem for both North Korea and South Korea]

A mutual problem/threat to the health of the Korean people would be a great inter-korean project to solve and a way to improve relations together.

[Kim Jong Un's 5 year economic plan would have been successful if he didn't nuclear and missile test]

This was/is a case of self sabotage and ego getting in the way(Trump has experienced this a few times since he got in office, the most recent is the "Big Deal" obsession). If he never did that testing, the entire negotiation/denuclearizing/diplomacy/geopolitics/deals of the Korean Peninsula right now would have been in a much better position/place.

Attached: 06F10D83-EEE5-4263-8DB2-6E5E0C85F2CF.png (673x994, 873K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping for memes.

Attached: 92791EA2-96A0-46A1-AA05-20380F83E0B7.jpg (3033x2295, 988K)


Attached: WhatDidYouExpect.jpg (480x476, 137K)

Feel free to dump any NK memes or memes.

Best Korea will bring peace if it is allowed to
Thanks user

Attached: A106A154-C9A7-4148-B792-3A339E4024C1.jpg (1024x929, 194K)

Thread (and NK/SK) Theme

Obligatory Warax Story.

Attached: Warax.jpg (602x8051, 935K)

Good song

Attached: IfYouOnlyHonked2.jpg (1024x1024, 202K)

Most Recent A5 NK Intel

Attached: UsePeaceToDestroyImperialistPlan.png (500x715, 310K)

best and worst korea reunification wont ever ever happen nobody that actually matters wants it to happen


Attached: 1553122193692.jpg (800x1077, 345K)

and good meme.

kek, I see you removed the Chicken bucket.

Attached: LivelyBunch.jpg (467x362, 38K)

Not my meme but thanks again.

Attached: stream of concious think.png (187x148, 22K)

Showing a hint at age here kek..
This is a good song (it was also a good opener to the album) - also has a song called "peacemaker die".

This song reminded me of pic related

>This world ain't big enough for two
>And I've got my sights on you

>Just try and cross the line
>Don't even bother to waste my time
>What's that look in your eye?
>It's time I cut you down to size

kek, hey m8

Attached: NuclearForehead.jpg (632x412, 60K)

Attached: 83dcc9cdec39279b5cb92dbd1615fa60e78dabb21aac49d8de31536af976d648.jpg (1845x2048, 627K)

That is great that your news does that kind of an image openly.

I wish ours would print similar (good) memes

Attached: WaxOnWaxOff.jpg (650x365, 117K)

If you're the user that talked about translating the cards. You really don't have to translate the cards directly.

If you have the capability to maybe translate a few of these (or all if possible) (they're numbered)

That would be a great help and I will immediately turn them into cards with the translation ASAP!

I might sound like nagging\begging but that's because your rune language doesn't translate well in Google \ Yandex Translate and I'd rather not make cards that end up saying "Dragon Ball Z - Beat Starubucks - Go Go GO Dokdo Is Japan"

Attached: WheelOfFuture.jpg (1025x1268, 433K)

Nice song, does describe Bolton quite well.

>Based Koreans putting Trump's tweets right on the front page

Attached: ogpepe.jpg (303x327, 30K)

>The Right is kept contained/held & passive/non-violent.
lolololol. Check out the statistics on US domestic terrorism.

>Nice song
Thanks user!

I was reading

>2) [Work on ending the Korean War.]
>This would make you a "peacemaker" to your people.
and it reminded me of this song
which reminded me of this song

Attached: TotallyAnon.jpg (604x638, 103K)

You mean the false flags?


Attached: WhenYouWearYourReplacement.jpg (1200x799, 134K)

Any new cards?

Many Many.

It depends on how far back you're thinking.
You tend to watch the threads (I think)

Attached: Origins of the Human Race(s).png (673x994, 521K)

Attached: Earth Theorys.png (673x994, 699K)

Hey IC, do you know anything about this group? Something is really off about them.


Attached: CalExit.png (673x994, 804K)

Attached: Invasive Species.png (673x994, 633K)

Attached: CA purposely made the dam break.png (673x994, 770K)

Attached: Clinton Foundation - Obama.png (673x994, 652K)

oh shit, what up IC user?

I like this image

Attached: ObamaPeacePrize.png (673x994, 684K)

Attached: Mandela CERN Time Machines.png (673x994, 821K)

Attached: How Some of the US EU Globalists Screwed Themselves.png (673x994, 749K)

Attached: Original Election Plan.png (673x994, 760K)

Attached: Sanctuary Cities.png (673x994, 762K)

Attached: Long Term Korean Plans 1.png (673x994, 705K)

>FBI can't do anything in a timely manner except arrest people trying to protect the border on trumped up charges
Gee I wonder what it could mean?

Attached: 1555385456264.gif (500x382, 853K)

Attached: Long Term Korean Plans 2.png (673x994, 828K)

Attached: Long Term Korean Plans 3.png (673x994, 772K)

Attached: Long Term Korean Plans 4.png (673x994, 687K)

Attached: HanoiSummit-Review.png (673x994, 768K)

Attached: Message To KJU-DJT1.png (673x994, 736K)

Attached: Message To KJU-DJT2.png (673x994, 695K)

Attached: Message To KJU-DJT3.png (673x994, 695K)

Attached: Craters.png (673x994, 763K)

Attached: Canada Terror Attack.png (673x994, 832K)

Attached: Color Revolutions.png (673x994, 913K)

Attached: What The Globalists do to The Left.png (673x994, 612K)

>when a retarded leftist brings up stats which unironically define Black Supremacists as "right wing" to demonize white people

You are the NPC

That's about it for the past day (week for some of them).

But I took the day off work on Friday so I could bust most of these out.

Attached: What The Globalists do to The Right.png (673x994, 566K)

All looks good.

Checking out how things been, my desk has been target practice lately.

Interesting how they were promoting Q wouldn’t you say?.

>Interesting how they were promoting Q wouldn’t you say?.
Ah I didn't really read into them. Would you say they are "setting up some Pins" to be knocked down?


Finally an excuse to dump my best korea folder
here we go

Attached: north-korea-is-best-korea.jpg (730x537, 107K)

Attached: kim propaganda.jpg (884x589, 179K)

Attached: 1492494483362.jpg (600x400, 103K)

Attached: 1492494519237.jpg (2048x1367, 569K)

Attached: 1492485989033.jpg (1555x2000, 272K)

Attached: 1515011959951.jpg (1024x660, 184K)

Attached: 1494041840344.jpg (604x342, 25K)

Attached: 1507546140331.jpg (962x531, 172K)

Attached: 1492567551025.jpg (800x450, 94K)

>All looks good.
Thanks user

>my desk has been target practice lately.
Pic related


A lot of this will make good meme material

This especially

Attached: PinfireKeks.jpg (1032x720, 142K)

Attached: 1512390773085.jpg (1100x619, 268K)

Attached: MoreYearsThan Medals.jpg (2048x1351, 953K)

Attached: NorthKorea1.jpg (1550x872, 201K)

I like this... I'll use it now.
Thanks m8

Attached: Jinzhong.jpg (1440x1080, 209K)

Attached: NorthKorea2.jpg (1620x1080, 456K)

Attached: NorthKorea3.jpg (649x440, 32K)

Attached: NorthKorea4.jpg (990x660, 599K)

Attached: NorthKorea5.png (1366x744, 2.37M)

>that crowd
impressive desu

thread theme:

Attached: NorthKorea6.jpg (768x512, 96K)

Attached: NorthKorea7.jpg (1180x787, 424K)

Attached: NorthKorea8.jpg (460x259, 35K)

university life in Best Korea

Attached: NorthKorea9.jpg (990x660, 481K)

Attached: University students.jpg (540x360, 50K)

Attached: NorthKorea10.jpg (1200x800, 159K)

Attached: NorthKorea11.jpg (990x675, 479K)

Attached: NorthKorea12.jpg (640x480, 46K)

Attached: NorthKorea13.jpg (1024x683, 390K)

If you think about it, Kim is in a very tricky situation. He certainly doesn't want to denuke, because he's scared that NK would get invaded. But with the nukes the sanctions remain and the country gets poorer. If he goes back to intimidation and testing, he loses any chance of peace for at least a decade and gets even more sanctions.

That's nice.

The bowling center is nice too desu

Did you know that antifa has managed to have committed more murders and killings on police officers and their families then even black lives matter or the Bloods and crip gangs question mark did you know that there is actually a media blackout in California? Did you know in Oregon there was a massive shooting where antifa killed over 70 people dozens of police officers were injured but they managed to censor the entire area they were even Downing internet lines the local government wanted to down any possibility for any of the footage the week out. The entire event became nothing more than a local legend about a massive shooting that broke out. This fucking footage on the Deep Web of you fucking idiots opening fire with fucking machine guns and fucking people. You people are unhinged fucking terrorists that are covered up because your Daddy pays you fuck you and fuck George Soros.

Attached: NorthKorea14.jpg (640x360, 320K)

Dump Hi-Res if possible too

Attached: NorthKorea15.jpg (639x410, 72K)

^ That pic needs a theme


Attached: NorthKorea16.jpg (880x584, 126K)

Attached: NorthKorea17.jpg (460x287, 44K)

I bet you guzzle s󠀀oy for living right faggot?

Attached: NorthKorea18.jpg (1484x1052, 362K)

Attached: NorthKorea19.jpg (900x552, 124K)

>tfw no Best Korea qt

Attached: NorthKorea20.jpg (990x669, 655K)

Attached: NorthKorea23.jpg (1280x850, 305K)

the good old days

Attached: NorthKorea24.jpg (1280x960, 486K)

Attached: NorthKorea25.png (932x616, 492K)

Attached: NorthKorea26.jpg (728x470, 44K)

Got to be honest these all look fucking staged. But architecture is at least nice and North Korea. But most of these pictures of people at bars or food places are probably staged. Another great question would be How could somebody take photos of these you know what I'm trying to say? They're probably just making him look good for tourists or to make the Western World think they're great. The architecture by no means is bad but some of these scenes where these people are posing and doing this stuff looks very staged.